LateRooms Phone Numbers

  • Company Name: LateRooms
  • Contact Number: 0333 014 6269
  • HQ Address: The Peninsula, Victoria Place, Manchester MF4 4FB
  • Opening Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Website:
LateRooms Department Contact Number
Customer Service 0333 014 6269
*Local rate*
Customer Care UK 0333 014 3701
*Local rate*
Customer Care Australia +61 291 995 302
*International charge *
Customer Care Singapore +65 641 553 97
*International charge *
Hotel Support 0333 300 0202
*Local rate*
Business Booking 0333 014 3705
*Local rate*
Media Centre 0113 243 1117
*Local rate*
Senior PR Manager 0161 831 3871
*Local charge*
Head of Communications and PR 0161 603 2362
*Local charge*
Website Accessibility 0870 735 0279
*13p/minute + access charge*

LateRooms Customer Service 0333 014 6269

LateRooms customer service contact number is 0333 014 6269, available 24/7. Call this number if you need a great room anywhere across the UK, Europe and worldwide without having to pay right away. They have over 200,000 hotels scattered all over the globe for both travel and business trippers. If you wish to check other guests’ experiences, they have over two million LateRooms customer reviews to help you decide which hotel is the best for your current needs. LateRooms will not charge booking or cancellation fees if you cancel within their cancellation policy.

You can book online or via telephone and there will be no difference especially in terms of pricing. However, the quickest way of making a booking is via online since you can immediately see available hotels.

If you wish to complain about a hotel and you have photographic evidence to support your concern, you may send it together with your complaint to [email protected].

LateRooms Customer Care UK 0333 014 3701

LateRooms customer care UK contact number is 0333 014 3701, available 24/7. Call this number for any concern that you might have regarding your booking or if you want to submit feedback about a specific service.

Online will allow you to book up to five rooms at any given time. In case you need to book for more than five rooms, call the LateRooms customer care team to seek assistance.

Alternatively, you may contact LateRooms customer care via email by filling out their online form. Their Customer Service team aims to respond within 48 hours upon receipt of your email.

LateRooms Customer Care Australia +61 291 995 302

LateRooms customer care Australia contact number is +61 291 995 302, available 24/7. If you have special requests or special requirements such as needing a room with wheelchair access, remember to contact them before making any booking so that they can attend to your needs. However, it does not guarantee the availability of such requests.

LateRooms Customer Care Singapore +65 641 553 97

LateRooms customer care Singapore contact number is +65 641 553 97, available 24/7. LateRooms price promise offers all customers a chance to make a claim if they find the same accommodation elsewhere that is available at a cheaper rate, as long as it is for a current booking and under certain conditions.

LateRooms Hotel Support 0333 300 0202

LateRooms hotel support contact number is 0333 300 0202, available 8am-8pm, 7 days a week. If you have concerns about a guest review for your property, you may send an email to [email protected]. Furthermore, you may also get in touch via [email protected] if you need assistance to any finance-related matter. Finally, you may send your correspondence to:

LateRooms Limited
The Peninsula
M4 4FB

LateRooms Business Booking 0333 014 3705

LateRooms business booking contact number is 0333 014 3705, available 9am-6pm, Monday to Friday. Alternatively, you may send an email to the following addresses:

Business booking will give you a wide range of benefits, including more savings, 1 to 1 advice and support from a LateRooms dedicated account manager and booking team, more choices, more control, and fast and simple bookings via the LateRooms business portal.

LateRooms Media Centre 0113 243 1117

LateRooms media centre contact number is 0113 243 1117, available 9am-6pm, Monday to Friday. Call this number for any media-related enquiries or opportunities you would like to discuss with them. Alternatively, you may send an email to:

LateRooms Senior PR Manager 0161 831 3871

LateRooms senior PR manager contact number is 0161 831 3871, available 9am-6pm, Monday to Friday. Look for Kat Wirth.

LateRooms Head of Communications and PR 0161 603 2362

LateRooms head of communications and PR contact number is 0161 603 2362, available 9am-6pm, Monday to Friday. Look for Sandra Perkins.

LateRooms Website Accessibility 0870 735 0279

LateRooms website accessibility contact number is 0870 735 0279, available 9am-6pm, Monday to Friday. Although they have fully tested their website, if you have concerns or queries about site accessibility or if you have had any problems navigating through it, call or email them at [email protected].

Contact LateRooms Careers Online Through Email

Interested in working with LateRooms? Send your enquiries or application to [email protected] and experience an open and honest culture with fellow employees. Aside from the Manchester branch, they also have the office at the below address:

9 Devonshire Square

Contact LateRooms via Social Media

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