123v PLC Phone Numbers

  • Company Name: 123v Plc
  • Contact Number: 0800 783 3835
  • HQ Address: 123v Plc Canopy House, Ramsay Street, Coalsnaughton. Tillicoultry, FK13 6LH
  • Opening Hours: Monday to Thurday 9:00 am to 5:30 pm; Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
  • Website: https://www.123v.co.uk/
123v PLC Department Contact Number
Customer Service 0800 783 3835
*Free number*
Fax 0844 335 0786
*9p/minute + access charge*

123v PLC Customer Service Free Number 0800 783 3835

The 123v PLC customer service free number is 0800 783 3835. 123v plc is a manufacturer of the carports, veranda products, and canopies for the residential and commercial applications.

Visit the 123v website for more information about the products and services offered. Likewise, it operates from the English office at the Buckinghamshire and the Scottish office at the Clackmannanshire. Moreover, contact on the 123v customer service phone number for the following protection solutions.

  • Canopies & Verandas
  • Carports
  • Commercial Shelters
  • Car Canopy
  • School Shelters

However, you can read various 123v reviews available online to know more about the services and quality offered by 123v. Contacting 123v UK in various ways is possible in addition to dialling the above mentioned 123v customer service contact number. Therefore, use the following methods to proceed.


Visit the contact us page on the 123v website to send an email using the online form. Then, provide following information when you contact 123v plc using this form.

  • Select the product group of your interest
  • Provide your name and contact numbers
  • Write your address
  • Select the preferred number for contact

123v also offers a request a ring back page. Visit this page for an online form. Further, write your name, email address, and contact numbers and then click submit button. Then, reps from 123v plc contact you on the number written on the form.


Contact 123v customer service online through their email, [email protected] to forward your request for assistance or enquiry. Moreover, you can request a no-obligation site survey by sending an email. Similarly, you can request a commercial canopy or carport canopy brochure.


123v PLC Fax 0844 335 0786

The 123v customer service fax number is 0844 335 0786. You can contact 123v on Monday to Thursday between 9:00 am to 5:30 pm. Further, contact 123v on Fridays between 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. However, 123v customer service is not available on weekends.

Additionally, contact on the above number or the English or Scottish office address to request a brochure for 123v canopies or 123v carports.

The address is

123v PLC English Office

Edgcott House,
Lawn Hill,
Buckinghamshire HP18 0QW

123v PLC Scottish Office and Registered Office

Canopy House,
Ramsay Street,
Clackmannanshire FK13 6LH
Scotland UK


Contact 123v Via Social Media

123v plc is present on various social media websites to connect with customers. Therefore, visit following social media accounts to get in touch with the customer service, share your opinion or request assistance or a quote. However, it is always recommended sending a direct message to customer service for privacy sensitive matters instead of posting your request on the public page. Likewise, following social media platforms are available to connect with 123v PLC online.

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