Qantas Airways Phone Numbers:

  • Company Name: Qantas Airways
  • Contact Number: 0800 964 432
  • HQ Address: Qantas Airways, Qantas House, 395 King Street, London, W6 9NJ
  • Opening Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Website:
Department Number
UK Contact Centre 0800 964 432
*Free number*
Contact Centre 0845 774 7767
*up to 7p and your phone company’s access charge*
Qantas Frequent Flyer Service Centre 0845 774 7100
*up to 7p and your phone company’s access charge*
Investors +61(2)8 280 7390
Baggage Solutions +44(0)844 375 4251
Found Property Section +44(0)208 976 9500
Freight Office 0178 442 2720
Freight Office Mobile Contact +44(0)783 141 7022
Freight Office and Ground Handling Fax 0178 425 6127
Ground Handling +44(0)178 442 2703

Qantas Airways Contact Centre Free Number 0800 964 432

Qantas Airways Contact Centre free number is 0800 964 432. This number is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call this number if you want to book your flights through a contact centre instead of online. In addition, you can manage your existing flight bookings through this number.

Qantas Airways Contact Centre
0845 774 7767

Qantas Airways Contact Centre contact number is 0845 774 7767 *up to 7p and your phone company’s access charge*. This number is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call this number if you want to book your flights through a contact centre using the local number instead of the free number. Additionally, you can managmanageof your existing flights through this number.

Qantas Airways Frequent Flyer Service Centre 0845 774 7100 *up to 7p and your phone company’s access charge*

Qantas Airways Frequent Flyer Service Centre contact number is 0845 774 7100 *up to 7p and your phone company’s access charge*. This number is available from 7 AM to 7 PM AEST, Mondays to Saturdays. Call this number if you are enquiring about Qantas Club Membership, rewards or priority reservations.

Qantas Airways Investors +61 (2)8 280 7390

Qantas Airways Investors contact number is +61 (2) 8280 7390. Call this number if you have an enquiry on anything related to investors. Alternatively, you may send them an email at [email protected].

Qantas Airways Baggage Solutions +44 844 375 4251

Qantas Airways Baggage Solutions contact number is +44 844 375 4251. Call this number if you are enquiring about delayed, missing or damaged baggage.

Qantas Airways Found Property Section +44 20 8976 9500

Qantas Airways Found Property Section contact number is +44 208 976 9500. Call this number if you want to confirm that your lost property has been found and find out how to claim.

Qantas Airways Freight Office 0178 442 2720

Qantas Airways Freight Office contact number is 0178 442 2720. This number is available from 9 AM to 5 PM and are closed on weekends and holidays. Call this number for freight reservations or if you have any enquiries on their freight services. When calling, you can look for John Bruce, their UK/Ireland Freight Sales Manager. Alternatively, you can send him an email at [email protected] or [email protected]. If you wish to send a letter by post, you can address it at:

Unit 1, Dnata City,
Northumberland Close,
TW19 7LN

Qantas Airways Freight Office Mobile Contact +44 783 141 7022

Qantas Airways Freight Office Mobile Contact number is +44 783 141 7022. You can call this number for anything related to freight services or if for some reason you cannot contact the local number.

Qantas Airways Freight Office and Ground Handling Fax 0178 425 6127

Qantas Airways Freight Office Fax number is 0178 425 6127. Call this number if you need to send some documents to the Freight Office or Ground Handling section.

Qantas Airways Ground Handling
+44 178 442 2703

Qantas Airways Ground Handling contact number is +44 178 442 2703. This number is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays. Call this number if you have enquiries on the services on ground handling.

Contact Qantas Airways via Social Media

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