Wessex Water Customer Service 0345 600 4600
Wessex Water customer service contact number is 0345 600 4600. This Wessex Water customer services phone number is available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm. However, this Wessex Water emergency contact number is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to report emergencies.
Send your queries or requests via Wessex Water customer services email to [email protected]. Alternately, use Wessex Water online feedback form. This form is suitable for forwarding your queries about sewerage or water work, Wessex Water staff, Wessex Water customer challenge group, Wessex Water customer charter, or your opinion about Wessex Water customer magazine or Wessex Water services.
Similarly, Wessex Water customer service address to visit in person or write by post is
Wessex Water Services Limited
Claverton Down Rd,
BA2 7WW,
United Kingdom
Wessex Water is sewerage utility and water supply company and offers its services in South West England covering Bristol, Dorset, Wiltshire, Somerset, and parts of Hampshire and Gloucestershire. Visit Wessex Water UK website to learn more about services offered. Further, information about other Wessex Water contact numbers is available on Wessex Water contact us page.
Furthermore, contact Wessex Water customer services via online chat. Visit Wessex Water ask a question page to use this facility. Click on ask a question link to chat online. Remember, chat is available Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 8:00 pm as well as on Saturday mornings.
Visit Wessex Water customer login page for online management and bill payment. Enter your email address and password to continue. This page has a link to registration for new customers.
Wessex Water Billing Enquiries 0345 600 3600
Wessex Water contact number for billing enquiries is 0345 600 3600. This Wessex Water helpline for billing enquiries is available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm. Dial this number in case you need assistance for
- Understanding your bill
- Making timely payment arrangements
- Metering issues
- If you are moving house
- Problems in paying bill
- High water use
- Registration for Wessex Water Customer Plus
Alternately, you can contact Wessex Water in person or by post for assistance at
BWBSL – Bristol Wessex Billing Services Limited
1 Clevedon Walk,
BS48 1WA,
United Kingdom
Use Wessex Water direct debit form to give standing instructions for direct bill payment from your bank account. Remember, you need your and bank information as well as your Wessex Water customer number and schedule number to enrol to direct debit.
Wessex Water Bill Payments 0345 600 1019
Wessex Water contact number for bill payments over the phone is 0345 600 1019. This Wessex Water customer contact number is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Remember, this automated number has following options available to you once your call connects.
- Dial 1: To switch to meter leaflet
- Dial 2: – For surface water drainage leaflet
- Dial 3: – For charges explained leaflet
- Dial 4: – To submit meter reading after estimated bill
- Dial 5: – For information about rateable value charging
Visit Wessex Water paying your bill page to learn about other methods of bill payment like bank, internet or mobile banking, PayPoint, post office, and cheque. Remember to mention your customer number and name on the back of the cheque. Address to send the cheque is
1 Clevedon Walk,
BS48 1WA,
United Kingdom
Wessex Water Automated Bill Payments 0345 600 6600
Wessex Water automated bill payments number is 0345 600 6600. This number is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Remember, you can pay your water bill using a debit or credit card when you contact on Wessex Water customer services telephone number. However, keep your Wessex Water customer number and schedule number ready before you dial. Your schedule number is available at the top right of your Wessex Water bill.
Besides, use Wessex Water estimated metered bill calculator to learn about the approximate bill in case you switch to the metered billing system.
However, Wessex Water offers a secure portal to make online payments. Visit Wessex Water make a payment page to proceed. Remember; keep your 13-digit payment reference number ready.
Wessex Water Sewage Floodline 0345 850 5959
Wessex Water sewage floodline number is 0345 850 5959. This number is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Likewise, contact Wessex Water in case of internal or external sewage flooding in or around your premises. Visit Wessex Water sewer flooding page to learn more about precautions required and Wessex Water response schedule after receiving Wessex Water customer complaints for sewer flooding.
Further, Wessex Water sewage flooding information leaflet is available to learn about ex-gratia payment or compensation. Send your claim for external flooding payment online via email to [email protected]. Likewise, write to
Operational Customer Services – Wessex Water,
Claverton Down,
BA2 7WW,
United Kingdom
Address to send ex-gratia payment request is
Insurance Department – Wessex Water,
Claverton Down,
BA2 7WW,
United Kingdom
Wessex Water Leakstoppers Freephone 0800 692 0692
Wessex Water Leakstoppers freephone number is 0800 692 0692. This Wessex Water emergency helpline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Remember, you need to contact Wessex Water to report an exterior or interior leak on the above Wessex Water emergency phone number.
Alternately, you can send a message requesting Wessex Water help for a leak using Wessex Water report a leak form. Complete both steps of the form before submitting it by providing your particulars and information about the leak. Visit Wessex Water leakage page to learn about other methods of contact in case the leak is not within Wessex Water supply area.
Wessex Water Careers 0122 552 2552
Wessex Water contact number to contact the HR department is 0122 552 2552. Again, contact on the above number from Monday – Thursday 8:30 am – 4:45 pm, Friday 8:30 am – 4:15 pm. This number is not available on weekends and bank holidays. Contact on this Wessex Water head office phone number in case
- You need to discuss a specific job
- You are experiencing a problem while applying for a job online
Visit Wessex Water careers to learn more about
- Job search
- Apprenticeships
- Email alerts
- Current vacancies
- How to apply online
- Existing user login
Alternately, contact Wessex Water HR Department via email at [email protected] for assistance. Remember, you cannot apply for a job using this email address.
Wessex Water Operations Centre, Bath (Main Office) 0122 552 6000
Wessex Water contact number for Bath (main office) operations centre is 0122 552 6000. This number is available Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. Send your queries to the operations centre via email at [email protected]. More information is available on Wessex Water operations centre page. Visit Wessex Water find us page to locate the address of the Bath main office operations centre on a map for precise directions.
Further, use Wessex Water priority services register form for sending your request for enrolment to Wessex Water Customer Care Plus online. Visit Wessex Water priority services to learn more.
Wessex Water Media Enquiries 0122 552 6329
Wessex Water contact number for media enquiries is 0122 552 6329. Contact Wessex Water pressroom from Monday – Friday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. However, journalists can contact the on-call press officer at Wessex Water for media and press enquiries after office hours on the above customer service number. Remember, this number is available only to journalists and other members of the media.
Alternately, send your press and media enquiries via email to [email protected]. You need to get in touch with the press office for the selection of media content and images for using in support stories or features. Visit Wessex Water media enquiries to learn more.
Wessex Water Watermark Awards 0122 552 6327
Wessex Water contact number for Watermark Awards is 0122 552 6327. This Wessex Water contact phone number is available Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 5:00 pm. Watermark Awards supports organisations with environmental projects based within Wessex Water service region. These awards are offered to schools, youth groups, parish councils, or community organisations upon the approval.
Visit Wessex Water Watermark Rewards page to learn more about the rewards programme. Remember, this page has contact information for the Conservation Foundation UK.
Wessex Water Trade Effluent Team 0330 123 1122
Wessex Water contact number for trade effluent team is 0330 123 1122. This Wessex Water business contact number is available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm. Wessex Water Trade Effluent Team grants permission to business that discharges non-household sewage or trade effluent in the public sewer. Over 1200 such business categories are available to request approval.
Visit Wessex Water trade effluent page to learn more about other requirements for applying for permission. This page has information about the classification of household or non-household discharge. Get in touch with the trade effluent team to confirm whether your organisation requires permission.
Wessex Water retailer portal login is available for retailers. Click on login to portal button to continue.
Wessex Water Tankered Waste 0122 552 4560
Wessex Water contact number for tankered waste removal is 0122 552 4560. This Wessex Water customer services phone number is available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm. Wessex Water Organic Waste Team handles these enquiries for removal of waste using a tanker and you can email to [email protected] for a quote.
Wessex Water New Water Supply Connections/Disconnections 0122 552 6222
Wessex Water contact number for new water supply connections or disconnections is 0122 552 6222. This Wessex Water contact phone number is available Monday – Thursday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Friday 8:30 am – 4:00 pm. Use the above Wessex Water contact details to enquire about new water supply main and infrastructure charges as well.
Wessex Water contact email address to forward your enquiries for new connections or disconnections is [email protected]. Alternately, send your enquiries for new water supply main to [email protected]. Learn about infrastructure charges by emailing your enquiries to [email protected]. Visit Wessex Water developers page to learn more.
Wessex Water Self Lay Water Mains 0122 552 6352
Wessex Water contact number for self lay water mains enquiries or proposals is 0122 552 6352. This Wessex Water Bath phone number is available Monday – Thursday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Friday 8:30 am – 4:00 pm. Send your requests for self lay proposals via email to [email protected].
Visit Wessex Water self lay water mains page to learn more about requirements from developers for installing water main on their own. Further, this page has links to important forms like self lay application. Alternately, visit Wessex Water self lay water mains services page to learn more.
Wessex Water Planning / Capacity Enquiries 0122 552 6435
Wessex Water contact number for planning and capacity enquiries is 0122 552 6435. This Wessex Water number is available Monday – Thursday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Friday 8:30 am – 4:00 pm. Developers need to contact Wessex Water before developing new residential or commercial property or remodelling of existing residential or commercial properties. Send your enquiries for location or capacity advice to Wessex Water email at [email protected]. More information about Wessex Water developers charges and Wessex Water developers code of practice is available online.
Wessex Water Planning / Capacity Enquiries Alternate Number 0122 552 6288
Wessex Water alternate contact number for planning and capacity enquiries is 0122 552 6288. Contact developers support team from Monday – Thursday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Friday 8:30 am – 4:00 pm to discuss your requirements or learn about the location and capacity of Wessex Water infrastructure before commencing the work.
Visit Wessex Water developers planning page to learn more about
- Capacity appraisal
- SuDS or sustainable drainage systems
- Odour risk assessment
- Proximity guidance
- Protection and diversion
Further, this page has answers to commonly asked questions like
- Where can I find plans of the pipe work in my area?
- Where are my sewers / drains?
- Can I build over a sewer?
- Where are water mains located?
Wessex Water Asset Enquiries 0122 552 6422
Wessex Water contact number for asset enquiries is 0122 552 6422, available Monday – Thursday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Friday 8:30 am – 4:00 pm. Contact Wessex Water asset enquiries team online via email at [email protected].
Visit Wessex Water developer services asset enquiries page to learn more. This page has a link to Wessex Water guidance notes for asset enquiries. Get in touch on the above number or use the email address to enquire about copy of plans showing the location of water mains or sewers near your development site.
Wessex Water Building Near To Or Over A Public Sewer 0122 552 6333
Wessex Water contact number to learn about protection measures for building near to or over a public sewer is 0122 552 6333, available Monday – Thursday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Friday 8:30 am – 4:00 pm for developers. Send your requests via email to [email protected].
Visit Wessex Water building near sewers page to learn about
- Guidance notes for building over or near a sewer
- Guidance notes for a sewer diversion
- Application form for building over or near a sewer
- Guidance notes for CCTV camera survey
- Application form for a sewer diversion
Wessex Water Adoption / Diversion / Requisition Of Sewers And Diversion Of Water Mains – Northern Area 0122 552 2682
Wessex Water contact number for adoption / diversion / requisition of sewers and diversion of water mains in the northern area is 0122 552 2682, available Monday – Thursday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Friday 8:30 am – 4:00 pm. Alternately, send your enquiries via email to [email protected]. Wessex Water contact address of the northern area office is
Wessex Water – Northern Area Office
Kennet Way,
BA14 8RN,
United Kingdom
Wessex Water Adoption / Diversion / Requisition Of Sewers And Diversion Of Water Mains – Southern area 0120 264 3461
Wessex Water contact number for adoption / diversion / requisition of sewers and diversion of water mains in the southern area is 0120 264 3461, available Monday – Thursday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Friday 8:30 am – 4:00 pm. Send your enquiries via email to [email protected]. Southern area office address is
Wessex Water – Southern Area Office
Poole STW,
Cabot Lane,
BH17 7BX
United Kingdom
Wessex Water Adoption / Diversion / Requisition Of Sewers And Diversion Of Water Mains – Western area 0182 322 5219
Wessex Water contact number for adoption / diversion / requisition of sewers and diversion of water mains in the western area is 0182 322 5219, available Monday – Thursday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Friday 8:30 am – 4:00 pm. Forward your enquiries via email to [email protected]. Address to contact the western office is
Wessex Water – Western Area Office
Chilton Trinity,
TA6 3JS,
United Kingdom
Contact Wessex Water Online Via Email
Following Wessex Water email addresses are available for a direct contact with the respective department.
Water Supply Grid – Forward your queries for Water Supply Grid project to [email protected]. Visit Wessex Water grid page to learn more.
Bioresources – Send your enquiries for bioresources assets via email to [email protected]. Visit Wessex Water bioresources page to learn more.
Environmental Information – Request information about Wessex Water activities related to the environment via email at [email protected]. Visit Wessex Water environment information page to learn more. Address to request information by post is
Environmental Information Requests
Environment and Catchment Strategies Team,
Wessex Water Services Ltd,
Claverton Down Road,
BA2 7WW,
United Kingdom
Trade Effluent Queries – Send trade effluent queries to Wessex Water via email at [email protected].
Website Issue – Report website issue via email to [email protected].
Your Say Your Future Game – Email your views about Your Say Your Future game to Wessex Water at [email protected].
Contact Wessex Water Via Social Media