Economy Energy Phone Numbers

Economy Energy Departments UK Contact Numbers
Customer Service
Top Up 0247 610 0767
National Grid Emergency 0800 111 999
-Free Number-

Economy Energy contact number

Economy Energy Customer Service Number 0333 103 9053

Economy Energy Customer Service number is 0333 103 9053. This number is available from 8.00 AM to 8.00 PM Monday-Friday and 8.00 AM to 6.00 PM during Saturday and 8.00 AM to 4.00 PM during Sunday. You can call this number if you have any general queries about the company’s offerings or services. The customer care team at Economy Energy will answer your calls within 60 seconds.  To know more about the services and other details please go to the Economy Energy login link found on the official Economy Energy about us website.

Economy Energy trading limited contact number 0333 103 9053 is always provided by the Economy Energy customer service team. If you have any queries or concerns about any of the services offered by Economy Energy online saver, then you can post your queries along with your name, Email ID and other details such as your Economy Energy boiler and have your queries resolved at the earliest.

If you visit the Economy Energy head office then below is the contact details for the same:

Economy Energy
Friars House,
142 Sandpits,
CV1 2TE.

Economy Energy provides some additional services to its customers who have certain specific needs. For this, a customer needs to apply to ‘Priority Service Register (PSR). To know more about this feature, you can log in to Economy Energy Priority Service Register. To register for this feature you can either call Economy Energy phone number 0333 103 9053. You can also contact Economy Energy email [email protected] and get yourself registered for PSR.

If you have thought about starting an Economy Energy career then look no further. Economy Energy glassdoor has a lot of information on how to apply. But make sure that you contact Economy Energy email address myfuture@­

Economy Energy Top Up 0247 610 0767


Economy Energy top up contact number is 0247 610 0767 available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please note that if you choose to make an Economy Energy payment in store, the hours will depend on the store in which you go to make your payment. Otherwise, you can contact Economy Energy bill pay contact number 0247 610 0767. Be sure to ask about Economy Energy warm home discount the next time you call to make payment to Economy energy bills. You may be eligible for a sustainable Economy Energy account. However, it is important to look online and see if your Economy Energy smart meter is accurate and providing the correct information to make you eligible for this special Economy Energy discount.

Economy Energy contact number 0247 610 0767 is a smart way to decide the question of paying for Economy Energy vs British Gas. This does not compare with respect to each other because the possibilities of making a top up payment for your Economy Energy service is the same almost. Economy Energy deals are always available, especially for Economy Energy new members. Economy Energy electric top up is also the same number of Economy Energy gas top up. But if you have Economy Energy complaints, then make sure to contact Economy Energy online [email protected] and this should be the fastest method of connecting with the available Economy Energy care officer.

To learn more about Economy Energy cashback or if you need to cancel Economy Energy services, please visit the Economy Energy companies house page.

When using Economy Energy dual fuel you are saving time and money. Is Economy Energy expensive compared to its competitors? Unlikely, as most of the Economy Energy pricing plans are the same when discussing Economy Energy top up plans. To get more information use the Economy Energy gas contact number 0247 610 0767.

Economy Energy Free Number 0800 111 999


Economy Energy Gas Emergency free number 0800 111 999 is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. This is part of the National Grid service. If you are having difficulty hearing you can call Economy Energy textphone toll-free 0800 371 787. This number is also available 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Economy Energy reviews suggest that when making an emergency call you should have all your information about your Economy Energy account prepared. One of the few Economy Energy complaints has been the company’s response to its customers in times of gas leaks and other energy emergencies. This information is also available on the Economy Energy app.

This free Economy Energy electricity contact number 0800 111 999 is for emergencies only and should not be used unless such emergency warrants a call. You can otherwise use the main Economy Energy UK contact number 0333 103 9053 to deal with any problems during the day. If it is outside of office hours then make sure you dial 1 in order to be directly connected to the Economy Energy free helpline 0800 111 999. Please note that Economy Energy moving house services does not count as an emergency.

Contact Economy Energy Social Media

UK Power Networks Phone Numbers

Customer Service 0800 029 4285
Power Cuts and Emergencies 0800 316 3105
New Electricity Supply
Homeowners / Business Connections 0800 029 4280
Commercial 0800 029 4282
Connections for Streetlights, Bus Shelters, CCTV or Street Furniture on Public Highway – London 0207 055 7512
Connections for Streetlights, Bus Shelters, CCTV or Street Furniture on Public Highway – London Alternate Number 0207 055 4315
Connections for Streetlights, Bus Shelters, CCTV or Street Furniture on Public Highway – South East of England 0162 235 2621
Connections for Streetlights, Bus Shelters, CCTV or Street Furniture on Public Highway – East of England 0127 982 4761
Compliments and Complaints 0800 028 4587
Upgrade Electricity Fuse 0800 029 4285
Electricity Equipment On Your Land
East of England 0330 159 1841
London 0129 357 7260
South East 0129 357 7310
Press Office – Tracey Elsey 0330 159 1712
East of England Press Officer – Jenny Chapman 0147 326 6749
East of England Press Officer – Simon Buckland 0147 326 6484
South East Press Officer – Niamh Arnett 0330 041 6138
London Press Officer – Tottie Faragher 0207 397 7693
London Press Officer – Taniem Mueen 0207 397 7686

UK Power Networks Customer Service Freephone 0800 029 4285

UK Power Networks customer service freephone number is 0800 029 4285, available Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm. Similarly, UK Power Networks contact email address is [email protected]. Remember, you may receive an email from UK Power Networks regarding additional support during a power cut from [email protected]. Visit UK Power Networks contact us page to learn more about other ways of contacting UK Power Networks UK head office for assistance.

UK Power Networks UK head office address is

Newington House,
237 Southwark Bridge Road,
SE1 6NP,
United Kingdom

UK Power Networks is electricity distribution network operator. It offers services through three licensed distribution networks namely Eastern Power Networks PLC, London Power Networks PLC and South Eastern Power Networks PLC in South East England, London, and the East of England. Visit UK Power Networks UK website to learn more about services offered.

UK Power Networks login for customers is available to book appointments, submit work requests, and make payments online. Contact UK Power Networks customer service via online form to inquire about finance, consultancy, construction, operations and maintenance, asset management, HV contracting services, supply chain, collaboration, media, business development, Great Western Electrification Project, Kent PSE Project, High Speed 1 Project, or London Underground SSR2.

UK Power Networks Power Cuts and Emergencies Freephone 0800 316 3105

UK Power Networks power cuts and emergencies freephone number is 0800 316 3105. This UK Power Networks emergency contact number is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Alternately, use UK Power Networks power cut form to report an emergency online. Remember, UK Power Networks report another issue form is available to submit other problems to UK Power Networks customer care online.

Use UK Power Networks priority services register and apply form to inform additional requirements for assistance during a power cut or an emergency. Similarly, subscribe to UK Power Networks text message updates to receive real-time updates from UK Power Networks UK offices.

UK Power Networks New Electricity Supply or Alteration to an Existing Supply Homeowners / Business Connections Freephone 0800 029 4280

UK Power Networks contact for new electricity supply or alteration to an existing supply for homeowners or business connections freephone number is 0800 029 4280, available Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm. Remember to select option 3 when call connects to contact the concerned department. Alternately, forward your queries via email to [email protected]. Further, use UK Power Networks help and advice enquire online form to send your message to a helpdesk. However, use UK Power Networks report a power cut form in case you need to submit information about a power cut or any other emergency.

UK Power Networks New Electricity Supply or Alteration to Existing Supply Commercial, Multiple Units, or Large Electricity Demand Freephone 0800 029 4282

UK Power Networks freephone number for new electricity supply or alteration to existing supply commercial, multiple units, or large electricity demand is 0800 029 4282, available Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm. Remember to select option 1 once the call connects. Alternately, UK Power Networks customers can send email to [email protected] to forward their queries.

Use UK Power Networks who is my supplier form to learn about the utility service provider in your area. Similarly, UK Power Networks service plans page offers access to information about plans showing the location of electricity cables in your area.

UK Power Networks Connections for Streetlights, Bus Shelters, CCTV or Street Furniture on Public Highway – London 0207 055 7512

UK Power Networks contact number for connection to streetlights, bus shelters, CCTV or other items of street furniture on a public highway in London is 0207 055 7512, available Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 5.00 pm.

Alternately, send your enquiries for new connection via email to [email protected]. Remember, use the above UK Power Networks contact number or email address for enquiries in London for connection to streetlights, bus shelters, CCTV, street furniture on the public highway.

UK Power Networks Connections for Streetlights, Bus Shelters, CCTV or Street Furniture on Public Highway – London Alternate Number 0207 055 4315

UK Power Networks alternate contact number for connection to streetlights, bus shelters, CCTV or other items of street furniture on a public highway in London is 0207 055 4315. Contact UK Power Networks helpline at the above number from Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 5.00 pm. Remember, metered and unmetered electricity connections are available from UK Power Networks depending upon your requirements. Visit UK Power Networks work on a public highway page to learn more.

UK Power Networks Connections for Streetlights, Bus Shelters, CCTV or Street Furniture on Public Highway – South East of England 0162 235 2621

UK Power Networks contact number for new connection to streetlights, bus shelters, CCTV or street furniture on a public highway in the South East of England is 0162 235 2621. This UK Power Networks contact number is available from Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 5.00 pm.

Send your enquiries via email to [email protected]. Remember to contact UK Power Networks customer relations at the above number or email address for enquiries from the South East of England region only.

UK Power Networks Connections for Streetlights, Bus Shelters, CCTV or Street Furniture on Public Highway – East of England 0127 982 4761

UK Power Networks contact number for connection to streetlights, bus shelters, CCTV or street furniture on a public highway in the East of England is 0127 982 4761. This UK Power Networks contact telephone number is available from Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 5.00 pm.

Alternately, send your enquiries for a new connection in the East of England via email to [email protected]. Remember, this number or email address is not suitable for sending UK Power Networks general enquiries. Visit UK Power Networks highway assets area map to learn more.

UK Power Networks Compliments and Complaints Freephone 0800 028 4587

UK Power Networks compliments and complaints freephone number is 0800 028 4587. This UK Power Networks free phone number is available Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 5.00 pm. UK Power Networks postal address to contact customer service is

Customer Care,
UK Power Network,
Fore Hamlet,
United Kingdom

Alternately, use UK Power Networks complaints form to forward your complaint online. Similarly, use UK Power Networks feedback form to forward your opinion about the website or services to UK Power Networks contact centre. Typically, UK Power Networks responds in five working days to messages received using the form. Therefore, contact on the above UK Power Networks number for matters of urgency.

UK Power Networks Upgrade Electricity Fuse 0800 029 4285

UK Power Networks contact number to request an upgrade of the electrical fuse is 0800 029 4285, available Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 5.00 pm. Electricity fuse upgrade facility is available in eight steps. Visit UK Power Networks upgrade my electricity fuse page to learn more.

Similarly, request electricity cable plans directly from UK Power Networks by sending your enquiry to [email protected]. However, it is recommended to contact LinesearchbeforeUdig to learn about the underground network of electricity, high-pressure fuel, and gas, water, or fibre optic utility service providers.

UK Power Networks Electricity Equipment On Your Land – East of England 0330 159 1841

UK Power Networks contact number for enquiries in the case of electricity equipment on your land for East of England is 0330 159 1841. This number is available Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 5.00 pm. Alternately, forward your enquiries via email to UK Power Networks at [email protected].

Get in touch with the above UK Power Networks contact details in case of an enquiry for electrical equipment on your land, wayleave or lease payments or questions about consent to UK Power Networks for installations. Remember, use the above number or email address for queries pertaining to East of England region.

UK Power Networks Electricity Equipment On Your Land – London 0129 357 7260

UK Power Networks contact number for enquiries in the case of electricity equipment on your land for London is 0129 357 7260, available Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 5.00 pm. Contact UK Power Networks for enquiries in and around London via email at [email protected]. However, you need to contact UK Power Networks via your preferred agent for claims on assets of a higher voltage; although, you can file claims on the Low Voltage network directly to UK Power Networks. Therefore, get in touch with UK Power Networks for queries for existing agreements or scheduled work on your property.

UK Power Networks Electricity Equipment On Your Land – South East 0129 357 7310

UK Power Networks contact number for enquiries in the case of electricity equipment on your land for the South East is 0129 357 7310, available Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 5.00 pm. Alternately, send your enquiries via email to [email protected] for South Eastern region online.

Remember, the rights for this equipment is available through a Wayleave Agreement or the Deed of Easement. Visit UK Power Networks electricity equipment on your land page to learn more. Similarly, use the above UK Power Networks contact address for customer care in case you need to visit in person for assistance.

UK Power Networks Press Office 0330 159 1712

UK Power Networks press office contact number is 0330 159 1712, available Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm. Your call redirects to out of office hour services in case you contact UK Power Networks press office after office hours.

Tracey Elsey is media manager at UK Power Networks. Contact Tracey via email at [email protected] to forward your queries to press and media content. Visit UK Power Networks media centre page to learn more.

UK Power Networks East of England Press Officer – Jenny Chapman 0147 326 6749

UK Power Networks contact number for Jenny Chapman is 0147 326 6749. Jenny is the press officer for UK Power Networks operations in the East of England. Write to Jenny via email at [email protected] to learn about press and media operations in East of England region. Similarly, you can request Jenny for forwarding media content like images or videos for integration in news or other publications.

UK Power Networks East of England Press Officer – Simon Buckland 0147 326 6484

UK Power Networks contact number for Simon Buckland, press officer for the East of England region is 0147 326 6484. Contact Simon via email at [email protected]. Visit UK Power Networks news and press page to learn about press information and other publications available online.

UK Power Networks South East Press Officer – Niamh Arnett 0330 041 6138

UK Power Networks contact number for the South East press officer is 0330 041 6138. Contact Niamh Arnett, the press office for South East region for UK Power Networks operations from Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm. Alternately, email Niamh to forward your enquiries to [email protected]. Remember, press office contact is available24 hours a day, seven days a week for journalists.

UK Power Networks London Press Officer – Tottie Faragher 0207 397 7693

UK Power Networks contact number for London press officer is 0207 397 7693. This number is available Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm to contact Tottie Faragher, the press officer at UK Power Networks for London operations. Contact Tottie via email at [email protected]. Above contact information is available only for journalists and other media enthusiasts. Therefore, do not contact Tottie for general queries.

UK Power Networks London Press Officer – Taniem Mueen 0207 397 7686

UK Power Networks contact number for London press officer is 0207 397 7686, available Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm. Taniem Mueen is the press officer for UK Power Networks in London. Get in touch with Taniem via email at [email protected] for press and media enquiries. Remember, your call connects to on-duty press officer in case you contact UK Power Networks press office after office hours.

Contact UK Power Networks Via Email

Unmetered Supply Agreements – Forward your enquiry for connection agreement for unmetered supply via email to [email protected]. Visit UK Power Networks work on a public highway page to learn more. Address to send your requests by post is

UK Power Networks
Energy House,
Carrier Business Park,
Hazelwick Avenue,
Three Bridges,
West Sussex,
RH10 1EX,
United Kingdom

New Electric Vehicle Charging Point – Send your enquiries for installation of new electric vehicle charging point via email to [email protected]. Visit UK Power Networks electric vehicle charging page to learn more.

Safety Leaflets – Request safety leaflets like vehicle cab stickers or think before you dig by sending your requests via email to safety team at [email protected]. Visit UK Power Networks safety page to learn more.

Stakeholder Engagement Feedback – Send your feedback about the stakeholder engagement at UK Power Networks via email to [email protected]. Visit UK Power Networks have your say page to learn more.

Contact UK Power Networks Via Social Media

Affinity Sutton Phone Number

Affinity Sutton Department Contact Number
Customer Service, Complaints 0300 100 0303
*Local rate*

Affinity Sutton Customer Service 0300 100 0303

Affinity Sutton customer service contact number is 0300 100 0303. This Affinity Sutton customer service number is available Monday – Tuesday 08:30 am – 5:00 pm, Wednesday 10:00 am – 5:00 pm and Thursday – Friday 08:30 am – 5:00 pm. However, above Affinity Sutton contact number is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to report emergencies.

Alternately, send your requests or queries online via Affinity Sutton contact us email [email protected]. Remember, contact with the above Affinity Sutton phone number for matters with urgency. Further, do not report emergencies via email or Affinity Sutton contact us message form. Visit Affinity Sutton get in touch with us page to use the message form. This form is suitable for forwarding your enquiry for

  • Buy or rent a property
  • Careers
  • Housing applications
  • Customer services
  • Other queries
  • Suggestions

However, Affinity Sutton contact centre responds to these enquiries within five working days according to the information on the above page.

Affinity Sutton contact address for customer services is

Customer Service – Affinity Sutton,
Maple House,
Masons Hill,
BR2 9HY,
United Kingdom

Affinity Sutton registered office address is

6 More London Place,
Tooley Street,
United Kingdom

Remember, use Affinity Sutton contact Bromley for general queries and other requirements of assistance from Affinity Sutton customer care.

Affinity Sutton is the largest affordable housing providers in England with over 58,000 homes and properties in about 120 local authorities. Affinity Sutton, a housing association builds and manages a broad range of homes for people with a variety of budgets or needs. It owns and manages properties as well as. Today it is a Clarion Housing Group Company. Visit Affinity Sutton UK website to learn more about services offered. This page has a tool to search a home online. Enter location or postcode, number of bedrooms, and select if you want to rent a home or buy it to find the property in your location.

Existing customers require login to My Affinity Sutton to manage their account online. Enter your email address and password to continue. Further, login to My Affinity Sutton to

  • View rent statement online
  • Pay rent
  • Learn about community events, estate information, news, and community centres
  • Report a repair and learn more about responsibility and guidance for how to fix

New customers can register to My Affinity Sutton using a link available on the above login page. Contact Affinity Sutton helpline in case you need help for login or registration.

Get in touch using Affinity Sutton customer service email address forms available to you.

  • Complaints – Send your complaints using Affinity Sutton complaints form. Remember; use this form to complain about staff attitude and behaviour, appointment issue, time delay, failure to follow policy and procedure, quality of work, or any other concern.
  • Compliments – Send your compliments using Affinity Sutton compliments form. Select business class from options like Affinity Sutton, Affinity Sutton repairs, CBS, or Swale. Further, select compliment category from options like excellent customer service or quality of work carried out before submitting the form.
  • Suggestions – Use Affinity Sutton suggestions form to send your opinions and suggestions online. Remember to describe your suggestion in detail for a faster response.

Use Affinity Sutton benefits calculator to learn about age and disability status, bedroom calculator, out of work benefits, benefits you receive, council tax and housing costs, net income, and results.

Affinity Sutton guideline is available to customers to learn about money, work, or training. Remember, you can contact Affinity Sutton customer care from Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm to learn more. Alternately, send text AFFINITY GUIDELINE and your name along with postcode to 61211 to receive a call back from Affinity Sutton. Further, use Affinity Sutton guideline form to send an online message.

Remember, to select the correct subject from options like affordable loans, apprenticeships, benefits, British Heart Foundation discount card, budgeting, debt, digital inclusion, help to find work, Leeds Credit Union, love London working, money matters support fund, savings, training, or White Goods scheme.

Affinity Sutton residents can opt for various types of insurance protection. Visit Affinity Sutton contents insurance form page to learn more about available insurance products. This page has a form to request a quote for new insurance. Remember to provide requested information about main policyholder, joint tenant if any, address, policy questions, insurance cost, and additional insurance before submitting the form. Contact on the above Affinity Sutton contact number 0300 in case you need assistance in selecting the appropriate protection.

Affinity Sutton shared owners home handbook has information about a lease, caring for a home, rent or service charges, antisocial behaviour, stair casing, selling, and other changes, and complaint procedures.

Affinity Sutton housing options wizard is a handy tool for customers. Use this tool to learn about various housing options offered by Affinity Sutton. Further, this page has a link to affordable rent calculator tool. Remember, Affinity Sutton help to buy or rent is available to you once you log in to My Affinity Sutton.

Contact Affinity Sutton Under Occupation Officers on the above Affinity Sutton phone number to learn about Housing Transfer, Mutual Exchange, or Downsizing. Visit Affinity Sutton transfer or exchange page for options offered.

Learn more about the ways to pay the rent on Affinity Sutton rent page. Options available to you are online payments using your debit or credit card after login to My Affinity Sutton along with direct debit, standing order, phone, cheque, Paypoint, or post office.

Contact Affinity Sutton on the above number on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8:30 am until 5:00 pm and Wednesday from 10:00 am until 5:00 pm to make a payment using debit or credit card. Further, download Affinity Sutton direct debit form and submit to Affinity Sutton customer services to set up a direct debit for rent payment. Send a cheque payment or duly prepared direct debit form by post to the Affinity Sutton contact details of customer care.

Contact Affinity Sutton Via Email

Contact Affinity Sutton on Social Media

Wessex Water Phone Numbers

Wessex Water Department Contact Number
Customer Service 0345 600 4600
Billing Enquiries 0345 600 3600
Bill Payments 0345 600 1019
Automated Bill Payments 0345 600 6600
Sewage Floodline 0345 850 5959
Leakstoppers 0800 692 0692
Careers 0122 552 2552
Operations Centre, Bath (Main Office) 0122 552 6000
Media Enquiries 0122 552 6329
Watermark Awards 0122 552 6327
Trade Effluent Team 0330 123 1122
Tankered Waste 0122 552 4560
Developer Services Contact Numbers
New Water Supply Connections/Disconnections 0122 552 6222
Self Lay Water Mains 0122 552 6352
Planning / Capacity Enquiries 0122 552 6435
Planning / Capacity Enquiries Alternate Number 0122 552 6288
Asset Enquiries 0122 552 6422
Building Near To Or Over A Public Sewer 0122 552 6333
Adoption / Diversion / Requisition Of Sewers And Diversion Of Water Mains – Northern Area 0122 552 2682
Adoption / Diversion / Requisition Of Sewers And Diversion Of Water Mains – Southern area 0120 264 3461
Adoption / Diversion / Requisition Of Sewers And Diversion Of Water Mains – Western area 0182 322 5219

Wessex Water Customer Service 0345 600 4600

Wessex Water customer service contact number is 0345 600 4600. This Wessex Water customer services phone number is available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm. However, this Wessex Water emergency contact number is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to report emergencies.

Send your queries or requests via Wessex Water customer services email to [email protected]. Alternately, use Wessex Water online feedback form. This form is suitable for forwarding your queries about sewerage or water work, Wessex Water staff, Wessex Water customer challenge group, Wessex Water customer charter, or your opinion about Wessex Water customer magazine or Wessex Water services.

Similarly, Wessex Water customer service address to visit in person or write by post is

Wessex Water Services Limited
Claverton Down Rd,
BA2 7WW,
United Kingdom

Wessex Water is sewerage utility and water supply company and offers its services in South West England covering Bristol, Dorset, Wiltshire, Somerset, and parts of Hampshire and Gloucestershire. Visit Wessex Water UK website to learn more about services offered. Further, information about other Wessex Water contact numbers is available on Wessex Water contact us page.

Furthermore, contact Wessex Water customer services via online chat. Visit Wessex Water ask a question page to use this facility. Click on ask a question link to chat online. Remember, chat is available Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 8:00 pm as well as on Saturday mornings.

Visit Wessex Water customer login page for online management and bill payment. Enter your email address and password to continue. This page has a link to registration for new customers.

Wessex Water Billing Enquiries 0345 600 3600

Wessex Water contact number for billing enquiries is 0345 600 3600. This Wessex Water helpline for billing enquiries is available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm. Dial this number in case you need assistance for

  • Understanding your bill
  • Making timely payment arrangements
  • Metering issues
  • If you are moving house
  • Problems in paying bill
  • High water use
  • Registration for Wessex Water Customer Plus

Alternately, you can contact Wessex Water in person or by post for assistance at

BWBSL – Bristol Wessex Billing Services Limited
1 Clevedon Walk,
BS48 1WA,
United Kingdom

Use Wessex Water direct debit form to give standing instructions for direct bill payment from your bank account. Remember, you need your and bank information as well as your Wessex Water customer number and schedule number to enrol to direct debit.

Wessex Water Bill Payments 0345 600 1019

Wessex Water contact number for bill payments over the phone is 0345 600 1019. This Wessex Water customer contact number is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Remember, this automated number has following options available to you once your call connects.

  • Dial 1: To switch to meter leaflet
  • Dial 2: – For surface water drainage leaflet
  • Dial 3: – For charges explained leaflet
  • Dial 4: – To submit meter reading after estimated bill
  • Dial 5: – For information about rateable value charging

Visit Wessex Water paying your bill page to learn about other methods of bill payment like bank, internet or mobile banking, PayPoint, post office, and cheque. Remember to mention your customer number and name on the back of the cheque. Address to send the cheque is

1 Clevedon Walk,
BS48 1WA,
United Kingdom

Wessex Water Automated Bill Payments 0345 600 6600

Wessex Water automated bill payments number is 0345 600 6600. This number is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Remember, you can pay your water bill using a debit or credit card when you contact on Wessex Water customer services telephone number. However, keep your Wessex Water customer number and schedule number ready before you dial. Your schedule number is available at the top right of your Wessex Water bill.

Besides, use Wessex Water estimated metered bill calculator to learn about the approximate bill in case you switch to the metered billing system.

However, Wessex Water offers a secure portal to make online payments. Visit Wessex Water make a payment page to proceed. Remember; keep your 13-digit payment reference number ready.

Wessex Water Sewage Floodline 0345 850 5959

Wessex Water sewage floodline number is 0345 850 5959. This number is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Likewise, contact Wessex Water in case of internal or external sewage flooding in or around your premises. Visit Wessex Water sewer flooding page to learn more about precautions required and Wessex Water response schedule after receiving Wessex Water customer complaints for sewer flooding.

Further, Wessex Water sewage flooding information leaflet is available to learn about ex-gratia payment or compensation. Send your claim for external flooding payment online via email to [email protected]. Likewise, write to

Operational Customer Services – Wessex Water,
Claverton Down,
BA2 7WW,
United Kingdom

Address to send ex-gratia payment request is

Insurance Department – Wessex Water,
Claverton Down,
BA2 7WW,
United Kingdom

Wessex Water Leakstoppers Freephone 0800 692 0692

Wessex Water Leakstoppers freephone number is 0800 692 0692. This Wessex Water emergency helpline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Remember, you need to contact Wessex Water to report an exterior or interior leak on the above Wessex Water emergency phone number.

Alternately, you can send a message requesting Wessex Water help for a leak using Wessex Water report a leak form. Complete both steps of the form before submitting it by providing your particulars and information about the leak. Visit Wessex Water leakage page to learn about other methods of contact in case the leak is not within Wessex Water supply area.

Wessex Water Careers 0122 552 2552

Wessex Water contact number to contact the HR department is 0122 552 2552. Again, contact on the above number from Monday – Thursday 8:30 am – 4:45 pm, Friday 8:30 am – 4:15 pm. This number is not available on weekends and bank holidays. Contact on this Wessex Water head office phone number in case

  • You need to discuss a specific job
  • You are experiencing a problem while applying for a job online

Visit Wessex Water careers to learn more about

  • Job search
  • Apprenticeships
  • Email alerts
  • Current vacancies
  • How to apply online
  • Existing user login

Alternately, contact Wessex Water HR Department via email at [email protected] for assistance. Remember, you cannot apply for a job using this email address.

Wessex Water Operations Centre, Bath (Main Office) 0122 552 6000

Wessex Water contact number for Bath (main office) operations centre is 0122 552 6000. This number is available Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. Send your queries to the operations centre via email at [email protected]. More information is available on Wessex Water operations centre page. Visit Wessex Water find us page to locate the address of the Bath main office operations centre on a map for precise directions.

Further, use Wessex Water priority services register form for sending your request for enrolment to Wessex Water Customer Care Plus online. Visit Wessex Water priority services to learn more.

Wessex Water Media Enquiries 0122 552 6329

Wessex Water contact number for media enquiries is 0122 552 6329. Contact Wessex Water pressroom from Monday – Friday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. However, journalists can contact the on-call press officer at Wessex Water for media and press enquiries after office hours on the above customer service number. Remember, this number is available only to journalists and other members of the media.

Alternately, send your press and media enquiries via email to [email protected]. You need to get in touch with the press office for the selection of media content and images for using in support stories or features. Visit Wessex Water media enquiries to learn more.

Wessex Water Watermark Awards 0122 552 6327

Wessex Water contact number for Watermark Awards is 0122 552 6327. This Wessex Water contact phone number is available Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 5:00 pm. Watermark Awards supports organisations with environmental projects based within Wessex Water service region. These awards are offered to schools, youth groups, parish councils, or community organisations upon the approval.

Visit Wessex Water Watermark Rewards page to learn more about the rewards programme. Remember, this page has contact information for the Conservation Foundation UK.

Wessex Water Trade Effluent Team 0330 123 1122

Wessex Water contact number for trade effluent team is 0330 123 1122. This Wessex Water business contact number is available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm. Wessex Water Trade Effluent Team grants permission to business that discharges non-household sewage or trade effluent in the public sewer. Over 1200 such business categories are available to request approval.

Visit Wessex Water trade effluent page to learn more about other requirements for applying for permission. This page has information about the classification of household or non-household discharge. Get in touch with the trade effluent team to confirm whether your organisation requires permission.

Wessex Water retailer portal login is available for retailers. Click on login to portal button to continue.

Wessex Water Tankered Waste 0122 552 4560

Wessex Water contact number for tankered waste removal is 0122 552 4560. This Wessex Water customer services phone number is available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm. Wessex Water Organic Waste Team handles these enquiries for removal of waste using a tanker and you can email to [email protected] for a quote.

Wessex Water New Water Supply Connections/Disconnections 0122 552 6222

Wessex Water contact number for new water supply connections or disconnections is 0122 552 6222. This Wessex Water contact phone number is available Monday – Thursday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Friday 8:30 am – 4:00 pm. Use the above Wessex Water contact details to enquire about new water supply main and infrastructure charges as well.

Wessex Water contact email address to forward your enquiries for new connections or disconnections is [email protected]. Alternately, send your enquiries for new water supply main to [email protected]. Learn about infrastructure charges by emailing your enquiries to [email protected]. Visit Wessex Water developers page to learn more.

Wessex Water Self Lay Water Mains 0122 552 6352

Wessex Water contact number for self lay water mains enquiries or proposals is 0122 552 6352. This Wessex Water Bath phone number is available Monday – Thursday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Friday 8:30 am – 4:00 pm. Send your requests for self lay proposals via email to [email protected].

Visit Wessex Water self lay water mains page to learn more about requirements from developers for installing water main on their own. Further, this page has links to important forms like self lay application. Alternately, visit Wessex Water self lay water mains services page to learn more.

Wessex Water Planning / Capacity Enquiries 0122 552 6435

Wessex Water contact number for planning and capacity enquiries is 0122 552 6435. This Wessex Water number is available Monday – Thursday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Friday 8:30 am – 4:00 pm. Developers need to contact Wessex Water before developing new residential or commercial property or remodelling of existing residential or commercial properties. Send your enquiries for location or capacity advice to Wessex Water email at [email protected]. More information about Wessex Water developers charges and Wessex Water developers code of practice is available online.

Wessex Water Planning / Capacity Enquiries Alternate Number 0122 552 6288

Wessex Water alternate contact number for planning and capacity enquiries is 0122 552 6288. Contact developers support team from Monday – Thursday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Friday 8:30 am – 4:00 pm to discuss your requirements or learn about the location and capacity of Wessex Water infrastructure before commencing the work.

Visit Wessex Water developers planning page to learn more about

  • Capacity appraisal
  • SuDS or sustainable drainage systems
  • Odour risk assessment
  • Proximity guidance
  • Protection and diversion

Further, this page has answers to commonly asked questions like

  • Where can I find plans of the pipe work in my area?
  • Where are my sewers / drains?
  • Can I build over a sewer?
  • Where are water mains located?

Wessex Water Asset Enquiries 0122 552 6422

Wessex Water contact number for asset enquiries is 0122 552 6422, available Monday – Thursday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Friday 8:30 am – 4:00 pm. Contact Wessex Water asset enquiries team online via email at [email protected].

Visit Wessex Water developer services asset enquiries page to learn more. This page has a link to Wessex Water guidance notes for asset enquiries. Get in touch on the above number or use the email address to enquire about copy of plans showing the location of water mains or sewers near your development site.

Wessex Water Building Near To Or Over A Public Sewer 0122 552 6333

Wessex Water contact number to learn about protection measures for building near to or over a public sewer is 0122 552 6333, available Monday – Thursday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Friday 8:30 am – 4:00 pm for developers. Send your requests via email to [email protected].

Visit Wessex Water building near sewers page to learn about

  • Guidance notes for building over or near a sewer
  • Guidance notes for a sewer diversion
  • Application form for building over or near a sewer
  • Guidance notes for CCTV camera survey
  • Application form for a sewer diversion

Wessex Water Adoption / Diversion / Requisition Of Sewers And Diversion Of Water Mains – Northern Area 0122 552 2682

Wessex Water contact number for adoption / diversion / requisition of sewers and diversion of water mains in the northern area is 0122 552 2682, available Monday – Thursday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Friday 8:30 am – 4:00 pm. Alternately, send your enquiries via email to [email protected]. Wessex Water contact address of the northern area office is

Wessex Water – Northern Area Office
Kennet Way,
BA14 8RN,
United Kingdom

Wessex Water Adoption / Diversion / Requisition Of Sewers And Diversion Of Water Mains – Southern area 0120 264 3461

Wessex Water contact number for adoption / diversion / requisition of sewers and diversion of water mains in the southern area is 0120 264 3461, available Monday – Thursday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Friday 8:30 am – 4:00 pm. Send your enquiries via email to [email protected]. Southern area office address is

Wessex Water – Southern Area Office
Poole STW,
Cabot Lane,
BH17 7BX
United Kingdom

Wessex Water Adoption / Diversion / Requisition Of Sewers And Diversion Of Water Mains – Western area 0182 322 5219

Wessex Water contact number for adoption / diversion / requisition of sewers and diversion of water mains in the western area is 0182 322 5219, available Monday – Thursday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Friday 8:30 am – 4:00 pm. Forward your enquiries via email to [email protected]. Address to contact the western office is

Wessex Water – Western Area Office
Chilton Trinity,
TA6 3JS,
United Kingdom

Contact Wessex Water Online Via Email

Following Wessex Water email addresses are available for a direct contact with the respective department.

Water Supply Grid – Forward your queries for Water Supply Grid project to [email protected]. Visit Wessex Water grid page to learn more.

Bioresources – Send your enquiries for bioresources assets via email to [email protected]. Visit Wessex Water bioresources page to learn more.

Environmental Information – Request information about Wessex Water activities related to the environment via email at [email protected]. Visit Wessex Water environment information page to learn more. Address to request information by post is

Environmental Information Requests
Environment and Catchment Strategies Team,
Wessex Water Services Ltd,
Claverton Down Road,
BA2 7WW,
United Kingdom

Trade Effluent Queries – Send trade effluent queries to Wessex Water via email at [email protected].

Website Issue – Report website issue via email to [email protected].

Your Say Your Future Game – Email your views about Your Say Your Future game to Wessex Water at [email protected].

Contact Wessex Water Via Social Media

Severn Trent Phone Numbers

Severn Trent Department Contact Number
Customer Service 0345 750 0500

*Local rate*

Emergency 0800 783 4444
*Free number*
New Connections 0800 707 6600
*Free number*
Meter Reading Assistance 0345 709 0646
Finance Service Centre 0247 771 5904
Commercial Business Team 0345 608 0107
Business Water And Wastewater Management 0845 034 0864
*9p/minute+access charge*
Recruitment Team 0247 771 6799
New Talent Team 0247 632 3260
Media Team 0247 771 5640
Media Team After Office Hours 0345 602 0659
General Queries 0247 771 5000
Trust Fund 0121 355 7766
Business Accounts Team 0345 604 1080

Severn Trent Customer Service 0345 750 0500

Severn Trent customer service contact number is 0345 750 0500. This Severn Trent customer services number is available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 9:00 pm and Saturdays 8:30 am – 5:30 pm. Do not contact on the Christmas day, Boxing Day, or the New Years day although you can contact Severn Trent customer care on bank holidays. Alternately, visit Severn Trent water contact us message form for online contact.

Severn Trent plc is a British water company and provides water and sewerage services in the United Kingdom as well as the United States and mainland Europe, located at the following Severn Trent headquarters address:

2 St John’s St,
CV1 2LZ,
United Kingdom

Visit Severn Trent UK website to learn about the service offered. Similarly, Severn Trent customer services address to get in touch by post is

Severn Trent Water Ltd
Providence Row,
United Kingdom

Live chat menu is available on Severn Trent contact us page in addition to links to Severn Trent Twitter and Severn Trent Facebook. Remember, Severn Trent help for disabled is available on Severn Trent priority services page.

Visit Severn Trent customer login page to access your account online. Customers can pay bills online, manage account information, and send online requests after successful login. Further, Severn Trent my account registration page provides access to new customer registration. Enter your Severn Trent Water account number along with postcode to begin registration. Dial above Severn Trent customer service contact number in case you need assistance with login or registration.

Severn Trent Emergency Freephone 0800 783 4444

Severn Trent emergency freephone number is 0800 783 4444. This Severn Trent customer care number is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Contact Severn Trent customer helpline to report problems like

  • Water leakage
  • Drain issues
  • Cover or lid problems
  • Water supply issues
  • Foul water quality
  • Other concerns

Similarly, learn about planned improvements, finding the WaterSafe plumber, and tracking of your job by visiting Severn Trent in my area page. Alternately, visit Severn Trent report a problem form page to report a problem online.

Further, visit Severn Trent in my area form page to report a problem using the interactive menu. This page also has a search tool to learn about updates about the local work.

Severn Trent New Connections Freephone 0800 707 6600

Severn Trent new connections freephone number is 0800 707 6600. Contact on the above number from Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 9:00 pm and Saturdays 8:30 am – 5:30 pm to request permission for a new connection to water mains or public sewer. Alternately, send your requests to Severn Trent customer service email address [email protected] for approval.

Approval for new sewer or water connection is necessary for new houses, house renovations, or while replacing an existing supply. Visit Severn Trent house renovation – new connections page to learn about the application and approval process and other important factors for consideration. Similarly, above Severn Trent contact number is suitable to report a change of use affecting existing bill. Contact Severn Trent water UK phone number in case you need assistance. Further, visit Severn Trent apply for a water meter form page to apply online. Remember, you need your STW account number and postcode for online application.

Severn Trent Meter Reading Assistance 0345 709 0646

Severn Trent contact number for requesting assistance for meter reading is 0345 709 0646. Remember, Severn Trent customer services opening hours for meter reading assistance are from Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 9:00 pm and Saturdays 8:30 am – 5:30 pm. At times, accessing outdoor meters is difficult due to its location or other problems like the heavy cover. Contact on the above Severn Trent UK contact number to request assistance for meter reading in such cases. Visit Severn Trent how to find and read your meter page to learn more.

Alternately, visit Severn Trent update meter reading from page for online reading submission. Remember, you need STW account number and postcode to proceed in case you prefer to submit the reading without login.

Severn Trent Finance Service Centre 0247 771 5904

Severn Trent contact number for the Finance Service Centre is 0247 771 5904. Retailers can contact Severn Trent helpline from Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 9:00 pm and Saturdays 8:30 am – 5:30 pm to enquire about invoices. Alternately, send your requests for invoices online to Severn Trent contact email [email protected].

Visit Severn Trent retailers page to learn more. Retailers need to visit Severn Trent SWIM-Pool portal login page or Severn Trent Planned/Unplanned portal login page to submit bilateral forms or learn about updates about submissions and live updates on unplanned or planned interruptions. Contact your Retail Account Manager for user ID and password on the above Severn Trent phone number.

Severn Trent Commercial Business Team 0345 608 0107

Severn Trent contact number for commercial business team is 0345 608 0107. Commercial business team is available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 9:00 pm and Saturdays 8:30 am – 5:30 pm. Alternately, send your enquiries to Severn Trent customer care email [email protected].

Visit Severn Trent tankered trade waste page to learn about

  • Available services and Customer benefits
  • Process for obtaining discharge approval
  • Charges for tankered waste
  • Severn Trent contact details for tankered waste centres
  • Waste site locations and site opening times
  • Risk assessment and credit application forms
  • Tankered waste approval application form

Dial the above Severn Trent contact number 0345 608 0107 to get in touch with the commercial business team in case you need assistance.

Severn Trent Business Water And Wastewater Management 0845 034 0864 *9p/minute+access charge*

Severn Trent contact number for business water and wastewater management team is 0845 034 0864 *9p/minute+access charge*. Send your enquiries to business water and wastewater management via email to [email protected]. Alternately, Severn Trent UK address to contact the Services team by post is

Severn Trent Services,
PO Box 6468,
CV3 9NT,
United Kingdom

Severn Trent centre location address is

Severn Trent Centre,
2 St John’s Street,
CV1 2LZ,
United Kingdom

Severn Trent Recruitment Team 0247 771 6799

Severn Trent contact number for the recruitment team is 0247 771 6799. Alternately, contact Severn Trent recruitment team online via email at [email protected]. Visit Severn Trent careers page to search and apply for jobs. This page has links to overview, job search, returning candidates, our people, graduates, and apprentices, why choose us, how we recruit, and careers FAQs.

Severn Trent New Talent Team 0247 632 3260

Severn Trent contact number for new talent team is 0247 632 3260. Contact new talent team via email at [email protected].

Forward your enquiries about

  • Graduate programme
  • Undergraduate programme
  • Apprentice programme
  • Job openings
  • Assistance for applying for a job

Severn Trent Media Team 0247 771 5640

Severn Trent media team contact number is 0247 771 5640. Alternately, forward your requests for media and press updates online via email to [email protected]. Remember, above Severn Trent contact telephone number or Severn Trent contact address for online contact is available only for journalists. Therefore, do not contact for general enquiries or requests about water or sewer services offered by Severn Trent. Press team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. However, Severn Trent emergency phone number to contact the press team after the office hours is different.

Severn Trent Media Team After Office Hours 0345 602 0659

Severn Trent media team phone number for after office hours contact is 0345 602 0659. Visit Severn Trent news page to learn about the latest press releases and media content. Remember, this page has links to

  • News releases
  • Facts and figures
  • Media library

Further, you can search for news based on date or topic using the search tool available on the above page.

Alternately, forward your queries or requests online using Severn Trent ask a question form. Remember to select the correct topic from the drop down menu and provide as much information possible for faster response from Severn Trent customer advisor attending your request.

Severn Trent General Queries 0247 771 5000

Severn Trent contact number for general queries is 0247 771 5000. Remember, Severn Trent helpdesk is available on the above number from Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 9:00 pm and Saturdays 8:30 am – 5:30 pm. Contact Severn Trent on the above number for general enquiries about bill payments, moving house, reporting a problem, or assistance for pipes and drains.

Further, use Severn Trent moving house form to send your request online. Keep your STW account number, existing postcode, new address, and contact information ready before visiting the form page.

Send your requests for priority services using Severn Trent priority services register form. Severn Trent offers extra support to customers with medical conditions, mobility needs, visual impairment, mental health problems, or temporary support requirements. Use the above form to learn about your eligibility for priority services. Get in touch with the Severn Trent emergency helpline 0247 771 5000 to learn more about eligibility and approval process.

Severn Trent Trust Fund 0121 355 7766

Severn Trent Trust Fund contact number is 0121 355 7766. Remember, Severn Trent help for low-income customers is available through the trust fund. Forward your request for Severn Trent help with bills payment online via email to [email protected]. Alternately, visit Severn Trent trust fund page to learn more and apply online for a grant. A customer from the Severn Trent coverage area and unable to meet the cost of water charges can apply for help through the trust fund.

Severn Trent Business Accounts Team 0345 604 1080

Severn Trent contact number for business accounts team is 0345 604 1080. This Severn Trent contact number business is available Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. Alternately, contact Severn Trent business accounts team online via email at [email protected] to inquire if you qualify for any of the business tariffs. Business customers cannot apply online while moving premises.

Contact Severn Trent Online Via Email

Wholesale Market Unit – Send your general enquiries to Severn Trent wholesale market unit online via email at [email protected]. Visit Severn Trent retailers page to learn more.

New Connections Team – Contact Severn Trent new connections team via email at [email protected]. Visit Severn Trent altering your property or supply page to learn more.

Standpipe Queries – Email Severn Trent [email protected] for standpipe enquiries and hydrant locations. Visit Severn Trent standpipe page to learn more about hiring standpipes and other requirements.

Report Suspicious Activity – Email to [email protected] to report suspicious activity involving misuse of hydrant. Visit Severn Trent hydrant misuse page to learn more about how to report and precautions required. Map to hydrant locations is available on Severn Trent hydrant app page.

Commercial Waste Support Team – Email Severn Trent [email protected] to forward your queries about trade effluent. Contact Commercial Waste Support Team by post at

Severn Trent Water Limited
Commercial Waste Support Team
P.O. Box 51, Raynesway,
DE21 7JA,
United Kingdom

Marketing Team – Email marketing team at [email protected] to forward your queries for advertising with Severn Trent Water Limited.

Contact Severn Trent on Social Media

Veolia UK Phone Numbers:

Veolia UK Department Contact Number
Customer Service 0207 812 5000
*Local rate*
Commercial Recycling and Waste Services 0345 606 0460
Emergency 0800 626 274
*Free number*
Emergency Response Membership Scheme 0800 783 8020
*Free number*
Hazardous Waste Collection 0800 783 8892
*Free number*
Hazardous Waste Site Registration 0203 567 4450
International Hazardous Waste Services +44 (0)144 382 7850
CLP Regulation Enquiries 0845 606 0460
*Up to 9p/minute and access charge*
Minosus Underground Hazardous Waste Storage 0160 655 0044
Decommissioning Team 0800 048 3630
*Free number*
Decommissioning Team Alternate Number 0148 289 6939
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Collection for Businesses 0203 567 3115
Packaging Compliance Scheme 0845 890 0463
*Up to 9p/minute and access charge*
Pro-Grow 0800 072 2369
*Free number*
Tidworth Customer Service 0345 148 2909
WEEE Containers and Collection Services 0870 930 9911
*Up to 13p/minute and access charge*
Materials Recovery Facilities
Alton MRF 0142 059 3224
Bidston MRF, Merseyside 0203 567 4200
Birmingham MRF 0190 279 4966
Castle Donington MRF 0133 281 1564
Four Ashes MRF 0190 279 4968
Gillmoss MRF, Merseyside 0203 567 4200
Greenwich MRF 0203 567 4137
Hollingdean MRF 0127 354 4213
Mansfield MRF 0162 363 8960
Padworth MRF 0203 567 2900
Portsmouth MRF 0239 266 8190
Rainham PRF 0782 501 1969
Sheffield MRF 0114 254 2750
Southwark MRF 0203 567 2600
In-Vessel Composting Facilities
Padworth IVC 0203 567 2900
Pitsea IVC 0126 855 7464
Woodlands IVC 0182 587 4100
Open Windrow Composting Sites
Chilbolton Down 0203 567 3068
Haddocks Wood 0151 489 8800
Little Bushywarren 0203 567 3068
Pitsea 0126 855 7464
Rainham 0170 852 3768
Hazardous Waste Facilities
Ellesmere Port, Empire Works, Falkirk, Garston , Marchwood 0203 567 4500
Norwood 0203 567 6400
Preston 0177 279 8748
Redbourn, Transport Department 0177 279 8748
Stewartby 0203 567 4153
Energy Recovery Facilities
Chineham ERF 0203 567 3850
Marchwood ERF 0238 087 5500
Newhaven ERF 0127 351 1325
Portsmouth ERF 0239 265 7700
SELCHP ERF 0207 394 4770
Sheffield ERF 0114 273 4399
Tyseley ERF 0121 680 2000
Landfill Sites
Albion 0128 322 7840
Candles 0195 263 0005
Chatsworth Blue Haze 0203 567 6790
Croft Farm 0130 233 2010
Highmoor 0145 787 9999
Lidsey 0124 354 4261
Ling Hall 0178 852 2709
Ockendon 0170 885 7203
Pitsea 0126 855 7464
Rainham 0170 863 2020
Sandy Lane 0121 453 5212
Springfield 0175 388 3704
Wapseys Wood 0175 388 3704
Recycling, Waste and Environmental Services for Residents
Birmingham 0121 680 2000
Essex 0207 812 5000
Hampshire 0203 567 3000
Haringey 0208 885 7700
Hertfordshire, Highmoor, London, Telford & Wrekin, Tower Hamlets 0207 812 5000
Leeds 0203 567 8430
Merseyside & Halton 0203 567 4200
Nottinghamshire 0203 567 4370
Sheffield 0114 273 4567
Shropshire 0174 345 2150
Southwark 0203 567 2600
South Downs 0845 355 0550
*Up to 9p/minute and access charge*
Staffordshire 0203 567 6300
West Berkshire 0203 567 2900
Southwark Mechanical Biological Treatment Facility 0203 567 2600
Veolia Ireland
Veolia Energy Ireland +353 (0)1 870 1200
Veolia Water Ireland +353 (0)56 763950
Veolia Waste Ireland +353 (0)25 42944
Veolia Northern Ireland +44 (0) 289 047 7065
SEDE Ireland +353 (0)56 77 04 007
Heating Customer Service +353 (0)1 870 1280
Press And Media
Communications Department 0207 812 5028
Communications Department Alternate Number 0207 812 5038
Birmingham 0791 759 6179
Hampshire 0203 567 3000
London 0777 058 0118
Camden 0203 567 6570
Haringey 0203 567 2839
Sutton, Merton, Croydon, and Kingston upon Thames 0738 725 9788
Merseyside and Halton 0203 567 4223
Nottinghamshire 0782 586 3058
Sheffield 0203 567 3663
Shropshire 0174 345 2150
Shropshire DD 0174 345 2162
Shropshire Mobile 0779 060 7672
South Downs 0774 893 3031
Staffordshire 0203 567 2411
Staffordshire Mobile 0782 446 0233
West Berkshire 0207 812 5028
West Berkshire Alternate Number 0207 812 5038

Veolia Customer Service 0207 812 5000

Veolia customer service contact number is 0207 812 5000. This Veolia customer service number is available Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 6:00 pm. Remember, Veolia helpline is accessible online through a message form. Visit Veolia water contact us page to use this form. Alternately, Veolia headquarters address to visit in person or contact by post is

8th Floor,
210 Pentonville Road,
N1 9JY,
United Kingdom

Visit customer portal.Veolia for Veolia customer login. Enter your email address and password to continue. Remember, this page has link to the new sign up in case you need a new registration.

Veolia Commercial Recycling and Waste Services 0345 606 0460

Veolia contact number for commercial recycling and waste services is 0345 606 0460. This Veolia contact number is available Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm. Visit Veolia hazardous waste services page to learn about

  • Hazardous waste collection
  • International Services
  • Mobile chemist
  • Secure Destruction
  • Small hazardous wastes
  • Underground Storage

These solutions are available for individual customers as well as corporate and business entities. Get in touch with the Veolia UK telephone number 0345 606 0460 for hazardous waste collection, advanced treatment and recycling as well as recovery technologies and site registrations.

Veolia Emergency Freephone 0800 626 274

Veolia emergency freephone number is 0800 626 274. This Veolia contact centre number for reporting emergencies is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Alternately, contact Veolia emergency response team online via email at [email protected]. Remember, you can report emergencies like

  • Chemical and hazmat incidents
  • Road traffic collisions
  • Fuel and oil spills
  • Removal of blood and clinical waste
  • Removal of fly tipped waste including asbestos
  • Decontamination and remediation of contaminated sites
  • Animal carcass removal
  • Fire and Flood

Visit Veolia emergency response page to learn more about contingency planning and on the spot assistance offered at Veolia for business customers.

Veolia Emergency Response Membership Scheme Freephone 0800 783 8020

Veolia emergency response membership scheme freephone number is 0800 783 8020. Business customers have 24-hour freephone access to this emergency response number. Visit Veolia emergency response membership scheme page to learn about

  • Comprehensive incident control from initial call through to disposal
  • Specialised emergency vehicles
  • Specialised spill control and clean-up equipment
  • Incident and transport co-ordinators
  • Dangerous goods safety advisors
  • On call chemists, site remediation, and aftercare

Get in touch with Veolia helpdesk 0800 783 8020 for trained spill teams, specialist chemists, tankers, and equipment along with environmentally sound recycling and waste management. Similarly, you can write to the above Veolia UK email address for the emergency response team to forward your queries for emergency response membership scheme online.

Veolia Hazardous Waste Collection Freephone 0800 783 8892

Veolia hazardous waste collection freephone number is 0800 783 8892. Visit Veolia hazardous waste collection page to learn about

  • Bulk or packaged hazardous wastes
  • Small hazardous wastes collection through Eco- box* service
  • Tankers
  • Drummed wastes

Further, download Veolia Chempac leaflet or Veolia Eco-box* service leaflet to learn more. Veolia UK environmental services available to you are listed on Veolia hazardous waste collection page. Get in touch with the Veolia UK head office 0800 783 8892 for a quote. Alternately, you can request a quote by using the online form available on the above page.

Veolia Hazardous Waste Site Registration 0203 567 4450

Veolia hazardous waste site registration contact number is 0203 567 4450. Visit Veolia hazardous waste site registration page. This page has information about compliance to EC Hazardous Waste Directive. Further, Veolia UK ltd offers support to paperwork for compliance. These services are available to business customers. Therefore, contact Veolia English helpline for more information.

Similarly, request a quote online via email by forwarding your requirements to [email protected]. Above site registration page has a link to download Veolia HTI Brochure to learn more. Further, use online form available on the above page to contact Veolia customer services for assistance.

Veolia International Hazardous Waste Services +44 (0)144 382 7850

Veolia contact number for international hazardous waste services is +44 (0)144 382 7850. Get in touch with Veolia international field services team at Veolia UK head office to learn about recovery, clean up, safely recycle, and disposal of hazardous wastes in international locations.

Send your enquiries to international hazardous waste services online via email to [email protected].

Veolia CLP Regulation Enquiries 0845 606 0460 *Up to 9p/minute and access charge*

Veolia contact number for CLP regulation enquiries is 0845 606 0460 *Up to 9p/minute and access charge*. Further, Veolia UK email address to forward your CLP regulations enquiries is [email protected]. Veolia offers a classification of waste materials using CLP-GHS methodology for compliance with Labelling and Packaging (CLP) regulations. Visit Veolia classifying and labelling hazardous waste page to learn more.

Contact on above Veolia phone number to inquire about marine waste management solutions. Visit Veolia marine waste management page to learn more. This page has a link to download Veolia Marine Services Brochure. Veolia UK office locations for marine waste management are Liverpool and Southampton.

Veolia Minosus Underground Hazardous Waste Storage 0160 655 0044

Veolia contact number for Minosus underground hazardous waste storage enquiries is 0160 655 0044. This Veolia UK contact number is available to business customers wanting to store their waste at Minosus underground hazardous waste storage facility. This storage facility accepts solid and granular hazardous wastes of up to 100,000 tonnes every year. Visit Veolia Minosus underground hazardous waste storage page to learn more.

Veolia Decommissioning Team Freephone 0800 048 3630

Veolia decommissioning team freephone number is 0800 048 3630. Contact Veolia decommissioning team via email at [email protected] to forward your queries for handling asbestos removal, decontamination, or hazardous waste. Visit Veolia decommissioning and demolition services page to learn more. These services are available for industrial sectors like

  • Oil, gas, chemical, petrochemical
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Industrial manufacturing
  • Ports and docks
  • Food and beverage
  • Power generation and other utilities

Contact Veolia UK & Ireland decommissioning team to learn about Veolia-Peterson joint venture for decommissioning service comprising decontamination, environmental services deconstruction, waste management, logistics, marine, or quayside operations.

Veolia Decommissioning Team Alternate Number 0148 289 6939

Veolia decommissioning team alternate number is 0148 289 6939. Use the Veolia water customer services contact number to enquire about

  • Decommissioning, dismantling, and asset recovery
  • Demolition and asbestos removal
  • Handling and storage of hazardous waste
  • Onshore processing of offshore structures and installations
  • Offshore material management and recycling
  • Industrial cleaning

Veolia Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Collection for Businesses 0203 567 3115

Veolia contact number for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) collection for businesses is 0203 567 3115. Send your queries or requests for quote via email to [email protected]. Businesses importing, rebranding, or manufacturing new electronic or electrical equipment require registration to Producer Compliance Scheme. Visit Veolia WEEE compliance page to learn more about the collection and disposal services available at Veolia UK. Remember, recycling and final disposal of WEEE items at Approved Authorised Treatment Facility (AATF) is done in compliance to the WEEE Regulations according to the information on the above page. Further, this page has links to download of WEEE terms & conditions and application form and Waste Electrical and Electronic equipment leaflet.

Veolia Packaging Compliance Scheme 0845 890 0463 *Up to 9p/minute and access charge*

Veolia contact number to inquire about packaging compliance scheme is 0845 890 0463 *Up to 9p/minute and access charge*. Similarly, send your queries via email to [email protected]. Veolia packaging compliance scheme helps business customers to comply with Packaging Waste Legislation by reducing the environmental impact of packaging. Visit Veolia packaging compliance page to learn more about

  • Packaging membership and data
  • Packaging compliance
  • Packaging terms & conditions
  • CIO or consumer information obligations

Veolia Pro-Grow Freephone 0800 072 2369

Veolia Pro-Grow freephone number is 0800 072 2369. Pro-Grow is a part of Veolia Recycling and Waste Services for local authorities. It is organic lawn and soil conditioner made from green waste recycling and serves as an alternative to chemical fertilisers. Remember, these products are suitable for individuals as well as businesses.

Send your queries about Pro-Grow via email to [email protected]. Alternately, visit Veolia pro grow page to learn more. Similarly, you can login to Veolia customer hub for online orders and payments.

Veolia Tidworth Customer Service 0345 148 2909

Veolia Tidworth customer service contact number is 0345 148 2909, available from Monday – Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. However, you can report an emergency on the above number for 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

This Veolia water phone number is suitable for customers from Tidworth, Perham Down area in Wiltshire, and around 80 miles southwest of London. Veolia supplies water and sewerage services to domestic as well as commercial customers. Visit Veolia water projects page to learn more. Further, write to Veolia water UK address by post at

Veolia Water Projects Limited
PO Box 3920,
SN5 1BW,
United Kingdom

Additionally, following email addresses are available for direct contact with respective Veolia UK customer service department.

Veolia WEEE Containers and Collection Services 0870 930 9911

Veolia contact number to order WEEE containers and collection services is 0870 930 9911. This Veolia phone number is suitable to enquire about recycling options available at Veolia for paper and card, wood, glass, electrical equipment, batteries, small hazardous wastes, food waste, large volume paper waste, soft plastics, palletised recyclables, and secure shredding.

Visit Veolia what can I recycle page to learn more. Further, view Veolia recycle bin options online. These bins are available for dry mixed recycling, paper and card, glass, food, and general waste. Dial the above Veolia UK contact number to learn about secure destruction services and paper compaction equipment.

Contact Veolia UK Via Social Media

South East Water – SEW- Phone Numbers:

South East Water Department Contact Number
Customer Service 0333 000 0001
*Local rate*
Water Supply Helpline 0333 000 0002
Emergency 0333 000 3330
Out Of Hours Emergencies 0333 000 0365
Bill Payment Support 0333 000 2468
Report Blocked Drain / Flooding Sewer 0330 303 0368
Retailer Enquiries 0333 000 0018
Automated Payments 0333 000 0247
New Connections 0333 000 0060

South East Water Customer Service 0333 000 0001

South East Water customer service contact number is 0333 000 0001. This South East Water helpline is available for billing enquiries as well from Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 7:00 pm, Saturdays 8:00 am – 1:00 pm. Alternately, visit South East Water contact us page to use the online message form after login. You may choose to send a message without login to South East Water website by using South East Water get in touch form. Remember to complete all five steps of the form to send your message to South East Water head office. Visit South East Water UK website to learn more about available services. South East Water head office address is

South East Water,
Rocfort Road,
United Kingdom

Enter your username or email address and password for South East Water customer login. This page has link to new registrations. Further, enter account number, postcode of the supply address, and email address in South East Water registration form for online registration. You can access following services after successful login.

  • View bills
  • Check balances
  • Set up / manage direct debit
  • Make a bill payment
  • Submit South East Water meter reading
  • Send message to South East Water customer services

Another method of contacting South East Water customer service is using South East Water feedback form. Remember to provide requested information and detailed description of your query or request before submitting South East Water UK email form.

South East Water Water Supply Helpline 0333 000 0002

South East Water contact number for water supply support is 0333 000 0002. Remember, South East Water contact hours are from Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 7:00 pm, Saturdays 8:00 am – 1:00 pm. Get in touch with South East Water phone number 0333 000 0002 in case you face problems like low pressure or no water supply. Similarly, you can report supply of foul or coloured water to South East Water on this number.

Apply for a new connection online using South East Water account application form. Complete all five steps of the form to send your application to South East Water UK head office for further processing. You need to provide contact and account information along with property particulars and confirmation to prepare the form duly.

Apply for a new South East Water meter online by using South East Water apply for a meter form. Enter the requested information in the form for sending it to South East Water UK office for approval and property survey. Make sure to provide additional information if any in the form.

Use South East Water report bereavement form to report the death of a customer. Remember, you need to provide information about a deceased customer, particulars of the estate and person handling the estate when you use the South East Water contact email address form or South East Water head office telephone number.

South East Water Out Of Hours Emergencies 0333 000 0365


South East Water contact number to report emergencies out of office hours is 0333 000 0365. This South East Water emergency contact number is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Contact on South East Water UK phone number to report emergencies like

  • No tap water
  • Foul taste or smell of water
  • Blocked drains or wastewater flooding
  • Water leaks or leaks inside the home
  • Insurance claims
  • Frozen pipes
  • Pipe bursts

Similarly, use the above South East Water contact details to report roadwork in your area, improvements near you, bogus callers, or leaks on the road or outside your premises. Visit South East Water my water supply page to learn more.

South East Water Bill Payment Support 0333 000 2468

South East Water contact number to request bill payment support is 0333 000 2468. Remember, South East Water help with bills is available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 7:00 pm, Saturdays 8:00 am – 1:00 pm. Otherwise, visit South East Water I’m struggling to pay my bill page to use a message form to contact South East Water bill payment support desk. This page has important information about requirements to qualify for South East Water help with bills and South East Water helping hands scheme.

Alternately, South East Water helping hand application form is available to request financial assistance. Download, prepare the helping hand application form and send it to South East Water UK address for approval of the provisional award. Remember, you need to send copies of the supporting documents. Do not send originals.

South East Water Report Blocked Drain / Flooding Sewer 0330 303 0368

South East Water contact number to report blocked drain or flooding sewer is 0330 303 0368. This South East Water UK contact number is available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 7:00 pm, Saturdays 8:00 am – 1:00 pm.

Dial this South East Water contact number in case you need to report

  • Blocked drain
  • Flooding sewer
  • Emergencies
  • Pollution queries

Visit South East Water one bill page to learn more. Remember, you can always contact South East Water customer services telephone number in spite of opting for one bill plan for water and sewer services offered to you.

Use South East Water apply to our priority services register form for online application. Submitting this form is necessary to request priority assistance from South East Water in case you are disabled. Remember, this form has options to request a bill in many types or appoint a nominee.

Login to South East Water website in case you need to report moving home. Alternately, visit South East Water I’m moving home form to report without login. Complete all five steps of the form before submitting.

South East Water Retailer Enquiries 0333 000 0018

South East Water contact number for general retailer enquiries is 0333 000 0018. This South East Water phone contact for retailers is available Monday to Friday between 8:00 am – 5:30 pm. Alternately, send your retailers enquiries to South East Water via email at [email protected].

Corporate and commercial business in the Eastern England receiving water from South East Water can use South East Water Choice as a retailer for water and sewer services. Remember, South East Water UK area for retailers services is Berkshire, Kent, Surrey, Sussex, and Hampshire. Contact via above South East Water email in case you need further assistance to learn about

  • Services and facilities
  • Tariffs
  • AMR metering
  • Technical support
  • Consolidated billing
  • Laboratory services
  • Leakage detection and repair
  • Water contingency
  • Water efficiency audits

Alternately, contact on the above South East Water contact address of Kent office to learn more.

South East Water Automated Payments 0333 000 0247

South East Water contact number for automated payments is 0333 000 0247. This South East Water customer number is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Use your debit or credit card to make payments. However, keep your SEW account number ready when you call.

Similarly, information about other methods of bill payments is available on South East Water make a payment page. Options available are

  • Direct debit
  • Online banking
  • Post office
  • Pay with PayPoint
  • Bank
  • Cheque

Address to send a cheque payment is

South East Water Ltd
Payment Processing Department,
PO Box 305,
S95 1AP,
United Kingdom

Remember, the cheque must be payable to South East Water Limited and you must write your nine digit account number and name on the back of the cheque.

South East Water New Connections 0333 000 0060

South East Water contact number for new connection is 0333 000 0060. This South East Water contact UK is available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm for developers and builders. Alternately, send your requests for new connections to South East Water customer services email address [email protected]. Similarly, forward your enquiries for self-lay applications to [email protected].

Visit South East Water new connections page to view and download various forms required for applying for a new connection. More information about services offered is available on the South East Water developer services page.

Contact South East Water Online Via Email

Following South East Water email addresses are available for a direct contact with the respective department.

  • South East Water Media Team – Send your requests for press and media information to [email protected]. Visit South East Water media page to learn more.
  • South East Water UK Careers – Send job application and supporting documents to [email protected] to apply online. Visit South East Water careers page to learn more.

Contact South East Water on Social Media

Southern Water Phone Numbers

Southern Water Department Contact Number
Customer Service 0330 303 1263
*Local rate*
Billing And Account Enquiries 0330 303 0277
Water And Wastewater Enquiries 0330 303 0368
Report A Leak Free Phone 0800 820 999
*Free number*
Report A Leak 0330 303 0146
Emergencies 0330 303 0368
Account Login Support 0330 303 0361
Request Call Back 0330 303 0223
Stakeholder Policy Manager 0190 327 2073
Stakeholder Engagement Manager – Hampshire And Isle of Wight 0190 327 2343
Stakeholder Engagement Manager – Sussex 0190 327 2776
Stakeholder Engagement Manager – Kent 0163 482 4201
Media Team 0190 327 2230
Media Team – Emergency Contact 0190 327 2095
Media Team – Calie Rydings 0190 327 2764
Media Team – Clare Ramsaran 0190 327 2407
Media Team – Nicola Crichton 0190 327 2772
Media Team – Simon Fluendy 0190 327 2719
LandSearch Team 0845 270 0212 *Up to 9p/minute and access charge*
LandSearch team Alternate Number 0330 303 0276
Financial Support 0800 027 0363
Investor Relations – Steve Collins 0190 327 2056
Investor Relations – Paul Fitz-Hugh 0190 327 2054

Southern Water Customer Service 0330 303 1263

Southern Water customer service contact number is 0330 303 1263. Remember, Southern Water customer care is available 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Visit Southern Water contact email form page to share your comments, feedback, or experience. Remember to prepare this two-step form completely and provide detailed description of your message before submitting the form.

Southern Water customer services postal address is

Southern Water
PO Box 41,
BN13 3NZ,
United Kingdom

Southern Water UK head office address is

Southern House
Yeoman Road,
West Sussex,
BN13 3NX
United Kingdom

Do not forward general queries to Southern Water UK head office by post. Send them to Southern Water customer service via message form, post, or contact the above Southern Water helpline number. Visit Southern Water contact us page to use other important message forms and phone numbers.

Alternately, Southern Water customer contact is available through live chat for billing and payment related concerns or queries. This menu is available at the bottom right on the page.

Southern Water is a private utility company offering public water supply and distribution in areas like Hampshire, Kent, the Isle of Wight, and East and West Sussex along with public wastewater collection as well as treatment in these areas. Southern Water is a fully owned subsidiary of Greensands Investments Limited. Visit Southern Water Company UK website to learn more about facilities and services offered.

Visit Southern Water customer login page for online bill payments and account management. Enter your email address and password to continue. This page has a link to new registration. Contact Southern Water during 24/7 Southern Water phone times in case you need assistance for login or account management.

Southern Water Billing And Account Enquiries 0330 303 0277

Southern Water contact number for billing and account enquiries is 0330 303 0277. This number is available Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 7:00 pm and Saturday 8:30 am to 2:00 pm and closed on Sundays and bank holidays.

Options available to pay the bill are

  • Online payment using debit or credit card
  • Automated phone number
  • Direct debit system

Remember, Southern Water help with bills is available in case you face a problem in paying bills. Visit Southern Water individual needs page to learn more about Southern Water financial help available to customers.

Southern Water Water And Wastewater Enquiries 0330 303 0368

Southern Water contact number for water and wastewater enquiries is 0330 303 0368. Southern Water contact hours for technical support are from Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 7:00 pm and Saturday 8:30 am to 2:00 pm. Forward your technical enquiries using Southern Water customer service email address form.

Southern Water UK customer service offers other email forms like

Southern Water Report A Leak Free Phone 0800 820 999

Southern Water free phone number to report a leak is 0800 820 999. This Southern Water contact number freephone is available 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Use the above Southern Water contact emergency number to report a leakage in water or wastewater line. Alternately, visit Southern Water leaks at your home page to learn more. This page has information about

  • Leak allowance
  • Repaired a leak
  • Testing for a leak
  • Guidance for re-laying your supply pipe
  • Working outside your property

Southern Water Report A Leak 0330 303 0146

Southern Water contact number to report a leak is 0330 303 0146. Remember, you can report a leakage 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Visit Southern Water report a leak to learn more. This page has information about the life cycle of a leak and leak detection.

Use the above Southern Water phone line in case you observe a leakage in and around your home or any part of Hampshire, Kent, the Isle of Wight, or East and West Sussex. Southern Water offers services in these areas.

Southern Water Emergencies 0330 303 0368

Southern Water contact number to report emergencies is 0330 303 0368. This Southern Water contact number for reporting emergencies is available 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Dial the above number to report water or wastewater emergencies. Visit Southern Water emergencies page to learn more about situations like

  • No tap water
  • Dealing with flooding
  • Taste and smell of water
  • If a pipe bursts
  • Blocked drains or wastewater flooding
  • Leaks inside the home
  • Avoiding frozen pipes
  • Insurance claims

Remember to verify the identity of the Southern Water employee prior to granting access to your premises for attending an emergency. Visit Southern Water bogus callers page to learn more about precautions required.

Southern Water Account Login Support 0330 303 0361

Southern Water contact number for account login support is 0330 303 0361. Support for login related queries and concerns is available on above Southern Water UK phone number from Monday to Friday between 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. However, this service is not available on Saturdays, Sundays, and bank holidays.

Visit Southern Water your account is here page to learn more. Registered users can access following services after a successful login.

  • Pay bills
  • Edit account details
  • View bills, payments, or account balance
  • Set up direct debit
  • Submit meter reading
  • View water consumption

Southern Water Request Call Back 0330 303 0223

Southern Water contact number to request a call back from Southern Water UK customer service is 0330 303 0223. This Southern Water number is available from Monday to Friday between 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Remember; you need your customer reference number when you dial the above number to request a call back.

Southern Water Stakeholder Policy Manager 0190 327 2073

Southern Water contact number for the Stakeholder policy manager is 0190 327 2073. Branwen Rhead is the policy manager and a part of the Stakeholder team. You can contact her from Monday to Friday between 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on the above number. Alternately, send your queries or suggestions to Branwen via email at [email protected].

Southern Water Stakeholder Engagement Manager – Hampshire And Isle of Wight 0190 327 2343

Southern Water contact number for the Stakeholder Engagement Manager for Hampshire and Isle of Wight is 0190 327 2343. Samuel Underwood is the Engagement Manager for Hampshire and Isle of Wight regions and you can contact Samuel on the above number from Monday to Friday between 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Alternately, send a message to Samuel via email at [email protected]. Samuel looks after issues like water resources planning, bathing water quality, and development. Remember, Stakeholder newsletters for the Hampshire and Isle of Wight region is available on the above Stakeholder page.

Southern Water Stakeholder Engagement Manager – Sussex 0190 327 2776

Southern Water contact number for the Stakeholder Engagement Manager at Sussex is 0190 327 2776. Joel Hufford is the Engagement Manager at Stakeholder team and he looks after the issued related to water quality and development in the Sussex region. He is available on the above phone from Monday to Friday between 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Southern Water UK email address to contact Joel is [email protected]. Above Stakeholder page has links to Stakeholder Sussex newsletters. Use the above Southern Water contact address to get in touch with Joel only for suggestions or queries related to the Sussex region.

Southern Water Stakeholder Engagement Manager – Kent 0163 482 4201

Southern Water contact number for Stakeholder Engagement Manager for Kent region is 0163 482 4201. Sarah Feasey is Stakeholder Engagement Manager for Kent region and you can contact her email at [email protected].

Visit Southern Water Stakeholder panel page to learn more about the initiative and the Stakeholder panels functional at Sussex, Isle of Wight, Hampshire, and Kent along with the Strategic Environment panel. Remember, the above Stakeholder page has links to newsletters for the Kent region.

Southern Water Media Team 0190 327 2230

Southern Water media team contact number is 0190 327 2230. This Southern Water UK phone number for media centre is available Monday to Friday between 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. However, Southern Water offers other methods of contacting media centre after office hours and on Saturdays, Sundays, and bank holidays assuring to provide 24 hours a day and seven days a week access to the information.

Alternately, email media centre team at [email protected]. Remember, this email address is unmonitored after the office hours.

Southern Water Media Team – Emergency Contact 0190 327 2095

Southern Water emergency contact number for the media team is 0190 327 2095. Remember, this number is available Monday to Thursday only after the usual office hours. Usual office hours to contact the media centre are Monday to Friday between 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Alternately, contact on the above media team number on Saturdays, Sundays, and bank holidays and ask for the press officer on the duty when you speak with the operator. Remember, this service is available only for media centre contact during an emergency.

Southern Water Media Team – Calie Rydings 0190 327 2764

Southern Water contact number for Calie Rydings is 0190 327 2764. Calie is available on the above number from Monday to Friday between 9:00 am to 5:00 pm to answer press and media content queries or requests. Contact on the above Southern Water UK contact number to enquire about

  • Communications about bathing water
  • Innovation and Fat, Grease, Oil
  • Unflushables

Remember, Calie looks after issues in the Isle of Wight and Hampshire region. Contact Calie online via email at [email protected]. Alternately, visit Southern Water latest news page for online news and updates.

Southern Water Media Team – Clare Ramsaran 0190 327 2407

Southern Water contact number for Clare Ramsaran of the media team is 0190 327 2407. Contact Clare on the above number between 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday. She looks after issues in Kent region and provides information and content for Southern Water initiative on market reform, affordability, and (FOG) or fat, oil, grease as well as unflushables programme.

Email Clare at [email protected] to forward your requests or queries online. Remember, this email is unmonitored after the above usual office hours. Visit Southern Water media centre page to learn more.

Southern Water Media Team – Nicola Crichton 0190 327 2772

Southern Water contact number for Nicola Crichton of the media team is 0190 327 2772. Nicola is available on the above Southern Water phone number between 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday. Alternately, email Nicola at [email protected] to forward your requests or queries online. Contact Nicola for

  • Press releases
  • Media content
  • Access to gallery, images, and videos
  • Information about Southern Water’s work
  • News and updates
  • Interview requests

Remember, media centre is available 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Use Southern Water UK address of the head office to contact media centre by post.

Southern Water Media Team – Simon Fluendy 0190 327 2719

Southern Water media team contact number for Simon Fluendy is 0190 327 2719. Simon is available 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday to respond to queries and requests. Contact Simon via email at [email protected]. Remember, Simon looks after water efficiency and innovation at Southern Water for the Sussex region. Additionally, Simon is the first point to contact for information, news, updates, and interview requests for Southern Water’s work in the Sussex region.

Southern Water LandSearch Team 0845 270 0212 *Up to 9p/minute and access charge*

Southern Water contact number for the LandSearch team is 0845 270 0212 *Up to 9p/minute and access charge*. Contact the LandSearch team on the above number 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday. This number is available to secure an appointment with Southern Water to view sewer and water maps. Map viewing facility is available at the Southern Water Chatham office during Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm only with prior appointment.

Alternately, send your request for a map viewing appointment via email to [email protected]. Visit Southern Water mains and sewer maps page to learn more.

Southern Water LandSearch Team Alternate Number 0330 303 0276

Southern Water alternate contact number for the LandSearch team is 0330 303 0276. Contact Southern Water helpline for securing an appointment for viewing water and sewer maps between 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday. Remember, Southern Water offers information about

  • Location of public sewer
  • Location of water mains in our water supply area
  • Size and material of the sewer pipe

Similarly, you can request a copy of the map after remitting applicable fee. Southern Water customer service address to send a cheque by post is

Southern Water,
Southern House,
Capstone Road,
United Kingdom

Authorised paper copy is available while viewing the records upon payment of the fee by cheque only according to the information on the above Southern Water mains and sewer maps page.

Southern Water Financial Support 0800 027 0363

Southern Water contact number for requesting financial support for bill payment is 0800 027 0363. Remember, Southern Water help with your bill payment is available 8:00 am to 7:00 pm Monday to Friday and 9:00 am to 1:00 pm on Saturdays. Alternately, Southern Water email address [email protected] is available to learn about WaterSure, NewStart, Water Direct, or Essentials tariff.

Visit Southern Water help paying bill page to learn more. Remember, the above number is available only for customers with a financial problem for Southern Water UK payment of the bills. Use the above Southern Water customer service contact number to get in touch with Southern Water Affordability Team for assistance.

Southern Water Investor Relations – Steve Collins 0190 327 2056

Southern Water contact number for Steve Collins for Investor Relations enquiries is 0190 327 2056. Contact Steve Collins via email at [email protected]. Visit Southern Water investors page to learn more.

Southern Water Investor Relations – Paul Fitz-Hugh 0190 327 2054

Southern Water contact number for Paul Fitz-Hugh for Investor Relations enquires is 0190 327 2054. Email Paul Fitz-Hugh at [email protected].

Contact Southern Water Online Via Email

Following Southern Water email addresses are available for a direct contact with the concerned department.

  • Water-Saving Schools Visits – Email Southern Water at [email protected] to participate in Water-Saving Mission. Remember, this facility is available only to primary schools receiving water or sewerage services from Southern Water. Visit Southern Water education page to learn more.
  • Investor Relations Login and Password – Email [email protected] or [email protected] to forward a request to reset username or password. Remember, this facility is available to bond holders or investment professionals. Visit Southern Water investor login page to learn more.
  • Southern Water Careers – Send your job application and CV to [email protected]. Visit Southern Water people page to learn more. Visit Southern Water current vacancies page to login and search jobs online.

Contact Southern Water on Social Media

Anglian Water Phone Numbers

Anglian Water Department Contact Number
Customer Service Billing and general enquiries 0345 791 9155
Headquarters 0148 032 3000
Headquarters Fax 0148 032 3115
Sewerage Service / Water Supply Queries And Emergencies 0345 714 5145
Report A Leak 0800 771 881
Bill Payments 0800 169 3630
Bill Payment Automated Phone 0345 026 8926
Bogus Caller Helpline 0800 145 145
Meter Installation 0345 850 5852
Builders And Developers 0345 606 6087
Hartlepool Water 0142 985 8050
Switch service 0800 072 8294
Public Affairs Manager 0774 007 2195
Public Affairs Executive 0148 032 6924
Internal Water Regulations Inspection 0800 137 631
Approved Plumber/Contractor Scheme 0772 560 8422
Media Team 0871 677 0123
Media Officer 0148 032 3992
Management Team
Head of Developer Services 0788 513 5174
Developer Services Strategy Manager 0792 135 2409
Connections Manager (Water) 0776 416 4949
Connections Team Leader (Water) 0781 197 4567
Water Regulations Manager 0788 513 5288
Drainage Manager East 0771 061 7869
Drainage Manager West 0797 685 6237
Drainage Support Manager 0784 196 8492
Programme Manager North & Hartlepool – Water Mains 0770 208 6794
Programme Manager East – Water Mains 0771 187 9734
Programme Manager West – Water Mains 0784 363 4928
Pre Development Manager 0752 586 9825
Pre Development Planning Manager 0173 341 4690
Process Manager 0797 631 0144
Income Manager 0148 032 3071

Anglian Water Customer Service Billing and general enquiries 0345 791 9155

Anglian Water customer service contact number is 0345 791 9155. Dial above number for billing and other general enquiries during Anglian Water customer services opening times from Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm and Saturday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Anglian Water customer services email address is [email protected]. Alternately, visit Anglian Water contact us page to use enquiry form online. Remember to select the correct topic from the drop down menu. This Anglian Water customer service email form is suitable to forward

  • General, Bill or Bill payment enquiries
  • Report stopped or faulty meter
  • Report leak, water supply, or quality, pressure issue
  • General sewer condition
  • Report a blocked manhole, toilet, and external or internal flooding
  • Report an odour issue

Anglian Water customer services address to send a letter by post is

Anglian Water
PO Box 4994,
BN11 9AL
United Kingdom

Anglian Water is an East of England water company and supplies drinking water as well as services for drainage and sewerage management. Visit Anglian Water Services UK website to learn more about services offered to individuals, retailers, builders, and developers.

Visit Anglian Water customer portal to login and make bill payments or send requests online. Enter your email address and password to continue after visiting Anglian Water customer portal login page.

Existing customers can provide a meter reading by using Anglian Water provide a meter reading form. Remember you can provide reading for multiple meters using this form.

Anglian Water Headquarters 0148 032 3000

Anglian Water headquarters contact number is 0148 032 3000. Headquarters contact is available during 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday. Anglian Water Services Ltd operates from Cambridgeshire. The address is

Anglian Water Group
Lancaster House,
Lancaster Way,
Ermine Business Park,
PE29 6XU,
United Kingdom

Remember, do not contact Anglian Water UK head office for general enquiries related to billing, payments, and reporting a problem. Separate Anglian Water UK contact number is available for these services.

Anglian Water Headquarters Fax 0148 032 3115

Anglian Water headquarters fax number is 0148 032 3115. This number is available 24 hours for inbound messages. Anglian Water supplies water to Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Essex, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire North East Lincolnshire, and Northamptonshire. Further, Anglian Water drainage and sewerage services are available in Humber, the north of the River Thames, the River Great Ouse as well as small part of Greater London around the Upminster.

Anglian Water Sewerage Service / Water Supply Queries And Emergencies 0345 714 5145

Anglian Water contact number for sewerage service / water supply queries and emergencies is 0345 714 5145. This Anglian Water customer service number for emergencies is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Anglian Water customer login is available to customers to report emergencies online. Alternately, customers can request Anglian Water customer care to contact back by using the online form. Click on Anglian Water request a call back form link and enter your phone number. This page also shows the current wait period to receive a call back.

Anglian Water Report A Leak Free Phone 0800 771 881

Anglian Water contact free number to report a leak is 0800 771 881. This Anglian Water leak contact number is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. You can report a leak via above Anglian Water contact email address. Alternately, report leakage online using Anglian Water report a leak form. Enter the postcode, area, or street name in the search box to locate and pin the location of the leakage on the map and report the same to Anglian Water UK address. Remember to provide your contact information before submitting the report.

Anglian Water Bill Payments Freephone 0800 169 3630

Anglian Water freephone number for bill payments is 0800 169 3630. This toll free number is available Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm and Saturday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.  Remember, you can make bill payment online after successful Anglian Water UK login. Services available after the login are online bill management, email alerts, make payments 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, print bills, and check account balance. Anglian Water customer relations offer following methods of bill payment along with Anglian Water help paying bill

  • Telephone banking
  • Online payments using debit or credit card
  • Direct Debit
  • Barclays Bank
  • Payzone agents
  • Post office

Visit Anglian Water bill and payments page to learn more about Anglian Water payment help. Anglian Water contact address to send a bill payment cheque by post is

Anglian Water
PO Box 4995,
BN11 9AQ
United Kingdom

Anglian Water Bill Payment Automated Phone 0345 026 8926

Anglian Water bill payment automated phone number is 0345 026 8926. Automated Anglian Water contact number to pay the bill is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Anglian Water offers a facility for bill payment in instalments. Use Anglian Water setup payment plan form to send your request to Anglian Water contact centre.

Further, you can pay your bill by using a debit or credit card online. Visit Anglian Water pay online page to use the form available for making a bill payment. Remember, you need your customer account number to use this service. Visit Anglian Water assistance fund page to learn about Anglian Water help on benefits available to you. This page has information about Anglian Water help with bills to you.

Anglian Water Bogus Caller Free Phone 0800 145 145

Anglian Water bogus caller free phone number is 0800 145 145. Dial the above number from Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm and Saturday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm in case you need to verify the identity of an employee. Make sure to provide employee name and number to Anglian Water UK when you call. Visit Anglian Water beating bogus caller page to learn more about precautions and other measures.

Anglian Water Meter Installation 0345 850 5852

Anglian Water contact number for meter installation is 0345 850 5852. This Anglian Water contact number is available Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm and Saturday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Meter installation is available in steps like survey, installation, and then the selection of a billing plan. Visit Anglian Water metering and water saving programme page to learn more.

Use the above Anglian Water contact phone number to secure an appointment for a survey. Alternately, apply online by using Anglian Water apply for a meter form. Complete your application in four steps like property information, your particulars, terms and conditions, review, and confirm the application.

Anglian Water Builders And Developers 0345 606 6087

Anglian Water contact number for builders and developers is 0345 606 6087. This number is available Monday to Thursday 9:00 am to 4:30 pm and Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Send your enquiries or requests online via email to [email protected]. Alternately, use Anglian Water enquiry form to forward your requests online.

Visit Anglian Water helpline for builders and developers online at Anglian Water contact us page. This page has information about options to dial on the automated system to contact for

  • Pre planning and planning application enquiries
  • Water connections
  • Water mains
  • Drainage
  • Payment & payment enquiries
  • Water Regulations Team
  • Approved Plumber/Contractor Scheme

Anglian Water Hartlepool Water 0142 985 8050

Anglian Water contact number for Hartlepool Water area is 0142 985 8050. This Anglian Water customer helpline is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Hartlepool Water covers Hartlepool town in the Durham County as well as the surrounding area of the North East of England and it is a fully owned subsidiary of Anglian Water.

Remember, this Anglian Water customer service telephone number is only available to customers from the Hartlepool Water area.

Anglian Water Switch Service 0800 072 8294

Anglian Water switch service free number is 0800 072 8294. This Anglian Water contact number 0800 is available Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm and Saturday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.

Remember, you need to dial this number in case the meter installation is complete and you plan to start your contract with metered charges. Visit Anglian Water how to switch page to learn more. Alternately, more information is available on Anglian Water compare metered charges page.

Anglian Water Public Affairs Manager 0774 007 2195

Anglian Water contact number for public affairs manager is 0774 007 2195. Christopher Hayton is public affairs manager at Anglian Water Group. Contact Christopher online via email at [email protected]. Alternately, send your requests or queries to the Public Affairs Department via email at [email protected].

Anglian Water Public Affairs mailbox address is

Anglian Water Group – Public Affairs
Lancaster House,
Lancaster Way,
Ermine Business Park,
PE29 6YJ
United Kingdom

Anglian Water Public Affairs Executive 0148 032 6924

Anglian Water contact number for public affairs executive is 0148 032 6924. Jacob Wallace is public affairs executive at Anglian Water Group. Send your message to Jacob online via email at [email protected]. Contact on Anglian Water UK phone number in case you need further assistance related to public affairs.

Anglian Water Internal Water Regulations Inspection Free Phone 0800 137 631

Anglian Water internal water regulations inspection free phone number is 0800 137 631. This Anglian Water phone number is available Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Visit Anglian Water further water services and information page to learn more. This page has information about

  • Building water supplies
  • Chlorination
  • Contaminated land
  • DART
  • Domestic fire sprinklers
  • Boundary and wall boxes
  • Technical fact sheets
  • Trickle flow plugs

Anglian Water Approved Plumber/Contractor Scheme Application 0772 560 8422

Anglian Water contact number for approved plumber/contractor scheme application is 0772 560 8422. Remember, Anglian Water help is available on the above number from Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. Send your application via email to [email protected]. Visit Anglian Water APLUS approved sectored contractors page to learn more. This page has information as well as links to the application form and terms and conditions of the programme.

APLUS approved sectored contractors are able to carry out installation and maintenance of

  • Underground water supply pipes
  • Commercial catering equipment

Anglian Water Media Team 0871 677 0123

Anglian Water media team contact number is 0871 677 0123. This Anglian Water UK phone number is available Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. However, your call diverts to the Media officer on duty via a pager in case you contact the media team during an emergency after office hours according to the information on Anglian Water media centre page.

Alternately, you can contact following Anglian Water media team members via email.

  • Emma Staples – Emma Staples is Media Team Manager. Contact her via email at [email protected].
  • Regan Harris – Regan Harris is PR and Media Manager. Contact Regan via email at [email protected] for media content and press information.
  • Nik Shelton – Nik Shelton is Social Media Manager at Anglian Water Group. Contact Nik via email at [email protected].

Anglian Water Media Officer 0148 032 3992

Anglian Water contact number for the media officer is 0148 032 3992. Sarah Dobson is the media officer at Anglian Water Group and you can speak with her on the above number from Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm for requesting press information or the media content. Alternately, write to Sarah via email at [email protected] to forward your requests.

Anglian Water Management Team Head of Developer Services 0788 513 5174

Anglian Water contact number for the Head of Developer Services of the Management Team is 0788 513 5174. Iain Amis is head of the Developer Services. Contact Iain via email at [email protected].

Anglian Water Management Team Developer Services Strategy Manager 0792 135 2409

Anglian Water contact number for Developer Services Strategy Manager is 0792 135 2409. Amy Johnson is the Strategy Manager at Anglian Water. Contact Amy via email at [email protected] to forward your queries.

Anglian Water Management Team Connections Manager (Water) 0776 416 4949

Anglian Water contact number for the Connections Manager of Water Division is 0776 416 4949. Jonny Walker is Connections Manager. Email address to contact Jonny is [email protected].

Anglian Water Management Team Connections Team Leader (Water) 0781 197 4567

Anglian Water contact number for the Team Leader of the Water Connections Division is 0781 197 4567. Joel Peacock it the Team Leader and you can contact Joel online via email at [email protected].

Anglian Water Management Team Water Regulations Manager 0788 513 5288

Anglian Water contact number for Water Regulations Manager is 0788 513 5288. Paul Wood is Water Regulations Manager at Anglian Water. Email address to contact Paul is [email protected].

Anglian Water Management Team Drainage Manager East 0771 061 7869

Anglian Water contact number for the Drainage Manager of the eastern region is 0771 061 7869. Contact Steve Webb, the Drainage Manager via email at [email protected] to forward your queries or requests. Remember; dial the above Anglian Water phone number in case you need assistance from Steve.

Anglian Water Management Team Drainage Manager West 0797 685 6237

Anglian Water contact number for the Drainage Manager of the western region is 0797 685 6237. Email address to write to Gary Boddington, Drainage Manager is [email protected].

Anglian Water Management Team Drainage Support Manager 0784 196 8492

Anglian Water contact number for Drainage Support Manager is 0784 196 8492. Neil Padwicke is the Drainage Support Manager and you can contact Neil online via email at [email protected].

Anglian Water Management Team Programme Manager North & Hartlepool – Water Mains 0770 208 6794

Anglian Water contact number for Programme Manager for North & Hartlepool – Water Mains Division is 0770 208 6794. Steve Martin is Programme Manager. Write to Steve for your concerns or queries online via email at [email protected].

Anglian Water Management Team Programme Manager East – Water Mains 0771 187 9734

Anglian Water contact number for Programme Manager for East – Water Mains Division is 0771 187 9734. Andrew George is the Programme Manager and he looks after the eastern water mains division for Anglian Water. Contact Andrew via email at [email protected].

Anglian Water Management Team Programme Manager West – Water Mains 0784 363 4928

Anglian Water contact number for the Programme Manager for the West – Water Mains Division is 0784 363 4928. Julian Webster is the Programme Manager at Anglian Water for the western water main division. Write to Julian via email at [email protected].

Anglian Water Management Team Pre Development Manager 0752 586 9825

Anglian Water contact number for the Pre Development Manager is 0752 586 9825. Contact Grace Doneghan, Pre Development Manager at Anglian Water via email at [email protected].

Anglian Water Management Team Pre Development Planning Manager 0173 341 4690

Anglian Water contact number for Pre Development Planning Manager is 0173 341 4690. Hannah Wilson is Pre Development Planning Manager and email address to contact Hannah online is [email protected].

Anglian Water Management Team Process Manager 0797 631 0144

Anglian Water contact number for the Process Manager is 0797 631 0144. Contact James Darrington, Process Manager at Anglian Water via email at [email protected].

Anglian Water Management Team Income Manager 0148 032 3071

Anglian Water contact number for the Income Manager is 0148 032 3071. Amanda Westwood is Income Manager at Anglian Water. Send your queries or concerns to Amanda online via email at [email protected].

Contact Anglian Water Online Via Email

Sustainable Drainage Systems – Send your SuDS adoption form via email to [email protected]. Visit Anglian Water sustainable drainage systems page to learn more.

Pre Planning and Planning Application Enquiries – Send your pre planning and planning application enquiries online via email to Anglian Water email address [email protected].

Water Connection – Send your enquiries for new or replacement water connection online via email to [email protected].

Payments or Payment Enquiries – Forward payments or payment enquiries via email to [email protected]. This email address is suitable to forward your queries about making a payment using a debit or credit card, DART statements, or invoices.

Water Regulations Team – Contact Water Regulations Team online via email at [email protected]. Address to contact Water Regulations Team via post is

Water Regulations Team
PO Box 495,
PE29 6YY,
United Kingdom

Contact Anglian Water on Social Media

Sainsbury’s Energy Phone Numbers

Department Contact Number
Existing Customers 0800 316 0316
*Free number*
To get a quote 0800 107 1879
*Free number*
Customer Service Textphone 18001 0800 8626
Gas Emergencies 0800 111 999
*Free number*
Electrical Emergencies 105
*Free number*
Director’s Dedicated Team 0800 072 7002
*Free number*
General Enquiry 0800 077 3835
*Free number*
Boilers Group 0800 009 4053
*Free number*
Insulation Group 0800 077 3831
*Free number*
Cancelling Installation 0800 316 3970
*Free number*
Moving Home 0800 077 3833
*Free number*
Privacy Unit 0800 048 0202
*Free number*

Sainsbury’s Energy Existing Customers & Energy Complaints Department Free Number 0800 316 0316

Sainsbury Energy Existing Customers and Energy Complaints Department free number is 0800 316 0316. This number is available 8 am – 8 pm Monday to Friday and 8 am to 6 pm Saturday. The company is closed Sundays and bank holidays. Call this number if you have general enquiries, if you want to find out more information regarding your account, or if you have a complaint to report. If you want to contact Sainsbury Energy online do so with their form. Alternatively, you can write them a letter in the post and send it to the following Sainsbury’s Energy Support address:

Sainsbury Energy
All Enquiries
BN11 9QW
United Kingdom

The Complaint Desk is where you inform the company of something that displeases you pertaining to their service or one of their employees. Alternatively, you can write to them and address it to:

Complaints Management Team, Sainsbury’s Energy, PO Box 226, Rotherham S98 1PB

Alternatively, you can fill up their online form.

Sainsbury’s Energy To Get a Quote Free Number 0800 107 1879

Sainsbury’s Energy Sales Department free number is 0800 107 1879. This number is available on Mondays through Fridays from 8 AM to 8 PM, and Saturdays from 8 AM to 6 PM. The company is closed on Sundays and bank holidays.

This department is most commonly called as Sales Department. Call this number if you want to enquire about Sainsbury’s Energy services or to subscribe to their Gas or Electricity services. Here, expect to talk to a sales person who can tell you about basic information about the company, tariffs, and other services that you may be interested in. Alternatively, you can also go online and fill up the form to get a quote here.

Sainsbury’s Energy General Enquiries Textphone 18001 0800 8626

Sainsbury’s Energy General Enquiries Textphone is 1800 0800 8626. This number is available from Mondays through Fridays 8 AM to 8 PM and Saturdays from 8 AM to 6 PM. The company is closed on Sundays and bank holidays. This is the number of persons with disabilities (PWD).

Sainsbury’s Energy Gas Emergencies 0800 111 999

Sainsbury’s Energy Gas Emergency free number is 0800 111 999. This number is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call this number immediately if you suspect a leak or carbon monoxide is leaking from an appliance.

Sainsbury’s Energy Electrical Emergencies 105

Sainsbury’s Energy Electrical Emergency contact number is 105. This number is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on landlines and mobile phones. This is a free service that is available for the most of England, Scotland and Wales. Call this number when it comes to electrical emergencies or power outages.

Sainsbury’s Energy Customer Services Director’s Dedicated Team 0800 072 7002

Sainsbury’s Energy Customer Services Director’s Dedicated Team contact number is 0800 072 7002. Contact this number if your complaint was not handled in a way you wanted it. Other than telephone, you can also send them an email at [email protected].

Sainsbury’s Energy General Enquiry Free Number 0800 077 3835

Sainsbury’s Energy General Enquiry free number is 0800 077 3835. This number is available on Mondays through Fridays between 8 AM to 8 PM and on Saturdays between 8 AM to 6 PM. The department is closed during Sundays and bank holidays. This is the number you can call whether you are an existing customer or someone looking to subscribe to Sainsbury’s Energy services or enquire further about their services.

Sainsbury’s Energy Boilers Department 0800 009 4053

Sainsbury’s Energy Boilers Department free number is 0800 009 4053. This number is available on Mondays through Fridays between 7:30 AM to 8 PM, on Saturdays between 8 AM to 6 PM, and on Sundays between 8:30 Am to 5 PM. Boilers are what make your water hot across all water sources in your home. Call this number to know more about their Boilers products and services from their representatives or order if you have finally decided. If for some reason or another you could not connect to their phone lines, you can request a call back by filling up a form.

Sainsbury’s Energy Insulation Department Free Number 0800 009 4053

Sainsbury’s Energy Insulation Department free number is 0800 009 4053. This number is available on Mondays through Fridays between 8 AM to 8 PM, and on Saturdays between 8 AM to 6 PM. The department is closed on Sundays and bank holidays. Aside from boilers, Sainsbury’s Energy also installs insulation. You have a choice of a Loft installation or a cavity wall installation. Loft installation stops heat from escaping while cavity walls help keep heat inside. You can contact this number whether enquiring about this service or order.

Sainsbury’s Energy Cancelling Installation Department Free Number 0800 316 3970

Sainsbury’s Energy Cancelling Installation Department free number is 0800 3016 3970. Call this number if you want to cancel an installation. In addition, any cancellation must be done through a written letter to document it properly and must be sent by recorded delivery, registered post or deliver it personally to the British Gas New Heating Centre at PO Box 177< Newbridge Lane, Stockport Cheshire, SK1 2FB.

Sainsbury’s Energy Moving Home Department Free Number 0800 077 3833

Sainsbury’s Energy Moving Home Department free number is 0800 077 3833. This number is available on Mondays through Fridays between 8 AM to 8 PM and on Saturdays between 8 AM to 6 PM. The department is closed on Sundays and bank holidays. Call this number if you are an existing Sainsbury’s Energy customer moving houses and you want to retain your current subscription. You can have them install at your new address. You will need to follow a process to do so but calling them will help you get feedback faster as well as a guide on what to do.

Sainsbury’s Energy Privacy Unit Free Number 0800 048 0202

Sainsbury’s Energy Privacy Unit free number is 0800 048 0202. Contact this number if you want to know more about how they use any of your personal information. It is usually company policy to request for personal information from customers. Sainsbury’s Energy is no different. However, it is important that you read their terms and conditions on the use of your personal information such as their standard procedures on credit check. Use this number to know more about what they do with your data.

Contact Sainsbury’s Energy Through Social Media