Allegro Music Phone Numbers

  • Company Name: Allegro Music
  • Contact Number: 0170 233 4488
  • HQ Address: 252-254 London Road, Westcliff-On-Sea Essex, SS0 7JG
  • Opening Hours: 9am to 7pm - Monday to Saturday; 10:30am to 4:30pm - Sunday
  • Website:
Allegro Music Departments Contact Number
Sales 0170 233 4488
Southend 0170 234 8476
Chelmsford 0124 528 3527
Colchester Warehouse 0120 657 9883
Colchester Academy 0120 661 6900

Allegro Music Sales 0170 233 4488

The Allegro Music sales contact number is 0170 233 4488 available 9.30AM-5.30PM Monday-Saturday and 11AM-5PM Sunday. Allegro Music is also available most bank holidays 10.30AM-4.30PM. Contact them anytime to discuss any requirements you may have, to learn more about their products and services, or to request for more shipping and delivery information. This is their listed fax number as well.  Alternatively, you may send your concerns via email: [email protected]. Use this email as well if you want to track your order, request for shipment outside of the UK, or request a price match. Allegro Music considers price matches if you find items that are cheaper at their UK competitors.

Below are the products that you can find at any Allegro Music store (delivery free for purchases over 49 pounds):

  • Pianos
  • Keyboards
  • Guitars
  • Amps/PA/FX
  • Orchestral
  • Folk/percussion
  • Ukuleles
  • Accessories
  • Sheet music

Check the shopping basket for the delivery costs of your purchase. Many products also qualify for free delivery to mainland UK.

They also provide the following services:

  • Part exchange
  • Repairs and other services
  • Instrument rentals

In addition, you may request a copy of the personal information Allegro Music has about you or request any inaccuracies by sending them a correspondence to the address indicated above. There is a certain fee they charge for information requests.

Allegro Music Southend 0170 234 8476

The Allegro Music Southend contact number is 0170 234 8476 available 9.30AM-5.30PM Monday-Saturday and 11AM-5PM Sunday. Allegro Music is also available most bank holidays 10.30AM-4.30PM. They are located where the Allegro Music headquarters is. The store is one of the largest branches and features a “Rockshop” guitar department where you can find almost everything that you are looking for. You may also send enquiries to [email protected]. Below are the services all branches offer:

  • Guitar repairs and set-ups
  • Digital piano repairs
  • Woodwind and brass repairs
  • Piano tuning
  • Violin and string repairs
  • Fret dressing/job
  • Improvements/alterations
  • Electric and acoustic pickup installation
  • Repair/replacement of electric hardware

Most noteworthy, the Allegro Music Academy is located within each branch and offers tuition on various instruments, seven days a week. If you wish to inquire, send an email to [email protected] or write a request to Linda Bradford, the Academy manager.

Allegro Music Chelmsford 0124 528 3527

The Allegro Music Chelmsford phone number is 0124 528 3527 available 9AM-5.30PM Monday-Saturday and 10AM-4PM Sunday. Allegro Music is also available most bank holidays 10AM-4PM. Their email is [email protected]. Their address is:

95 High Street

Since the Allegro Music Academies are housed within the Allegro Music stores, you can easily enquire about the types of music lessons they offer.

Most notably, the Chelmsford store has one of the biggest sheet music departments in the area. You can browse through them on the first floor for hours and have access to a wide range of printed music.

Allegro Music Colchester Warehouse 0120 657 9886

The Allegro Music Colchester warehouse phone number is 0120 657 9886 available 9AM-5.30PM Monday-Friday. This is their main delivery and collection point. Customers can even collect pre-ordered goods provided that they arrange a specific date and time prior to pickup. They are closed on Sundays and you need to call them first if you intend to visit on a Saturday. Their address is:

5 Davey Close

Alternatively, contact Allegro Music online through email [email protected].

Allegro Music Colchester Academy 0120 661 6900

The Allegro Music Colchester Academy phone number is 0120 661 6900 available 9AM-5.30PM Monday-Saturday and 10AM-4PM Sunday. Allegro Music is also available most bank holidays 10AM-4PM.Their address is:

48C St John’s Street

Allegro Music Social Media


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