Hertfordshire County Council Phone Numbers

Hertfordshire County Council Department Contact Number
Customer Service 0300 123 4040
Adult Social Services 0300 123 4042
Equipment Service Returns 0170 729 2555
Emergency Equipment Repairs 0754 360 2651
Report A Concern About An Adult 0300 123 4042
Report Concerns About A Child / Questions About Schools / Child Protection Concerns 0300 123 4043
Dial-a-Ride 0199 255 6771
Dial-a-Ride – Broxbourne 0199 253 4269
Fostering And Adoption 0800 917 0925
Free School Meals 0300 123 4048
Libraries And Archives 0300 123 4049
Highways 0300 123 4047
Driver Training Courses 0300 123 4035
Births/Deaths/Marriages/Citizenship Registration Team 0300 123 4045
Citizenship Team 0170 789 7396
Fire Safety Enquiries 0300 123 4046
Waste And Recycling 0300 123 4051
Standards Business Support Team 0170 728 1401
Media Centre 0199 255 5537
Media Centre Out Of Office Hours 0785 000 7382
Stop Smoking Service 0800 389 3998
Adult Care Services Complaints Team 0199 255 6685
Children’s Services Complaints Team 0199 258 8542
Highways and Environment 0199 255 5211
Fire and Rescue and Trading Standards 0199 250 7537
Births/Deaths/Marriages/Citizenship/Property/Finance/HR 0199 258 8630
Hertfordshire County Council Offices
Apsley, Hemel Hempstead 0144 245 3739
Mundells, Welwyn Garden City 0170 729 2345
District and borough councils
Broxbourne Borough Council 0199 278 5555
Dacorum Borough Council 0144 222 8000
East Herts Council 0127 965 5261
Hertsmere Borough Council 0208 207 2277
North Hertfordshire District Council 0146 247 4000
St Albans City and District Council 0172 786 6100
Stevenage Borough Council 0143 824 2242
Three Rivers District Council 0192 377 6611
Watford Borough Council 0192 322 6400
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council 0170 735 7000

Hertfordshire County Council Customer Service 0300 123 4040

Hertfordshire County Council Contact Number

Hertfordshire County Council customer service contact number is 0300 123 4040, available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. However, live BSL SignVideo interpreting service is available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm. Similarly, visit Hertfordshire County Council contact us page to use online message form. Click on Email General Enquiries link to proceed.

Hertfordshire County Council contact details for Hertfordshire County Council offices are

County Hall, Hertford
County Hall,
Pegs Lane,
SG13 8DQ,
United Kingdom

Farnham and Robertson House, Stevenage
Farnham / Robertson House,
Six Hills Way,
SG1 2ST,
United Kingdom

Apsley, Hemel Hempstead
Apsley Campus,
Brindley Way,
Hemel Hempstead,
HP3 9BF,
United Kingdom

Mundells, Welwyn Garden City
Hertfordshire Business Services,
Welwyn Garden City,
AL7 1FT,
United Kingdom

Hertfordshire County Council is upper-tier local authority for non-metropolitan county of Hertfordshire in England. It offers regulatory services for children’s social care, libraries and archives, schools and education, roads and pavements, highways, recycling, adult social services, births, waste and environment, fire and rescue, deaths and marriages, business, and health sectors. Visit Hertfordshire County Council website to learn more.

Hertfordshire County Council Adult Social Services 0300 123 4042

Hertfordshire County Council contact number for adult social services assistance is 0300 123 4042. Remember, Hertfordshire County Council opening times for adult social services are Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.

Visit Hertfordshire County Council adult social services page to learn more about how to report a concern about an adult and adult social care assistance, Blue Badge application or renewal.

Hertfordshire County Council Equipment Service Returns 0170 729 2555

Hertfordshire County Council contact number for equipment service returns is 0170 729 2555, available Monday to Friday 9:00 am – 4:30 pm. Alternately, send your request for returning unwanted equipment loaned from Hertfordshire County Council via email to [email protected]. Visit Hertfordshire County Council equipment to help you stay independent at home page to learn more. Address to return equipment in person is

Hertfordshire Equipment Service
Welwyn Garden City,
AL7 1FT,
United Kingdom

Hertfordshire County Council Emergency Equipment Repairs 0754 360 2651

Hertfordshire County Council contact number for requesting emergency equipment repairs is 0754 360 2651, available Monday – Friday, 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm, weekends and bank holidays 8:00 am – 10:00 pm.

Contact Hertfordshire Equipment Service on the above number in case you need to request an emergency repair of equipment loaned to you. These repair services are available for profiling beds, mobile hoists, or air mattresses.

Hertfordshire County Council Report A Concern About An Adult 0300 123 4042

Hertfordshire County Council contact number to report a concern about an adult is 0300 123 4042, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Use this Hertfordshire County Council number to report

  • General concerns about care home or any other care services
  • Concerns about adult that cannot look after himself or herself
  • Concerns about an adult at risk
  • Someone needs care or support and cannot protect himself or herself
  • Abuse or neglect towards an adult

Hertfordshire County Council Report Concerns About A Child / Questions About Schools / Child Protection Concerns 0300 123 4043

Hertfordshire County Council contact number for reporting concerns about a child, questions about schools, or child protection is 0300 123 4043, available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. This Hertfordshire County Council telephone number is not available on Sundays and bank holidays. Further, this number is suitable for

  • Requesting child support
  • Assistance about schools in Hertfordshire County Council area
  • Report concerns about a child or child protection

Hertfordshire County Council Dial-a-Ride 0199 255 6771

Hertfordshire County Council contact number for Dial-a-Ride 0199 255 6771, available Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:30 pm. Dial-a-Ride is door-to-door travel facility for seniors over 75 and others with permanent disability.

Visit Hertfordshire County Council transport for people who can’t drive or use public transport page to learn more and apply online.

Hertfordshire County Council Dial-a-Ride – Broxbourne 0199 253 4269

Hertfordshire County Council Dial-a-Ride number for seniors and others with permanent disability from Broxbourne is 0199 253 4269, available Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:30 pm.

Remember, you need proof of age and / or disability to avail Dial-a-Ride facility. Further, above Dial-a-Ride page has information about Action on Disability and other community transport options available in Hertfordshire County Council postcode areas.

Hertfordshire County Council Fostering And Adoption Freephone 0800 917 0925

Hertfordshire County Council fostering and adoption freephone number is 0800 917 0925, available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Contact on this Hertfordshire County Council phone number for fostering and adoption enquiries. Visit Hertfordshire County Council fostering page to learn about

  • Fostering and eligibility for fostering
  • Steps to become foster carer
  • Support for foster carers
  • Different types of fostering

Hertfordshire County Council Free School Meals 0300 123 4048

Hertfordshire County Council contact number to apply for free school meals is 0300 123 4048. This Hertfordshire County Council free school meals number is available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.

Visit Hertfordshire County Council free school meals page to learn more. This page has information about free school meals, uniforms, and cheaper music lessons, bus, or train travel for children.

Hertfordshire County Council Libraries And Archives 0300 123 4049

Hertfordshire County Council contact number for libraries and archives is 0300 123 4049, available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Contact on the above Hertfordshire County Council contact phone number to

  • Renew or reserve a book
  • Book a library computer
  • Learn about library opening hours
  • Enquire about the library catalogue

Visit Hertfordshire County Council library and archives page to learn more. Hertfordshire County Council library login is available to registered users. Enter borrower ID and PIN to continue.

Hertfordshire County Council Highways 0300 123 4047

Hertfordshire County Council contact number to report faults on highways is 0300 123 4047, available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Visit Hertfordshire County Council contact highways page to learn about

  • How to report faulty streetlight or pothole
  • Process to book your seat for speed awareness course
  • Process to apply for dropped kerb

Further, the above page has links to Hertfordshire County Council email address forms to report a highway fault and all other highways queries message form to contact Hertfordshire County Council head office online to report a fault or concern.

Hertfordshire County Council Driver Training Courses 0300 123 4035

Hertfordshire County Council contact number to book a driver training course is 0300 123 4035, available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Contact on Hertfordshire County Council contact number to learn about speed awareness and driver training.

Similarly, visit Hertfordshire County Council course booking page to make an online booking. Remember, you need your driving licence number for online booking. Further, visit Hertfordshire County Council speed awareness and driver training page to learn about

  • National driver offender retraining courses
  • Transport and accident data
  • Minibus guidance and driver assessment scheme
  • Safer Driver Handbook
  • Safety cameras (speed cameras)

Hertfordshire County Council Births/Death/Marriages/Citizenship Registration Team 0300 123 4045

Hertfordshire County Council contact number for births, death, marriages, or citizenship registration team is 0300 123 4045, available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Alternately, contact registrations team online via email at [email protected].

Visit Hertfordshire County Council contact us about births, deaths, marriages and citizenship page to learn about

  • How to book an appointment to register a birth, marriage, ceremony, or death
  • How to get a certificate copy

Hertfordshire County Council Citizenship Team 0170 789 7396

Hertfordshire County Council contact number for citizenship team is 0170 789 7396, available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Send your requests to citizenship team online via email at [email protected].

Alternately, visit Hertfordshire County Council citizenship services page to learn about

  • Citizenship ceremonies
  • Settlement checking services
  • Nationality checking service and passport service
  • European passport return services

Hertfordshire County Council Fire Safety Enquiries 0300 123 4046

Hertfordshire County Council contact number for fire safety enquiries is 0300 123 4046, available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Visit Hertfordshire County Council fire, rescue and being prepared page to learn about

  • Fire Station locations and emergency planning
  • How to request a visit to your home or school
  • Process to apply for jobs in fire and rescue
  • How to volunteer with the Fire Service
  • Fire safety in your home or workplace
  • Callout service and charges

Hertfordshire County Council Waste And Recycling 0300 123 4051

Hertfordshire County Council contact number to find waste and recycling centre is 0300 123 4051, available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Contact waste and recycling team via email at [email protected]. Further, visit Hertfordshire County Council recycling, waste and environment page to learn about access and rights of way, wildlife (ecology), landscape, archaeology (historic environment),  green issues, water and flooding, recycling and waste, planning, and Countryside Management Service.

Visit Hertfordshire County Council household waste recycling centres page to locate the nearest recycling centre. Use above Hertfordshire County Council contact number in case you need help finding a centre or obtain a van permit.

Hertfordshire County Council Trading Standards Business Support Team 0170 728 1401

Hertfordshire County Council contact number for trading standards business support team is 0170 728 1401, available Monday – Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Get in touch with business support team via email at [email protected]. Hertfordshire County Council address to contact business standard team by post is

Trading Standards Business Support,
Hertfordshire County Council,
Welwyn Garden City,
AL7 1FT,
United Kingdom

Remember, trading standards protect consumers, work with businesses, and act against rogue traders. Visit Hertfordshire County Council trading standards page or contact Hertfordshire County Council customer service centre to learn more.

Hertfordshire County Council Media Centre 0199 255 5537

Hertfordshire County Council media centre contact number is 0199 255 5537. This Hertfordshire County Council press office number is available Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 5:30 pm. However, Hertfordshire County Council provides an alternate number for after office hour contact.

Send your press and media enquiries to media centre via email at [email protected]. Visit Hertfordshire County Council media centre to learn about

  • Council meetings
  • Consultations
  • Planning applications
  • Filming on highways

Hertfordshire County Council Media Centre Out Of Office Hours 0785 000 7382

Hertfordshire County Council media centre contact number for emergency media and press enquiries out of office hours is 0785 000 7382.

Remember, you can view Hertfordshire County Council Twitter feed for live updates from the press team. Alternately, above media centre page has links to published Hertfordshire County Council news and other important updates.

Hertfordshire County Council Stop Smoking Service Freephone 0800 389 3998

Hertfordshire County Council stop smoking service freephone number is 0800 389 3998. Send your stop smoking requests via email to [email protected]. Further, Hertfordshire County Council contact telephone number to send a text message is 80818. Remember to send Text SMOKEFREE to 80818.

Hertfordshire County Council regulates over 300 local stop smoking services. Visit Hertfordshire County Council stop smoking services page to use online clinic search tool. More information is available on Hertfordshire County Council thinking about giving up smoking page. Contact Hertfordshire County Council UK on the above number or email address for further assistance and consultations.

Contact Hertfordshire County Council Via Social Media

Richer Sounds Phone Numbers

Richer Sounds Department Contact Number
Customer Service 0333 900 0094
Telesales 0333 900 0093
Business to Business Sales 0333 900 0066
Business to Business Sales Fax 0207 378 6373
Web Sales Team 0333 900 0065
Delivery Service  0333 900 0092
Service  0333 900 0095
Ireland Customer Service 0333 900 0070
Ireland Web Sales  0333 900 0071

Richer Sounds Customer Service 0333 900 0094

richer sounds contact number

Richer Sounds customer service contact number is 0333 900 0094. This Richer Sounds contact telephone number is available Monday – Saturday 10:00 am – 5:00 pm. However, it is not available on Sundays and bank holidays. Richer Sounds customer service email address is [email protected]. Alternately, visit Richer Sounds contact us page to use the online message form. Click on contact us form link to open the form in a pop up window. This form is suitable to forward your queries or requests for

  • Internet after sales service
  • Internet and telephone sales
  • Customer service
  • Business to business sales
  • Press and marketing queries
  • Recruitment

Visit Richer Sounds UK website to learn about

  • Hi-Fi, TV projectors, home cinema
  • Wireless streaming and multiroom
  • Headphones and portable audio
  • Accessories and furniture
  • Clearance sale, bargains, and offers
  • Consultation and installations

Richer Sounds customer feedback, reviews, and letters are available on this page. Richer Sounds UK head office is in London and the address of the registered office is

Richer Sounds,
Hankey Place,
SE1 4BB,
United Kingdom

Further, you can write directly to Julian Richer, the Founder and Managing Director or Richer Sounds UK & Ireland by post at

Julian Richer, Founder and MD
Richer Sounds PLC,
Freepost SE5508,
United Kingdom

Use Richer Sounds UK store locator tool to find the nearest store online. Richer Sounds has 53 stores across the United Kingdom. Enter name of your town or your postcode to continue. Alternately, you can select the nearest store from the drop down menu to learn about the store address, facilities, and its location on a map for precise directions. Contact Richer Sounds customer service on the above number in case of further assistance.

Richer Sounds customers can shop online or make payments after successful login. Visit Richer Sounds login page to enter the email address and password to login. Additionally, new customers can sign up for a new account with Richer Sounds using the form available after clicking New Customer tab on the above page. Remember to provide personal information and login particulars accurately before submitting the form.

You can select Richer Sounds VIP membership during the registration for additional benefits. Alternately, visit Richer Sounds VIP Club page to sign up for membership using the application form in case you are an existing customer with login information.

Richer Sounds Telesales 0333 900 0093

Richer Sounds contact number for telesales team is 0333 900 0093. This Richer Sounds contact number is available from Monday – Friday 10:00 am – 6:00 pm, Saturday 10:00 am – 5:00 pm, and Sunday 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm. Use this Richer Sounds phone number to enquire about

  • Product information, availability, and delivery options
  • Open box stock or refurbished products
  • Home or office survey and consultation
  • Price beat terms and conditions
  • Buy now pay later scheme
  • Finance options

Remember, you can request Richer Sounds customer care to arrange a visit your home or office to understand and assess your needs and recommend suitable products. Visit Richer Sounds telesales page to learn more.

Richer Sounds provides additional discounts to blind and visually impaired customers in addition to free delivery on all products they buy under Tapesense scheme. Contact Tapesense team via Richer Sounds contact email at [email protected] to forward your enquiries. Alternately, you can contact telesales team on the above Richer Sounds contact number to discuss your requirements.

Richer Sounds Business to Business 0333 900 0066

Richer Sounds contact number for Business to Business Sales Department is 0333 900 0066. This Richer Sounds customer phone number is available from Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. However, it is closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and bank holidays. Alternately, forward your B2B enquiries to Richer Sounds contact us email address [email protected].

Richer Sounds B2B sales department provides assistance to commercial businesses for procurements through a B2B credit account. This facility is available to business customers from categories like

  • NHS trusts
  • Armed forces
  • Education authorities
  • Councils
  • Hotels
  • High street retailers

Visit Richer Sounds Business to Business page to learn more and apply for B2B credit account. Contact on Richer Sounds phone for further assistance for BFPO and FCO delivery options, supply to public sector, extended guarantee, and installation support.

Richer Sounds Business to Business Fax 0207 378 6373

Richer Sounds Business to Business Sales Department fax number is 0207 378 6373. This Richer Sounds helpline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for inbound messages. B2B customers wanting to open a new credit account can send their application on the above number to Richer Sounds Business to Business Sales Department for approval and further processing. Similarly, you can forward the application to the above email address.

Richer Sounds Web Sales Team 0333 900 0065

Richer Sounds contact number for web sales team is 0333 900 0065. Get in touch with Richer Sounds web sales team for after sales support from Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm, Saturday 10:00 am – 5:00 pm, and Sunday 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm. Alternately, contact web sales team via email at [email protected] for support.

This number is suitable when you need assistance for

  • Return an item you do not want
  • Arranging collection of products from your home or office
  • Collection of large items from your home or office

Visit Richer Sounds web sales page to learn more. Similarly, you need Richer Sounds order cancellation form in case you need to cancel an order placed online. Remember, you need to send the duly completed form via email or by post to web sales team for order cancellation.

Richer Sounds Delivery Service 0333 900 0092

Richer Sounds contact number for delivery service team is 0333 900 0092. Contact the delivery service team from Monday – Saturday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. Standard deliveries require three to five working days according to the information on Richer Sounds deliveries page. Therefore, you can contact delivery service team on the above number for

  • Order tracking
  • Delivery options
  • Delivery charges and schedules
  • How to use click and collect facility
  • Change or cancel order
  • Delivery information

Alternately, email to [email protected] in case you do not receive your order after three to five business days. Remember to send the order number, your name and address, brief details of product, and shipment tracking number in your email.

Richer Sounds Ireland Customer Service 0333 900 0070

Richer Sounds Ireland customer service contact number is 0333 900 0070. This Richer Sounds Northern Ireland number is available from Monday 9:30 am – 5:30 pm, and Friday 9:30 am 5:30 pm. However, the store answers the call from 10:00 am – 5:00 pm on Saturdays and 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm on Sundays providing customer service on all days of the week.

Visit Richer Sounds Ireland website for Richer Sounds online contact and learn about

  • Product information and availability for Hi-Fi, TV projectors, home cinema, Wireless streaming and multiroom, Headphones and portable audio
  • Clearance items
  • Installation support
  • Order cancellations, returns, refunds
  • Repair services and aftermarket product support

Further, customers can login to Richer Sounds Ireland website by visiting Ireland login page. This page has a link to new registration in case you need to enrol for Richer Sounds Ireland membership.

Send your enquiries or requests about Richer Sounds privacy policy by post to

Beechill Enterprises Limited Trading as Richer Sounds Ireland,
7 Smithfield Square North,

Richer Sounds Ireland Web Sales 0333 900 0071

Richer Sounds Ireland contact number for web sales team is 0333 900 0071. Web sales team is available from Monday – Friday 09:30 am – 5:30 pm. However, the team is not available on Saturdays and Sunday although, Belfast store answers your call on weekends. Alternately, get in touch with webs sales support online via email at [email protected]. Visit Richer Sounds web after sales support page to learn more. Remember, Richer Sounds Ireland web after sales support team answers queries about internet orders. Alternately, contact on the above Richer Sounds address of Ireland office for assistance in case you need to discuss your requirements in person.

Contact Richer Sounds Via Email

  • Commercial Installations – Contact Richer Sounds commercial installations team via email at [email protected]. Visit Richer Sounds commercial installations page to learn more.
  • Ireland Business to Business Department – get in touch with Ireland Business to Business Department via email at [email protected]. Trade Customers can order goods on vat-free basis from Richer Sounds Ireland. Visit Richer Sounds B2B page to learn more.
  • Ireland Service – Send your enquiries for service or repair to Richer Sounds Ireland via email to [email protected]. Visit Richer Sounds Ireland repairs page to learn more.
  • Careers – Send enquiries or application for careers at Richer Sounds to [email protected]. Visit Richer Sounds recruitment page to learn more.

Richer Sounds Stores and Locations

Stores UK Contact Number Address
Richer Sounds B2B 0333 900 0066 Online Store Only: [email protected]
Richer Sounds Web Sales 0333 900 0065 Online Store Only: [email protected]
London Bridge 0333 900 0021

100 Tooley Street SE1 2TH / [email protected]

Stockport 0333 900 0022 58 Lower Hillgate SK1 3AL / [email protected]
Birmingham 0333 900 0023 10-12 Smallbrook Queensway B5 4EN / [email protected]
Bristol 0333 900 0024 143 Whiteladies Road BS8 2QB

/ [email protected]

Leeds 0333 900 0025

74 New Briggate LS1 6NU / [email protected]

Edinburgh 0333 900 0026

1B Chambers Street EH1 1HR / [email protected]

London Chelsea 0333 900 0027

258 Fulham Road SW10 9EL /

[email protected]

London Holborn 0333 900 0028

29 Bloomsbury Way WC1A 2SL / [email protected]

 Cardiff 0333 900 0029

106 Cowbridge Road East CF11 9DX /

[email protected]

Liverpool 0333 900 0030

1-5 Berry Street L1 9DF /

[email protected]

London Swiss Cottage 0333 900 0031

25 Northways Parade, College Crescent NW3 5DN /

[email protected]

Newcastle 0333 900 0032

94-96 Clayton Street NE1 5PG /

[email protected]

Croydon 0333 900 0033

109 South End CR0 1BG /

[email protected]

Sheffield 0333 900 0034

130 Whitham Road S10 2SR / [email protected]

Nottingham 0333 900 0035

108 Mansfield Road NG1 3HD / [email protected]

Southampton 0333 900 0036

77 London Road SO15 2AA / [email protected]

Watford 0333 900 0037

117C St. Albans Road WD17 1RD / [email protected]

Glasgow 0333 900 0038

57 Jamaica Street G1 4NN / [email protected]

London City 0333 900 0045

44 Artillery Lane E1 7LS / [email protected]

Brighton 0333 900 0039

54 London Road BN1 4JE / [email protected]

Kingston 0333 900 0040

72A Richmond Road KT2 5EL / [email protected]

Romford 0333 900 0041

73 Main Road RM2 5EL / [email protected]

Prestwich 0333 900 0042

415-419 Bury New Road M25 1AA / [email protected]

Leicester 0333 900 0043

163 London Road LE2 1EG / [email protected]

Reading 0333 900 0044

118A Oxford Road RG1 7NL / [email protected]

Norwich 0333 900 0046

21 St. Giles Street NR2 1JL / [email protected]

Plymouth 0333 900 0047

87-89 Exeter Street PL4 0AH / [email protected]

Cambridge 0333 900 0053

56-60 Hills Road CB2 1LA /
[email protected]

Bournemouth 0333 900 0058

545 Christchurch Road BH1 4AH / [email protected]

Belfast 0333 900 0070

Smithfield Square North BT1 1FN / [email protected]

London Southgate 0333 900 0085

157-159 High Street N14 6BP / [email protected]

Eton 0333 900 0087

40 High Street SL4 6BD / [email protected]

Bath 0333 900 0088

4A York Place, London Road BA1 6AE / [email protected]

Solihull 0333 900 0090

9 Station Road B91 3TG / [email protected]

Telesales 0333 900 0093

Online Only

Contact Richer Sounds Via Social Media

Transavia Phone Numbers

Transavia Department Contact Number
Customer Service +352 27002728
Ticket Allotment Enquiries +31 (0)20 604 6122
Tickets Sales Enquiries +31 (0)20 604 6495
Group Travel Enquiries +31 (0)20 604 6370
Flight Charter Quotes +31 (0)20 604 6263
Dynamic Packaging +31 (0)20 604 6495
International Customer Service Numbers
Netherlands +31 (0)900 0737
WhatsApp +31 6836 73722
France +33 (0)892 05 88 88
Belgium +32 (0)70 66 0305
Spain +34 902 044 350
Portugal +351 707 780009
Italy +39 899009901
Germany +49 (0)1806 000747

Transavia Customer Service +352 27002728

Transavia customer service contact number is +352 27002728. This Transavia airlines customer care number is available Monday to Sunday between 8:00 am to 8:00 pm including holidays.

Transavia or Transavia Airlines C.V. formerly operating as transavia.com is Dutch low-cost airline. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of KLM and part of the Air France-KLM group. It operates from Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. Transavia has offices at Munich Airport, The Hague Airport, and Eindhoven Airport. Visit Transavia.com to learn more about services offered to passengers, partners, and affiliates. This page has online flight finder tool.

Customers can use Transavia customer service email form available online to send a message to Transavia customer care agent requesting assistance. Further, visit Transavia airlines contact us page to learn about other ways of contacting Transavia customer service like social media pages. Remember, Transavia customer reviews are available for you on these pages. Visit Transavia online check in page for online check in. You can buy Transavia ticket on phone. Customer login menu is available on My Transavia page.

Contact with Transavia customer care is available via online help, social media accounts, online Transavia customer service email address form, phone, or by visiting Transavia frequently asked questions page for answers to the most common queries or concerns. Request Transavia help when you need assistance for flight, hotel, and rental car booking via Transavia website. Alternately, contact on the above Transavia telephone reservation number for assistance.

Transavia headquarters address is

Postal address for TRANSAVIA AIRLINES C.V.

Postbus 7777
1118 ZM Schiphol Airport
The Netherlands

Address for visitors to TRANSAVIA AIRLINES C.V.

Piet Guilonardweg 15
1117 EE Schiphol Airport
The Netherlands

Postal address for TRANSAVIA FRANCE S.A.S.

Zone Orlytech
3 allée Hélène Boucher
91781 Wissous Cedex

Address for visitors to TRANSAVIA FRANCE S.A.S.

Zone Orlytech
3 allée Hélène Boucher
91550 Paray-Vieille-Poste

Send your letter to the above Transavia France address or Transavia customer service Netherlands address for assistance related to Transavia airlines UK. Remember, direct Transavia UK contact number is not available and you need to dial the above Transavia customer service number in case you need help.

Travel agents and other individuals can work as Transavia affiliate. Forward your enquiry for affiliate programme online to [email protected] to learn more about the application procedure, documents, and other requirements.

Transavia Ticket Allotment Enquiries +31 (0)20 604 6122

Transavia contact number for ticket allotment enquiries is +31 (0)20 604 6122. This Transavia contact number for partners is available Monday to Sunday between 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. Transavia partners have the facility to select guaranteed allotment of tickets on various routes. Contact Transavia helpdesk at The Netherlands to discuss the requirements to start allotment contract with Transavia Airlines C.V.

Alternately, you can send your enquiries about allotment contract to Transavia customer service online via email to [email protected]. Remember, direct Transavia UK number is not available for allotment contract enquiries for Transavia UK partners. Remember, partners need to submit a bank guarantee for allotment contract approval according to the information on the above page.

Similarly, Transavia service contact is available when you visit Transavia contact us page to use the online message form. This form is suitable for forwarding queries about allotment, selling tickets, dynamic packaging, group reservations, joint promotions, and flight charter. Therefore, select the correct topic of the query from the drop down menu for a faster response from Transavia airlines customer care. Feel free to use the above Transavia contact information in case you need assistance or want to discuss your requirements with Transavia airlines customer service.

Transavia Tickets Sales Enquiries +31 (0)20 604 6495

Transavia contact number for tickets sales enquiries is +31 (0)20 604 6495. This Transavia airlines contact number is available Monday to Sunday between 8:00 am to 8:00 pm for partners. Transavia partners can sell flight tickets via

  • Agent portal
  • API connection
  • Global distribution system

Global distribution system comprises buying tickets using Amadeus, Travelport, or Sabre cards. Dial Transavia.com contact number to learn more. Remember, you need to register with Transavia to access these platforms. Visit Transavia partner portal to learn more about the services and facilities available for partners, associates, and affiliates. Further, the above page has a link to login and apply online. Existing Transavia partners need to visit the above Transavia Partner Portal for login. Enter your username and password to continue.

Alternately, visit Transavia transpartner login page to access the online account management menu. You need to enter your username and password to proceed. Remember, send your concerns or requests for assistance online via email to [email protected] in case you face a problem while login or using transpartner portal.

Transavia Group Travel Enquiries +31 (0)20 604 6370

Transavia contact number for group travel enquiries is +31 (0)20 604 6370. This Transavia airlines telephone number for group travel enquiries and quotes is available Monday to Sunday between 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. Alternately, send your enquiry for quote via email to [email protected] for a group of twenty-five or more persons. Group travel reservations are available with certain advantages. Visit Transavia group travel page to learn more.

Visit Transavia request a quote for group travel page to use online form. Enter requested information and submit the form to receive a quote from Transavia.

Remember to select option 4 in case you contact on the above air Transavia contact number for customer services. Transavia help desk offers quote once you select the destination and dates of travel. However, you can request multiple quotes from Transavia customer relations in case your destination or dates are yet to confirm. Remember, each quote you receive from Transavia has validity of seven days.

UK Business travellers can request a quote online by visiting Transavia business travel page. This page has an online form. Enter from and to destinations, dates of travel, number of passengers to receive an online quote. Further, you can add multiple destinations or view prices in Flying Blue Miles by selecting the option for the same.

Transavia Flight Charter Quotes +31 (0)20 604 6263

Transavia contact number for flight charter quotes is +31 (0)20 604 6263. This Transavia customer service phone number is available Monday to Sunday between 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. Send your enquiry for flight charter online via email to [email protected].

Flight charter is suitable for trade shows, weddings, conferences, or sports events when you need to book a plane for a company or family as well. Transavia provides tailored the quote to meet your requirements. Contact on the above Transavia phone number to enquire about:

  • Particulars of the planes available
  • Destinations
  • Discuss itinerary
  • Transavia phone check in for a group
  • Transavia contact WhatsApp for emergency assistance

Transavia Dynamic Packaging +31 (0)20 604 6495

Transavia contact number for dynamic packaging support is +31 (0)20 604 6495, available Monday to Sunday between 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. Dynamic packaging is Transavia facility offered to travel organisations or travel agents to tailor a package for their customers.

Integration of flights from entire Transavia network is available under this option. Visit Transavia dynamic packaging page for partners to learn more. Agents and other travel organisations can add flights to the tailored travel package via Transavia API connection. Contact Transavia email address or phone number for more assistance about how to use this feature.

Contact Transavia Via Social Media

Delta Airlines Phone Numbers

Delta Airlines Department Contact Number
Customer Service 0207 660 0767
Customer Service Ireland +353 (0) 1 659 0298
Press and Media 0208 237 4680

Delta Airlines Customer Service 0207 660 0767

delta airlines UK contact number

Delta Airlines customer service contact number is 0207 660 0767. Remember, Delta Airlines customer service hours are from Monday to Friday between 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, Saturday and Sunday 9:00 am to 5:30 pm. Visit Delta Airlines contact us page to access online message form to forward your queries, concerns, or requests to Delta Airlines helpline 0207 660 0767. Contacting Delta Airlines help desk 0207 660 0767 is necessary for

  • Delta Airlines SkyMiles help
  • Delay/cancellation verification for trip insurance
  • Receipts
  • Report lost unchecked items or delayed, damaged, lost baggage
  • Ticket changes
  • Refund application and status check

Delta Air Lines, Inc. Is an American airline and has headquarters or the hub at Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport in Atlanta, Georgia. It offers domestic and international flights to over 350 destinations in 70 countries as well as support for hotel and rental car reservations.  Delta Airlines is the founder member of the SkyTeam airline alliance. Visit Delta Airlines UK website to learn about the services offered.

Delta Airlines corporate office address is

1030 Delta Blvd,
GA 30354,

Delta Airlines mailing address for the United Kingdom is

Terminal 4,
London Heathrow Airport,
Hounslow TW6 3FB,
United Kingdom

Delta Airlines contact address for Ireland is

Dublin Airport,

Visit Delta Airlines log in to My Delta page to access online account management, requests, booking, and payments. Remember, you need SkyMiles account number or your username to login to My Delta. Visit Delta Airlines login help page in case you need assistance for using the website menu.

Online check in is available to Delta Airlines passengers using options like confirmation number, SkyMiles number, credit or debit card number, or the ticket number. Visit Delta Airlines UK online check-in page to use this facility. Enter your confirmation number and departure airport to continue. This page has links to learn more about check-in requirements and check-in options available to you. Alternately, use Delta Airlines phone check in or Delta Airlines phone boarding pass in case you do not have access to a computer.

Delta Airlines offers the facility to find round trip, one way, or multi-city flights online. Use Delta Airlines flight finder tool. Provide information about from and to destinations, travel dates, and passengers to find a suitable flight. Further, visit Delta Airlines book a trip form page for online booking. Contact on the above Delta Airlines phone for reservations in case you need assistance during or after the booking. Remember, Delta Airlines UK reservations number is available on all the weekdays including holidays during the above office hours. Contact Delta Airlines baggage customer service to learn about baggage allowance.

Delta SkyBonus is a reward programme and login for existing corporate customers is available on Delta Airlines SkyBonus page. This page also has a link to new registrations. Similarly, visit Delta Airlines SkyBonus login page for agencies to access your account as an agent. Use the above Delta Airlines contact number in the UK in case you need help to access your account online.

Delta Airlines Customer Service Ireland +353 (0) 1 659 0298

Delta Airlines customer service contact number for Ireland is +353 (0) 1 659 0298. This Delta Airlines phone number Ireland +353 (0) 1 659 0298 is available on all weekdays from Monday to Friday between 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, Saturday and Sunday 9:00 am to 5:30 pm. Alternately, visit in person or write by post at Delta Airlines office at the Dublin Airport.

Find your flight online for further management by visiting Delta Airlines find your trip form page. Use your ticket confirmation number, credit or debit card number, or the ticket number to use this facility.

Visit Delta Airlines apply for refund form page to send your refund request online to Delta Airlines head office UK. Check the status of a refund request online by visiting Delta Airlines check refund status form page. Enter your name, ticket or document number, and refund request number along with your email address in the form to track the status. You can select an option to retrieve the status on the screen or receive the status via email.

Visit Delta Airlines refund request form for extreme weather event page. You need to use this form to submit a refund request in case of a service disruption due to bad weather. Further, you need to send the unused portion of your paper ticket by post to

Delta Air Lines, Inc.
Passenger Refunds
Post Office Box 20537
Georgia 30320-2537

Alternately, send the send unused portion of the paper ticket by courier to

Delta Air Lines, Inc.
Passenger Refunds
700 South Central Avenue
Hapeville, GA 30354

Visit Delta Airlines meeting network travel request form page for online reservations. Contact Delta Airlines UK telephone number +353 (0) 1 659 0298 for further assistance for new meeting contract, Delta meeting network agreement, or corporate sales agreement with Delta.

Delta Airlines special assistance +353 (0) 1 659 0298 is available to passengers, visit Delta Airlines my wheelchair handling information form page to send your requests for special assistance to Delta Airlines office London. Visit Delta Airlines special assistance page to learn more. This page has links to access information about disability service requests, customers requiring extra seat space, travellers with disabilities, pet travel options, emergency and medical flights, and bereavement fares. Visit Delta Airlines disability service requests form page to forward your requests for assistance required due to blindness or low vision, deaf or hard of hearing condition, or peanut allergy.

Passengers travelling to the United Kingdom with ESA or emotional support animals need pre-approval clearance and remittance of processing fee. Please contact the appropriate reception centre. Visit Delta Airlines passengers with disabilities page to learn more. Address to send your requests to Delta Airlines UK destinations are

London Gatwick (LGW)
Animal Aircare Co. Ltd.
Gatwick Airport

London Heathrow (LHR)
City of London Animal Reception Centre
City of London
Guildhall, PO Box 270

Manchester (MAN)
Pets on Jets
Building 300
World Freight Terminal
Manchester Airport
M90 5BA

Delta Airlines Press and Media 0208 237 4680

Delta Airlines contact number for press and media information is 0208 237 4680. This number is available for press and media updates on Delta Airlines operations in the Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Alternately, contact press office online via email at [email protected].

Remember, journalists do not prior permission from Delta Airlines to use Delta News Hub material according to the information on the press resources page. Contact Delta Airlines UK press office 0208 237 4680 in case you need assistance. Visit Delta Airlines press resources page to learn more.

Contact Delta Airlines Online Via Email

Contract Of Carriage – Send your requests for past date conditions of carriage online via Delta Airlines customer service email to [email protected]. Remember to send particulars of the date of ticket purchase and the tariff. Visit Delta Airlines contract of carriage page to learn more.

  • Accommodation Requests For Applicants With Disabilities – Forward your requests for accommodation during the application process to [email protected] for approval.
  • Direct Ticketing Charge Risk Free Cancellation – Send your receipt number via email to [email protected] for a refund of direct ticketing charge. Visit Delta Airlines risk free cancellation page to learn more. Contact Delta Airlines customer service UK for further assistance.
  • Investor Relations – Send your requests for financial information, governance, news, events, and shareholder’s resources to investor relations department via email to [email protected]. Visit Delta Airlines investor relations page to learn more.

Contact Delta Airlines Via Social Media