Cool Camping UK Phone Numbers

  • Company Name: Cool Camping
  • Contact Number: 0207 820 9333
  • HQ Address: Cool Camping Punk Publishing Ltd, 81 Rivington Street, London EC2A 3AY
  • Opening Hours: Not Available On Website
  • Website:
Cool Camping Department Contact Number
Customer Service 0207 820 9333
*Local Rate*

Cool Camping Customer Service 0207 820 9333

The Cool Camping customer service contact number is 0207 820 9333. Visit Cool Camping website to find worldwide tent-oriented campsites. It is a Punk Publishing Ltd Company. Likewise, travelers around the world can book these campsites on this platform. However, remember that Cool Camping acts as an agent for these campsites. Your reservations are made directly with the campsite owners or operators.


Travellers need to get in touch with Cool Camping customer service number for various reasons like

  • Confirmation of booking
  • Payments
  • Cancellation and refunds

Additionally, customers can get in touch with Cool Camping UK by email. The email address is [email protected]. You can send email to Cool Camping for assistance during

Cool Camping sends an email confirmation of booking within 24 hours. Therefore, you need to contact them at the above email address in case you do not receive this confirmation email even after 24 hours. Please mention information relevant to your booking in your email for quick response.

Likewise, you can report inappropriate material on the website by sending an email to the above email address. Cool Camping will take necessary steps to remove the material from the website.

Further, write to Cool Camping in case you need to lodge a complaint about services, facilities, booking, or any other matter on the above email address.

Additionally, you can write to Cool Camping on the above email address in case you want to share your experiences or forward Cool Camping reviews.

Cool Camping Headquarters

Customers can contact Cool Camping at its London office. However, Cool Camping Ireland customers also need to contact the same address in case they need assistance. The address is

Cool Camping
Punk Publishing Ltd,
81 Rivington Street,
London EC2A 3AY



How To Access Cool Camping UK Booking?

Existing customers need to visit the Login page but new customers wanting to register on the website can use the registration form to proceed. Likewise, feel free to dial the Cool Camping contact number in case you need assistance for sign in or registration.

Contact Cool Camping via Social Media

Contact Cool Places Customer Service

Cool Media Group, the founder of Cool Camping offer Cool Places, a website with thorough information about the top places in the UK to sleep, drink, eat, and shop.

You can access the services offered by visiting the Cool Places website. Further, you can dial the above Cool Camping number to get in touch with the customer service at Cool Places.


Another way of contacting the Cool Places support is by sending an email. The email address is [email protected]. You can contact Cool Places for

  • Finding out about hotels and hostels
  • Bookings
  • Payments
  • Cancellations and refunds
  • Account sign up or login related assistance

Further, the address to write ordinary mail or visit in person is

Cool Places,
81 Rivington Street,
London EC2A 3AY

Use the above address to get in touch with the HR department in case you are looking for a job at Cool Places.

  • Existing and new customers need to visit the sign in – sign up page to access the web property and avail various facilities.
  • Additionally, you can suggest a place to Cool Places so they can add it to their database. Further, you need to visit the suggest a place feature of the Cool Places website.

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