Southall Travel Phone Numbers

  • Company Name: Southall Travel LTD
  • Contact Number: 0208 843 4444
  • HQ Address: Palmoak House, 19 S Rd Southall, Middlesex, UB1 1SU United Kingdom
  • Opening Hours: 24 hours a day / 7 days a week
  • Website:
Southall Travel Department Contact Number
Sales Customer Service 0208 843 4444
Customer Support 0208 843 6891
WhatsApp Chat 0782 587 4342 No Phone Support
Car Hire 0208 705 0071
Holidays India 0800 408 8009
Sports Tours 0208 705 0081

Southall Sales Customer Service 0208 843 4444

southall customer service number

The Southall sales customer service contact number is 0208 843 4444. It is one of the largest travel agents in the United Kingdom. Visit Southall Travel website. This call centre number is available 24/7 for 365 days a year. Call this number for all sales and business travel related enquiries.

Additionally, you can always reach the customer service through live chat. Southall Travel offers more options to connect with customer service through the customer support page. Visit this page for an online contact form, phone numbers, and email address as well. You can send your query to customer service through an online form. Fill in your personal and contact information along with the particulars of assistance required in the requested fields. Then click on submit button to send your query to Southall Travel.

Similarly, you can contact customer service at [email protected]. Typically, you will receive a reply from Southall within seventy-two hours for any email or online form query sent.

Southall Travel Customer Support 0208 843 6891

Southall Travel customer support number is 0208 843 6891. Get in touch with Southall for general assistance on this support number. The number is available 24/7/365. Additionally, you can seek assistance for queries about flights, destinations, holidays, business travel, tours, car hire, and travel insurance. Alternately, you may need to call Southall Travel customer support number for

  • Queries about reservations
  • Flight confirmations
  • Cancellation of trip
  • Refunds
  • Booking amendments
  • Payments and surcharge related queries
  • Assistance for e-tickets
  • Information about essential travel documents


Southall Travel WhatsApp Chat 0782 587 4342

Southall Travel WhatsApp chat number is 0782 587 4342. This chat number is available 24/7. However, you cannot call this number, as Southall does not support calls. However, you can chat using this number. Here is how you can chat

  • Save this number on your phone under contacts
  • Open WhatsApp on your phone
  • Click on green coloured contacts icon
  • Then click on refresh contacts from the drop down menu on the top right
  • Look for Southall logo and name in your WhatsApp contact list
  • Start chatting with a rep just as you chat with your friends on WhatsApp


Discuss your requirements for assistance on WhatsApp using this number. However, do not call on this number.

Southall Travel Car Hire, Tours, Insurance 0208 705 0071

Southall Travel car hire, tours, and travel insurance number is 0208 705 0071. You can dial this number 24/7 for assistance from Southall. Some services you can avail by dialling this number are


Car Hire: Southall offers various car hire deals and you can get in touch with the rep by dialling this number. Visit the car hire page on Southall Travel website. The link to car hire page is available in the top navigation. Click on the page and locate this number on the top right corner. The page also has information about services offered under the car hire section.

Tours: Southall Travel offers various tailored tours for its customers. Link to tours menu is located on the top navigation panel. Click on the tours button to explore over 16 tour options in the drop down menu. Click on any of the tour’s name or contact a rep by dialling this number. Remember, you can dial Southall 24/7 for 365 days a year.

Southall Travel Holidays India Free Number 0800 408 8009

The Southall Travel Holidays India free number is 0800 408 8009. This number is available 24 hours a day / 7 days a week throughout the year. You can find this number on the holidays India page on the top right. Customers can visit the holidays India page for more information on these deals. Additionally, Southall offers a search tool on this page to look for a trip as per your requirements of location, type of the tour, and duration.


Southall Travel Sports Tours 0208 705 0081

Southall Travel sports tours support number is 0208 705 0081. Visit the sports tour page. You will find the contact number on the top right corner of the page. You can use both features 24/7.


Contact Southall Travel Head Office

Southall Travel LTD
Palmoak House, 19 South Road,
Middlesex, UB1 1SU
United Kingdom

The registered office is open from Mondays to Fridays between 10:00 am to 6:00 pm and on Saturdays and Sundays between 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. However, customer service and support lines are open 24/7/365.

Contact Southall Travel via Social Media

Contacting Southall on social media is easy. It is present on

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