AA Route Planner Phone Numbers

  • Company Name: AA Route Planner
  • Contact Number:0800 085 2721
  • HQ Address: The Automobile Association, Lambert House, Stockport Road, Cheadle, Cheshire SK8 2DY
  • Opening Hours: 24/7 Breakdown Cover Service
  • Website: http://www.theaa.com
AA Route Planner Department Contact Number
Route Planner Cover Free Number 0800 085 2721
*Free number*
Breakdown Route Planner Support Free Number 0800 887 766
*Free number*
Existing customer 0343 164 444
*Local rate*

AA Route Planner Cover Free Number 0800 085 2721

The AA Route Planner cover free number is 0800 085 2721. AA Route Planner is a facility offered to the UK travellers. It helps in finding the shortest and the safest travelling ways to reach a destination safely. Further, the AA Route Planner page has a search tool to explore travelling routes and other options. In fact, you can provide precise AA Route Planner directions to avoid motorways, traffic, tolls, or congestion charging to using this tool.


Likewise, the page above offers facility to buy online cover for breakdown. Buying AA Route Planner breakdown cover and finding the AA Route Planner quickest route ensures a safe journey. Visit the get a quote page to apply online.

Further, use AA Route Planner via the search tool on the above page. However, get in touch with the customer service at the AA in case you need to provide feedback on your experience or report AA Route Planner problems while using the route planner. Therefore, send an email to [email protected] to forward your feedback or concern. Then, people at the AA definitely look into it and make necessary changes in their database for the future users.

Similarly, you can write to Members Relations in the case of a complaint about breakdown cover or support at:

Member Relations,
The Automobile Association,
Lambert House,
Stockport Road,
Cheshire SK8 2DY

However, dial the AA Route Planner contact number during the urgent matters for a faster response.


AA Breakdown Route Planner Support Free Number 0800 887 766

The AA Breakdown Route Planner support free number is 0800 887 766. Get in touch with the breakdown support when you are off-road and need help. This AA Route Planner contact number is open 24/7 for customers requiring assistance. However, AA Route Planner breakdown support is available when you buy this service cover from the AA.

Further, using the AA Route Planner online is possible in one more manner to find the safest and the quickest route. Then, use the classic route planner in addition to contacting AA Route Planner phone number. AA Route Planner Classic version is available on the classic planner page on the AA website. Moreover, you can search a route using this simple to use search tool using the street name or number, places of interest, postcode, city, or town as references.

However, you are unable to use following additional features when you use the classic interface of the route planner. Nevertheless, these features are available on the regular route planner available on the above link.

  • Journey time with reference to the current traffic
  • Route signposts including brown signs for tourists
  • Routes with dragging capabilities
  • Mobile friendly interface

Contact AA Route Planner via Social Media

AA Route Planner service has a twitter account. Use this method to send feedback, complaints, or to find out customer service information. You can also use this twitter feed as a source to watch where other people are travelling and if your destinations line up.

AA Route Planner Free Service

Travellers and customers requiring the quickest and the safest route do not need to pay for using the search tool available on the route planner page. However, you can use AA Route Planner app for exploring various travelling options on the go. Visit the mobile app page to download it to your phone. The download of the app is free.

AA offers two versions of the app. You can use a standard version or member-only version for enhanced search options. Alternately, you can download the app for iOS or Android smartphones and tablets from the following links.

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