Hertfordshire County Council Phone Numbers

Hertfordshire County Council Department Contact Number
Customer Service 0300 123 4040
Adult Social Services 0300 123 4042
Equipment Service Returns 0170 729 2555
Emergency Equipment Repairs 0754 360 2651
Report A Concern About An Adult 0300 123 4042
Report Concerns About A Child / Questions About Schools / Child Protection Concerns 0300 123 4043
Dial-a-Ride 0199 255 6771
Dial-a-Ride – Broxbourne 0199 253 4269
Fostering And Adoption 0800 917 0925
Free School Meals 0300 123 4048
Libraries And Archives 0300 123 4049
Highways 0300 123 4047
Driver Training Courses 0300 123 4035
Births/Deaths/Marriages/Citizenship Registration Team 0300 123 4045
Citizenship Team 0170 789 7396
Fire Safety Enquiries 0300 123 4046
Waste And Recycling 0300 123 4051
Standards Business Support Team 0170 728 1401
Media Centre 0199 255 5537
Media Centre Out Of Office Hours 0785 000 7382
Stop Smoking Service 0800 389 3998
Adult Care Services Complaints Team 0199 255 6685
Children’s Services Complaints Team 0199 258 8542
Highways and Environment 0199 255 5211
Fire and Rescue and Trading Standards 0199 250 7537
Births/Deaths/Marriages/Citizenship/Property/Finance/HR 0199 258 8630
Hertfordshire County Council Offices
Apsley, Hemel Hempstead 0144 245 3739
Mundells, Welwyn Garden City 0170 729 2345
District and borough councils
Broxbourne Borough Council 0199 278 5555
Dacorum Borough Council 0144 222 8000
East Herts Council 0127 965 5261
Hertsmere Borough Council 0208 207 2277
North Hertfordshire District Council 0146 247 4000
St Albans City and District Council 0172 786 6100
Stevenage Borough Council 0143 824 2242
Three Rivers District Council 0192 377 6611
Watford Borough Council 0192 322 6400
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council 0170 735 7000

Hertfordshire County Council Customer Service 0300 123 4040

Hertfordshire County Council Contact Number

Hertfordshire County Council customer service contact number is 0300 123 4040, available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. However, live BSL SignVideo interpreting service is available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm. Similarly, visit Hertfordshire County Council contact us page to use online message form. Click on Email General Enquiries link to proceed.

Hertfordshire County Council contact details for Hertfordshire County Council offices are

County Hall, Hertford
County Hall,
Pegs Lane,
SG13 8DQ,
United Kingdom

Farnham and Robertson House, Stevenage
Farnham / Robertson House,
Six Hills Way,
SG1 2ST,
United Kingdom

Apsley, Hemel Hempstead
Apsley Campus,
Brindley Way,
Hemel Hempstead,
HP3 9BF,
United Kingdom

Mundells, Welwyn Garden City
Hertfordshire Business Services,
Welwyn Garden City,
AL7 1FT,
United Kingdom

Hertfordshire County Council is upper-tier local authority for non-metropolitan county of Hertfordshire in England. It offers regulatory services for children’s social care, libraries and archives, schools and education, roads and pavements, highways, recycling, adult social services, births, waste and environment, fire and rescue, deaths and marriages, business, and health sectors. Visit Hertfordshire County Council website to learn more.

Hertfordshire County Council Adult Social Services 0300 123 4042

Hertfordshire County Council contact number for adult social services assistance is 0300 123 4042. Remember, Hertfordshire County Council opening times for adult social services are Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.

Visit Hertfordshire County Council adult social services page to learn more about how to report a concern about an adult and adult social care assistance, Blue Badge application or renewal.

Hertfordshire County Council Equipment Service Returns 0170 729 2555

Hertfordshire County Council contact number for equipment service returns is 0170 729 2555, available Monday to Friday 9:00 am – 4:30 pm. Alternately, send your request for returning unwanted equipment loaned from Hertfordshire County Council via email to [email protected]. Visit Hertfordshire County Council equipment to help you stay independent at home page to learn more. Address to return equipment in person is

Hertfordshire Equipment Service
Welwyn Garden City,
AL7 1FT,
United Kingdom

Hertfordshire County Council Emergency Equipment Repairs 0754 360 2651

Hertfordshire County Council contact number for requesting emergency equipment repairs is 0754 360 2651, available Monday – Friday, 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm, weekends and bank holidays 8:00 am – 10:00 pm.

Contact Hertfordshire Equipment Service on the above number in case you need to request an emergency repair of equipment loaned to you. These repair services are available for profiling beds, mobile hoists, or air mattresses.

Hertfordshire County Council Report A Concern About An Adult 0300 123 4042

Hertfordshire County Council contact number to report a concern about an adult is 0300 123 4042, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Use this Hertfordshire County Council number to report

  • General concerns about care home or any other care services
  • Concerns about adult that cannot look after himself or herself
  • Concerns about an adult at risk
  • Someone needs care or support and cannot protect himself or herself
  • Abuse or neglect towards an adult

Hertfordshire County Council Report Concerns About A Child / Questions About Schools / Child Protection Concerns 0300 123 4043

Hertfordshire County Council contact number for reporting concerns about a child, questions about schools, or child protection is 0300 123 4043, available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. This Hertfordshire County Council telephone number is not available on Sundays and bank holidays. Further, this number is suitable for

  • Requesting child support
  • Assistance about schools in Hertfordshire County Council area
  • Report concerns about a child or child protection

Hertfordshire County Council Dial-a-Ride 0199 255 6771

Hertfordshire County Council contact number for Dial-a-Ride 0199 255 6771, available Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:30 pm. Dial-a-Ride is door-to-door travel facility for seniors over 75 and others with permanent disability.

Visit Hertfordshire County Council transport for people who can’t drive or use public transport page to learn more and apply online.

Hertfordshire County Council Dial-a-Ride – Broxbourne 0199 253 4269

Hertfordshire County Council Dial-a-Ride number for seniors and others with permanent disability from Broxbourne is 0199 253 4269, available Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:30 pm.

Remember, you need proof of age and / or disability to avail Dial-a-Ride facility. Further, above Dial-a-Ride page has information about Action on Disability and other community transport options available in Hertfordshire County Council postcode areas.

Hertfordshire County Council Fostering And Adoption Freephone 0800 917 0925

Hertfordshire County Council fostering and adoption freephone number is 0800 917 0925, available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Contact on this Hertfordshire County Council phone number for fostering and adoption enquiries. Visit Hertfordshire County Council fostering page to learn about

  • Fostering and eligibility for fostering
  • Steps to become foster carer
  • Support for foster carers
  • Different types of fostering

Hertfordshire County Council Free School Meals 0300 123 4048

Hertfordshire County Council contact number to apply for free school meals is 0300 123 4048. This Hertfordshire County Council free school meals number is available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.

Visit Hertfordshire County Council free school meals page to learn more. This page has information about free school meals, uniforms, and cheaper music lessons, bus, or train travel for children.

Hertfordshire County Council Libraries And Archives 0300 123 4049

Hertfordshire County Council contact number for libraries and archives is 0300 123 4049, available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Contact on the above Hertfordshire County Council contact phone number to

  • Renew or reserve a book
  • Book a library computer
  • Learn about library opening hours
  • Enquire about the library catalogue

Visit Hertfordshire County Council library and archives page to learn more. Hertfordshire County Council library login is available to registered users. Enter borrower ID and PIN to continue.

Hertfordshire County Council Highways 0300 123 4047

Hertfordshire County Council contact number to report faults on highways is 0300 123 4047, available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Visit Hertfordshire County Council contact highways page to learn about

  • How to report faulty streetlight or pothole
  • Process to book your seat for speed awareness course
  • Process to apply for dropped kerb

Further, the above page has links to Hertfordshire County Council email address forms to report a highway fault and all other highways queries message form to contact Hertfordshire County Council head office online to report a fault or concern.

Hertfordshire County Council Driver Training Courses 0300 123 4035

Hertfordshire County Council contact number to book a driver training course is 0300 123 4035, available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Contact on Hertfordshire County Council contact number to learn about speed awareness and driver training.

Similarly, visit Hertfordshire County Council course booking page to make an online booking. Remember, you need your driving licence number for online booking. Further, visit Hertfordshire County Council speed awareness and driver training page to learn about

  • National driver offender retraining courses
  • Transport and accident data
  • Minibus guidance and driver assessment scheme
  • Safer Driver Handbook
  • Safety cameras (speed cameras)

Hertfordshire County Council Births/Death/Marriages/Citizenship Registration Team 0300 123 4045

Hertfordshire County Council contact number for births, death, marriages, or citizenship registration team is 0300 123 4045, available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Alternately, contact registrations team online via email at [email protected].

Visit Hertfordshire County Council contact us about births, deaths, marriages and citizenship page to learn about

  • How to book an appointment to register a birth, marriage, ceremony, or death
  • How to get a certificate copy

Hertfordshire County Council Citizenship Team 0170 789 7396

Hertfordshire County Council contact number for citizenship team is 0170 789 7396, available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Send your requests to citizenship team online via email at [email protected].

Alternately, visit Hertfordshire County Council citizenship services page to learn about

  • Citizenship ceremonies
  • Settlement checking services
  • Nationality checking service and passport service
  • European passport return services

Hertfordshire County Council Fire Safety Enquiries 0300 123 4046

Hertfordshire County Council contact number for fire safety enquiries is 0300 123 4046, available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Visit Hertfordshire County Council fire, rescue and being prepared page to learn about

  • Fire Station locations and emergency planning
  • How to request a visit to your home or school
  • Process to apply for jobs in fire and rescue
  • How to volunteer with the Fire Service
  • Fire safety in your home or workplace
  • Callout service and charges

Hertfordshire County Council Waste And Recycling 0300 123 4051

Hertfordshire County Council contact number to find waste and recycling centre is 0300 123 4051, available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Contact waste and recycling team via email at [email protected]. Further, visit Hertfordshire County Council recycling, waste and environment page to learn about access and rights of way, wildlife (ecology), landscape, archaeology (historic environment),  green issues, water and flooding, recycling and waste, planning, and Countryside Management Service.

Visit Hertfordshire County Council household waste recycling centres page to locate the nearest recycling centre. Use above Hertfordshire County Council contact number in case you need help finding a centre or obtain a van permit.

Hertfordshire County Council Trading Standards Business Support Team 0170 728 1401

Hertfordshire County Council contact number for trading standards business support team is 0170 728 1401, available Monday – Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Get in touch with business support team via email at [email protected]. Hertfordshire County Council address to contact business standard team by post is

Trading Standards Business Support,
Hertfordshire County Council,
Welwyn Garden City,
AL7 1FT,
United Kingdom

Remember, trading standards protect consumers, work with businesses, and act against rogue traders. Visit Hertfordshire County Council trading standards page or contact Hertfordshire County Council customer service centre to learn more.

Hertfordshire County Council Media Centre 0199 255 5537

Hertfordshire County Council media centre contact number is 0199 255 5537. This Hertfordshire County Council press office number is available Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 5:30 pm. However, Hertfordshire County Council provides an alternate number for after office hour contact.

Send your press and media enquiries to media centre via email at [email protected]. Visit Hertfordshire County Council media centre to learn about

  • Council meetings
  • Consultations
  • Planning applications
  • Filming on highways

Hertfordshire County Council Media Centre Out Of Office Hours 0785 000 7382

Hertfordshire County Council media centre contact number for emergency media and press enquiries out of office hours is 0785 000 7382.

Remember, you can view Hertfordshire County Council Twitter feed for live updates from the press team. Alternately, above media centre page has links to published Hertfordshire County Council news and other important updates.

Hertfordshire County Council Stop Smoking Service Freephone 0800 389 3998

Hertfordshire County Council stop smoking service freephone number is 0800 389 3998. Send your stop smoking requests via email to [email protected]. Further, Hertfordshire County Council contact telephone number to send a text message is 80818. Remember to send Text SMOKEFREE to 80818.

Hertfordshire County Council regulates over 300 local stop smoking services. Visit Hertfordshire County Council stop smoking services page to use online clinic search tool. More information is available on Hertfordshire County Council thinking about giving up smoking page. Contact Hertfordshire County Council UK on the above number or email address for further assistance and consultations.

Contact Hertfordshire County Council Via Social Media

MET Office UK Phone Numbers

MET Office Department Contact Number
Customer Service 0370 900 0100
Customer Service Fax 0370 900 5050
International Customer Service +44 (0)139 288 5680
International Customer Service Fax +44 (0)139 288 5681
Press Office 0139 288 6655

MET Office Customer Service 0370 900 0100


The MET Office customer service number is 0370 900 0100. This weather desk is open 24/7/365. In addition, you can always visit the MET Office web for real-time updates.

Services provided include:

  • real-time weather forecasts and updates for the United Kingdom as well as rest of the world
  • forecasts for pollens
  • tide times
  • UV indexes
  • rainfall radar
  • surface pressure charts

How to Contact the MET Office Headquarters?

Today the MET Office operates from:

Met Office
FitzRoy Road
United Kingdom

The contact us page on the MET Office web has detailed information on how to reach the head office. However, you can visit the frequently asked questions page to find answers to common questions.

You can reserve your entry by visiting the online booking form. Visiting the head office on public days opens an opportunity to explore the best of meteorology and the science has to offer today.

MET Office Customer Service Fax 0370 900 5050

The MET Office customer service fax number is 0370 900 5050. You can send faxes any time or day of the week. Expect a few days before hearing back from the agency, however. For an immediate response, you may choose to also write an email directly: [email protected].

MET Office International Customer Service +44 (0)139 288 5680

International organisations and individuals enquiring about the forecasts and warnings can contact MET Office International customer service number +44 (0)139 288 5680.

Contacting MET Office from the overseas locations is necessary during various instances:

  • To know about the climate before planning a journey to the UK
  • Finding out the possible climatic impact on your business
  • Understanding the weather pattern during decision-making

You can visit MET Office A-Z services page online for accessing all services under one roof. It truly helps in enjoying the operational advantage when you make the best of the technology, science, and precision understanding of local weather at MET Office.


Personalisation of services and facilities at MET Office make using the web property simple. For an example, it offers website settings of different measurement parameters to suit your requirements. For an example, you can select the measurement units for temperature, wind speed, pressure, rainfall or visibility. Thus, you can customise the map displays depending upon your preference of graphical and tabulated representation of the data.

MET Office International Customer Service Fax +44 (0)139 288 5681

The MET Office International customer service fax number is +44 (0)139 288 5681. This number is available 24/7 even when you are abroad.

MET Office Press Office 0139 288 6655


The special MET Office press office number is 0139 288 6655. Use this number only for press and other media enquiries. In addition, you can write to [email protected] and request desired information or updates. The MET contact press office page has detailed information about various positions and roles in the press office and social media.

What career opportunities are available at MET Office?

MET Office offers various career opportunities in segments like engineering, forecasting and observations, technology and IT, corporate services, science, and management of customers and stakeholders. In addition, it has various opportunities for summer placements, IT trainee scheme, employability scholarship, and doctoral training. MET Office vacancies are available in Exeter head office as well as rest of the UK. Visit cthe MET careers page for more information and vacancies available now.

How To Contact MET Office On Social Media?


MET Office is highly enthusiastic in sharing the social media with its users.

In fact, it won the award for best use of social media in the public sector in 2011, the best public sector social media strategy in 2012, and reached the top 10 of the top 100 social brands in 2012.

It has separate Twitter services for B2B, worldwide partnerships and activities, and the latest space weather forecasts.

MET Office makes the process of obtaining information simple and possible even on the go. It offers a mobile app for iOS and android smartphones. You can download this free app by visiting the respective link. Some advantages of using this app are

  • Access to interactive rainfall radar map
  • Real-time weather warnings and alerts for snow, fog, rain, strong wind
  • Global weather forecast for coming week
  • Facility to save multiple locations to personalise forecasts
  • Updates on precipitation probability
  • Actual versus feel like temperatures at your saved locations
  • Forecasts for air pollution and pollen


This weather app is suitable for phones with iOS 8.1 and above operating system. Similarly, it works great on android phones with 4.1 Jellybean and above operating system. Answers to many commonly asked questions are available on the mobile app FAQ page. However, please remember that this mobile app is advertisement supported and you can remove these ads by a nominal in-app purchase. Visit the page in case you need assistance or contact MET Office weather mobile app help desk on the customer service number.

Subscribe with MET?

Finding out interesting facts about the weather and its impact on your life is easy when you subscribe to the MET Office alerts. It offers a subscription to email alerts and RSS feeds to stay updated. You will receive important updates about your chosen topics as soon as they are available. Visit the guide to emails page or how to subscribe for RSS feed page to get started. These pages offer step-by-step instructions on how to avail alert services to meet your requirements for receiving the information. GovDelivery offers email alerts service for MET Office. Therefore, contact GovDelivery at [email protected] email address in case, you are not receiving the alerts or want to unsubscribe from the listing.

In addition, MET Office is highly proactive in offering vital information as warnings about the weather or severe climatic conditions. It also offers the latest news and updates to keep you informed when you need to be. More information about these facilities is available on severe weather warnings, weather warning guides, and news releases pages. Stay tuned with MET Office by visiting these pages for the latest updates on the weather forecasts and warnings for the United Kingdom and the rest of the world.

TV Licensing Phone Numbers

Main phone number of TV Licensing UK –
0300 790 6130 or 0300 790 6112

tvlicensing contact numbers

Other important phone numbers to contact TV Licensing:

Department Contact Number Opening Hours
Main Contact Numbers 0300 790 6130 or 0300 790 6112 Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6.30pm, Saturday, 8.30am to 1pm
Short Term TV Licence Enquiries and Application, Over 75 TV Licence Enquiries 0300 790 6165 Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6.30pm, Saturday, 8.30am to 1pm
Payment Card Enquiries, Short Term TV Licence Application (TV Licensing Payment Card or Saving Card Payments) 0300 555 0286 Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6.30pm, Saturday, 8.30am to 1pm
Textphone (Minicom Service) 0300 790 6050 Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6.30pm, Saturday, 8.30am to 1pm
Textphone (Minicom Service) ? Welsh Language 0300 790 6053 Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6.30pm, Saturday, 8.30am to 1pm
Accessibility Helpline 0300 790 6076 Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6.30pm, Saturday, 8.30am to 1pm
Direct Debit Customers, All In One Go Customer Queries 0300 790 0368 Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6.30pm, Saturday, 8.30am to 1pm
Reception Quality Complaints 0370 901 6789 Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6.30pm, Saturday, 8.30am to 1pm
BBC Programme Complaints 0370 010 0222 Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6.30pm, Saturday, 8.30am to 1pm
Press Office Enquiries 0208 752 6606 Monday to Sunday, 12am to 11.59pm
Regional Press Enquiries (Midlands) 0156 482 9024 Monday to Sunday, 12am to 11.59pm
Regional Press Enquiries (North) 0113 887 3000 Monday to Sunday, 12am to 11.59pm
Regional Press Enquiries (Northern Ireland) 0289 024 5691 Monday to Sunday, 12am to 11.59pm
Regional Press Enquiries (Scotland) 0141 229 7638 Monday to Sunday, 12am to 11.59pm
Regional Press Enquiries (Wales and South West) 0117 910 6379 Monday to Sunday, 12am to 11.59pm
Regional Press Enquiries (London and South East) 0203 787 7981 Monday to Sunday, 12am to 11.59pm
Community Relations Team 0208 752 6537 Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6.30pm, Saturday, 8.30am to 1pm

TV Licensing Cusotmer Service Number:
0300 790 6130 or 0300 790 6112

Call TV Licensing customer service 0300 790 6130 or 0300 790 6112 if you would like to get in touch with a member of their customer service team. This is the dedicated number to contact for any general questions or concerns that you may have with regard to the products or services that they offer.  Alternatively, you can send your queries to them online by filling in the email contact form on their website.

You can contact TV Licensing customer service directly through mail:
[email protected]

They aim to respond to all emails within three working days. If you would prefer to make an enquiry by post, then write a letter to the TV Licensing address below:

TV Licensing Darlington DL98 1TL

For customers who are deaf or hard of hearing, a minicom facility can be accessed by calling the TV Licensing phone number 0300 790 6050. If you would like to use the Welsh language, the phone number to dial is 0300 790 6053. To get your TV Licence or reminder in a range of accessible formats such as by email or in Braille, large print or audio, you can make a request by calling customer service team on 0300 790 6076.

TV Licensing Short Term TV Licence Enquiries and Application Phone Number 0300 790 6165

Dial TV Licensing customer service number 0300 790 6165 if you have any questions or concerns regarding short term TV Licence or over 75 TV Licence. UK residents that are aged 74 and will turn 75 prior to the expiration date of their next TV Licence are eligible to purchase a short term TV Licence. This will get you covered until your 75th birthday when you will be entitled to a free over 75 TV Licence. With a short term TV Licence, you will only need to pay for the number of months between the expiration date of your current licence and your birthday. If you would like to apply by phone, call the TV Licensing phone number with your National Insurance number to hand. You will be able to find it on your bank statement if your pension is paid into your bank account. If you do not have a National Insurance number, you can still call TV Licensing UK and they will arrange for you to provide them with other proof of your date of birth.

TV Licensing Payment Card Enquiries Number 0300 555 0286

Payment Card login

For your payment card related queries, call TV Licensing Payment Card number 0300 555 0286. If you pay for your licence using a TV Licensing payment card or savings card and would like to avail of the short term TV Licence, dial this number to apply over the phone. They will then automatically issue you with a free over 75 TV Licence when it becomes due.

TV Licensing Direct Debit Customers Telephone Number 0300 790 0368

Call TV Licensing Direct Debit number 0300 790 0368 if you are a customer with any queries with regard to your Direct Debit account. This is also the dedicated phone number to dial if you pay all in one go.

TV Licensing Complaints

How to make a complaint tvlicensing

If you are not satisfied with any service that you have received from TV Licensing and would like to make a complaint, fill in the contact form and submit. Alternatively, you can send your complaint by post at the following address:

Customer Relations TV Licensing Darlington DL98 1TL

In case you are unhappy with the response you receive, you have the option to refer your complaint to the head of revenue management team at the TV Licence complaints address below:

Head of Revenue Management BBC TV Licensing 1st Floor The Lighthouse BBC White City 201 Wood Lane London W12 7TQ

If your complaint is about the reception quality issue, contact the Radio and Television Investigation Service by calling them on 0370 901 6789 or by sending a letter to the following address:

RTIS (Radio and Television Investigation Service) PO Box 1922 Darlington DL3 0UR

If your complaint is regarding the BBC programmes, call the BBC Complaints Division on 0370 010 0222 or write a letter to the address below:

BBC Complaints PO Box 1922 Darlington DL3 0UR

TV Licensing Press Office Enquiries Helpline
0208 752 6606

Journalists with media enquiries can contact the by calling TV Licensing Press Office Enquiries number 0208 752 6606. The press office team is available to answer your queries at any time of the day. Alternatively, you can make an enquiry by sending them an email at [email protected]. You can also get more information by following TV Licensing on Twitter @TVLicensingNews, by subscribing to their YouTube channel, or by viewing their photos on Flickr. If you would like to find all the latest TV Licensing news and press releases, go to their Media Centre.

TV Licensing Regional Press Office Contact Numbers

For regional press enquiries, call the relevant press office using the phone numbers below:

  • Midlands – 0156 482 9024
  • North – 0113 887 3000
  • Northern Ireland – 0289 024 5691
  • Scotland – 0141 229 7638
  • Wales and South West – 0117 910 6379
  • London and South East – 0203 787 7981

TV Licensing Community Relations Number 0208 752 6537

To get more information about TV Licensing community relations work, charity organisations and community groups, call the TV Licensing Community Relations number 0208 752 6537. Alternatively, you can submit your questions or concerns to them via email at [email protected].

Contact TV Licensing UK Through Social Media

How to Find the TV Licensing Contact Us Page

Customers seeking the TV Licensing customer service numbers can find it on their website at http://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/. At the bottom of the web page, click on the Contact Us link located on the lower left side. You will be taken to the page where you will need to enter your question on the box provided. The page will provide you with answers that may help you. If you are unable to find the answer you are looking for, click on the contact us button and the TV Licensing contact form will appear for you to fill in. To get their contact numbers, click on ‘Other ways to contact us’ below the form.

TV Licensing Login

To sign in to your TV Licensing account online, go to the login page on their website. To be able to log in, you will need to enter your TV Licence or customer number, your last name as it appears on the TV Licence, and the postcode of the licensed address. If you do not know your TV Licence number, you can alternatively skip this and you will be asked for other information for you to be identified. When you are registered for a TV Licensing account, you can view, renew or change the details on your TV Licence online.

Flintshire County Council Phone Numbers

Direct and importnat Flintshire Country Council numbers:

Department Contact Number Opening Hours
Customer Service 0135 275 2121 Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm
Adult Social Services 0135 280 3444 Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm
Adult Social Services (Out of Hours) 0845 053 3116 *Up to 9p/minute and access charge* Monday to Sunday, 12am to 11.59pm
Child Social Services 0135 270 1000 Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm
Bins (Domestic Waste), Bus General Enquiries, Dog Fouling / Dog Bins, Fly Tipping (Dumped Rubbish), Gritting, Pest Control, Recycling, Roads, School Transport, Street Lighting, Streetscene, Car Parking 0135 270 1234 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
Council Tax Queries, Housing Benefit 0135 270 4848 Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm
Housing Benefit Fraud 0800 854 440 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Environmental Control Team 0135 270 3407 Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm
Licensing Related Queries 0135 270 3030 Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm
Registration Service Queries (Birth, Death, Marriage, etc.) 0135 270 3333 Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 3.30pm
Planning Queries 0135 270 3234 Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm

Flintshire County Council contact info
Flintshire County Council number, address and email

Flintshire County Council Customer Service Number 0135 275 2121

Call the Flintshire County Council customer service number 0135 275 2121 for your general enquiries. If you know the extension number of the department that you would like to get in contact with, call the number directly prefixing it with 70. For example, (01352) 70 1111. Alternatively, you can submit your enquiries to them online by filling in their general enquiry contact form. If you would like to get the Flintshire County Council contact phone numbers of their various departments, go to their contact us page.

Aside from giving them a call and completing their online enquiry form, you can also make an enquiry through social media by joining Flintshire County Council’s Twitter and Facebook groups. You can find the links of their groups on their website.

Flintshire County Council Adult Social Services 0135 280 3444

Dial the Flintshire County Council number 0135 280 3444 if you would like to get help and advice from Adult Social Services. If you are calling out of their opening hours, the phone number to dial is 0845 053 3116 *Up to 9p/minute and access charge*. Alternatively, you can send them your message by email at [email protected]. If you would prefer to make an enquiry by post, write to them at the following address:

First Contact Team Social Services Preswylfa Hendy Road Mold CH7 1PZ

In case you are not satisfied with the help that you have been provided by the Adult Social Services team and would like to make a complaint, you can do it by calling the Flintshire County Council number 0135 270 2623. This is also the phone number to call if you would like to give them a good feedback for their great service. Alternatively, submit your complaint or compliment by post at the following address:

Customer Feedback Team Community Services County Hall MoldCH7 6NN

Flintshire County Council Child Social Services 0135 270 1000

Any person who has concerns or suspicions regarding a child in Flintshire being harmed can call the Flintshire County Council customer service telephone number 0135 270 1000. They will discuss your concerns with you and ask for as much information as possible. They will carry out an investigation on your concern, and if needed, make a plan to protect the child that might include adding the name of the child to the Child Protection Register. You do not have to worry because they will respect your right to confidentiality.

Flintshire County Council Bins (Domestic Waste) Number 0135 270 1234

To enquire about bins (domestic waste), buses, dog fouling/dog bins, fly tipping and gritting, call: 0135 270 1234. This is also the phone number to dial if you have enquiries relating to pest control, recycling and roads. For any questions or concerns that you have about school transport, streetscene and street lighting, such as traffic lights, make an enquiry by calling this phone number. You can also enquire by email at [email protected].

This Flintshire County Council contact phone number can also be called upon if you need to report a problem with regard to car parking. Alternatively, send your report to them through email at [email protected].

Flintshire County Council Tax Queries:
0135 270 4848

For any questions or concerns that you have with regard to council tax, use this number: 0135 270 4848. This is also the phone number to call if you have enquiries about Housing Benefits. You can also send your enquiries to them by email at [email protected] if it’s about Flintshire County Council tax, and at [email protected] if it has something to do with Housing Benefits. If you would prefer to enquire in person, go to one of their Flintshire Connects offices located in Mold, Flint, Holywell, Buckley and Connah’s Quay. To enquire about Flintshire County Council Housing Benefits by post, write to the following address:

Benefits Team Flintshire County Council County Hall Mold CH7 6NA

Flintshire County Council Environmental Control 0135 270 3407

Call: 0135 270 3407 if you would like to get in touch with the Environmental Control team. This is the phone number to call if you have a private water supply and would like a water test for bacteriological content, or if you need further information. You can also make an enquiry by fax on 0135 270 3441 or by post. Write to the Flintshire Council County address below:

Environmental Control Public Protection Environmental Directorate Flintshire County Council County Hall Mold Flintshire CH7 6NH

Flintshire County Council Licensing Related Queries 0135 270 3030

Use this number: 0135 270 3030 for any enquiries that you have related to licensing. They are responsible for licensing and monitoring a number of types of business activities conducted within the area. These activities include placing a builder’s skip on the highways and operating a zoo. They carry out checks and inspections regularly and inspect premises in order to make sure that all the terms and conditions attached to the license or registration are being followed. They perform investigations on complaints including those concerning premises that reportedly operate illegally without a license.

Flintshire County Council Registration Service Number 0135 270 3333

Dial 0135 270 3333 for any enquiries that you have relating to births, deaths, weddings and civil partnerships in the registration district of Flintshre. Alternatively, you can send your queries via email at [email protected]. If you would like to send your enquiries to them by post, then send it to the following address:

The Register Office Llwynegrin Hall Mold Flintshire CH7 6NR

The Register Office is an ideal venue for any kind of ceremony. The hall was created by Thomas Jones, a local architect and county surveyor and was completed in the year 1830.

Flintshire County Council Housing Benefit Fraud 0800 854 440 Free Number

Dial 0800 854 440 free number to get in touch with the National Fraud Line if you suspect any type of housing benefit fraud. If you have hearing or speech difficulties and are using a textphone service, the phone number to dial is 0800 328 0512 free number. For Welsh speakers, the Flintshire County Council customer service telephone number to call is 0800 678 3722 free number .

Your report can also be submitted by post at the following address: NBFH PO Box 224 Preston PR1 1GP

Flintshire County Council Planning Queries
0135 270 3234

Call 0135 270 3234 if you are looking for householder planning permission. Alternatively, you can send your queries via email at [email protected]. If you would prefer to speak to the Flintshire County Council planning officer in person, visit them at the address below:

Entrance 3 County Hall Mold Flintshire CH7 6NF

Contact Flintshire County Council Through Social Media

How to Find the Flintshire County Council  Numbers?

The Flintshire County Council customer service telephone number that you can call depends on the department that you would like to get in touch with. To find the list of their contact numbers, go to their website at http://www.flintshire.gov.uk/. Scroll down to the bottom of the web page, then click on the Contact Us link located at the left corner. It will take you to another web page where you need to choose a topic or concern. Once you have selected, you will be directed to the Flintshire County Council contact number helpline that you are looking for.


Oldham Council Phone Numbers

Direct and important Oldham Council contact numbers

Department Contact Number Opening Hours
General Enquiries, Switchboard Phone 0161 770 3000 Monday to Friday, 8.40am to 5pm
Adoption Support Services 0161 770 6605 Monday to Friday, 8.40am to 5pm
Adult and Children?s Social Services 0161 770 7777 Monday to Friday, 8.40am to 5pm
Emergency Duty Team (Social Care) 0161 770 6936 Monday to Sunday, 12am to 11.59pm
Animal Warden Service 0161 770 4508 Monday to Friday, 8.40am to 5pm
Benefits Service 0161 770 6633 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Benefit Problems 0161 770 6655 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
Benefit Fraud Hotline 0161 770 4969 Monday to Friday, 8.40am to 5pm
Highway Maintenance Queries 0161 770 4325 Monday to Friday, 8.40am to 5pm
Housing and Advice Service 0161 393 7117 Monday to Friday, 8.40am to 5pm
Emergency Housing Repairs 0161 624 8286 Monday to Sunday, 12am to 11.59pm
Feedback and Complaints Team 0161 770 8122 Monday to Friday, 8.40am to 5pm

Oldham Council General Enquiries Number
0161 770 3000

Call the number 0161 770 3000 if you have general questions or concerns with regard to the services that they provide and their work to become a co-operative borough. This is also the phone number to dial to access their switchboard. Alternatively, send your enquiries to Oldham Council via email at [email protected]. They will aim to acknowledge that they have received your email within 24 hours, provide you with a full response about your enquiry within 5 working days, and give you the contact information of the person responding to your email.

Aside from calling the Oldham Council contact number helpline and sending them an email, you have the option to write them a letter or visit them personally and enquire at the following address:

Civic Centre West Street Oldham OL1 1UG

From this location, you can access a wide range of services, such as Housing and Council Tax Reduction, Oldham Council Tax, and free school meals. There are several different facilities within Access Oldham, including free phone and Internet to access Council services, interview rooms with wheelchair access, and loop system. The Access Oldham is open from 8.40am to 5pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, and from 9.30am to 5pm on Wednesdays.

Alternatively, if you are making an enquiry by post, Oldham Council customer service team will acknowledge their receipt of your letter within 5 working days, provide a complete response to your query within 10 working days, and give you the contact information of the person responding to your enquiry.

If you would like to know more about Oldham Council jobs, visit their careers page.

Oldham Council Adoption Support 0161 770 6605

To enquire about adoption support services, call the Oldham Council number 0161 770 6605. Alternatively, you can make an enquiry by sending them an email at [email protected] or a letter at the following address:

Unit 7-13 Whitney Court Southlink Business Park Oldham OL4 1DB

Oldham Council provides a range of services to help people affected by adoption. They offer support for adopted children, adoptive parents and families, birth parents and relatives, and adopted adults. They also provide adoption support funds. The adoption support services of Oldham Council include information and advice, support groups, help with accessing birth records, counselling, supporting post adoption contact, and duty officer available to respond to queries 5 days a week. Call the Oldham Council customer service team for further questions.

Oldham Council Adult and Children’s Social Services 0161 770 7777

Dial the Oldham Council number0161 770 7777 or contact them by fax on 0161 770 1576 for any questions or concerns that you have relating to their adult and children’s social services. Alternatively, you can enquire about adult social services via email at [email protected] and children’s social services at [email protected]. If you would prefer to send your enquiries by post, write to the following address:

Level 9 Civic Centre Oldham OL1 1UT

In case you are reaching out to Oldham Council customer service team out of their office hours, the phone number to call is 0161 770 6936 and an experienced social worker from the Emergency Duty Team will be available to respond to you at anytime. To use the Minicom service, dial 0161 770 8302. If you are enquiring by fax, send to 0161 770 8502. By email, send to [email protected].

Oldham Council Animal Warden Service
0161 770 4508

To enquire regarding Animal Warden Service, call the Oldham Council number 0161 770 4508. Alternatively, you can send them an email at [email protected] or a letter to the address below:

Sir Robert Peacock House Vulcan St Derker OL1 4LA

The Oldham Council’s Animal Warden Service deals with stray animals. For more information, visit their Stray Animals page.

Oldham Council Benefits and Council Tax Number
0161 770 6633

Call the Oldham Council number 0161 770 6633 to speak to a representative about Benefits Service. Through this service, you can ask for advice about Council Tax, benefits, your application and payments. Apart from giving them a call, you can also make an enquiry by email at [email protected] or by fax on 0161 770 4945. If you are having any problem with your benefit, the Oldham Council customer service telephone number to dial is 0161 770 6655. Alternatively, report an issue by filing in their email contact form.

If you suspect that someone is claiming benefits to which they may not be entitled, call 0161 770 4969 to report it to the Counter Fraud Team. You can also send them an email at [email protected] or complete their report fraud form. Alternatively, send a letter to the following address:

Level 9 Oldham Council Civic Centre Oldham OL1 1UG

Oldham Council advises you to provide them with as much detail as possible. The more information you provide, the higher the chance of a successful investigation. If you are reporting benefit fraud outside the Oldham area, the phone number to call is 0800 328 6340 free number. Alternatively, write to the following address:

PO Box 647 Preston PR1 1WA

Keep in mind that the Oldham Council cannot give any comments on cases under investigation. Therefore, if you report someone, they will not be able to give you an update on how the investigation is proceeding.

Oldham Council Highway Maintenance
0161 770 4325

Contact the Oldham 0161 770 4325 to enquire about the latest road works happening across the borough. You also have the option to send your queries by email at [email protected] or by post at the following address:

Henshaw House Cheapside Oldham OL1 1NY

Oldham Council Housing and Advice Service
0161 393 7117

Call the Oldham Council number 0161 393 7117 if you would like to get housing advice. The Oldham Council Housing and Advice Service provides you with comprehensive advice on a wide range of housing options and the services available in Oldham, regardless of your personal circumstances. They can give you advice and support on homelessness, social rented housing, housing options to people living with disabilities, help to move into or manage your home, affordable housing schemes, problems with paying your house rent or mortgage, downsizing your home, and more.

Aside from calling the Oldham Council customer service telephone number, you can ask advice from Oldham Council via email at [email protected]. You can also send them a letter at the following address:

First Place 22 Union Street Oldham OL1 1BE

In order to report required repairs to FCHO properties, call the Oldham Council customer service telephone number 0161 624 8286. This is also the phone number to dial for any other housing issues that you have.

Oldham Council Feedback and Complaints Team 0161 770 8122

Call the Oldham Council number 0161 770 8122 to get in touch with their feedback and complaints team. This is the Oldham Council number to dial if you are not satisfied with the service that you have received from them. Alternatively, submit your complaint by email at [email protected] or by post to the address below:

PO Box 33 Civic Centre West St OL1 1UG

You can also make a complaint online by filling in their feedback and complaint form.

Contact Oldham Council Through Social Media

How to Find the Oldham Council Contact Us

There is a lot of Oldham Council customer service telephone numbers and the one you should use depends on your concern and the department that you need to get in touch with. In order to find these phone numbers, go to their website at http://www.oldham.gov.uk/. Scroll down to the bottom of the web page, and then click on the Contact Us link. It will take you to a different web page where you have to choose the proper category to get the Oldham Council contact number helpline that you are looking for.


Ofgem Phone Numbers

Department Contact Number Opening Hours
Consumer Affairs Team 0207 901 7295 Monday to Saturday, 8.30am to 5pm
Consumer Affairs Team Fax Number 0207 901 7066 Monday to Saturday, 8.30am to 5pm
Domestic RHI Applicant Support Centre 0300 003 0744 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
Non-Domestic RHI Enquiries Team 0845 200 2122 *Up to 9p/minute and access charge* Monday to Thursday, 9am to 5pm, Friday, 9am to 4.30pm
Renewable Electricity Enquiries 0207 901 7310 Monday to Saturday, 8.30am to 5pm
Energy Efficiency and Social Programme Queries 0300 060 4000 Monday to Saturday, 8.30am to 5pm
London Head Office Queries 0207 901 7000 Monday to Saturday, 8.30am to 5pm
London Head Office Fax Number 0207 901 7066 Monday to Saturday, 8.30am to 5pm
Glasgow Office Queries 0141 331 2678 Monday to Saturday, 8.30am to 5pm
Retail and Wholesale Markets and Network Queries 0207 901 7179 Monday to Saturday, 8.30am to 5pm
Consumers, Investigations, Switching and Smart Meter Queries 0207 901 7460 Monday to Saturday, 8.30am to 5pm
Wholesale Markets and Transmission Network Queries (Communications Manager) 0207 901 7225 Monday to Saturday, 8.30am to 5pm
Wholesale Markets and Transmission Network Queries (Communications Officer) 0207 901 7178 Monday to Saturday, 8.30am to 5pm
E-Serve – Related Queries 0207 901 3111 Monday to Saturday, 8.30am to 5pm

Ofgem Consumer Service Number 0207 901 7295

Call the Ofgem customer service 0207 901 7295 to get in touch with their Consumer service. This is the phone number to dial if you are a consumer that has questions or concerns with regard to their policies and functions. Note that it does not deal with individual consumer complaints against energy companies.

ofgem contact information

Aside from calling the Ofgem contact number helpline, you can also make an enquiry by fax on 0207 901 7066 or by sending them an email at [email protected]. While the Consumer Affairs Team tries to answer each call right away, you may be asked to leave a voice message if they are busy taking other calls. If you leave a message, they will give you a call back as soon as possible.

Ofgem stands for the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets. They are a non-ministerial department of the government and an independent National Regulatory Authority. Their main objective when carrying out their function is to protect the interests of the existing and future electricity and gas consumers. They do this in a variety of ways such as promoting value for money, promoting sustainability and security of supply for the present and future generation of consumers, residential and industrial users, supervising and developing markets and competition, as well as regulating and developing government schemes.

Ofgem aims to be fair and transparent in their work all the time. Their practices include providing complete, efficient and thorough consultation opportunities to those who are interested in the way they explain their approaches and reach their decisions, including their plans and strategies. They arrange meetings and workshops as they share with stakeholders the analysis underpinning thei decisions that they make. At Ofgem, they also hold briefings as well as occasional seminars for those who are interested, including Parliament and the Press. In addition, they also make sure to publish the minutes of Authority meetings. Feel free to call the Ofgem customer service telephone number during their hours of operation if you would like to get to know more about what they do. If you are looking to work for them and would like to find out about the current Ofgem jobs available, you may refer to their Ofgem careers web page.

Ofgem Domestic RHI Applicant Support Centre 0300 003 0744

In order to speak to someone from the Ofgem Domestic RHI Applicant Support Centre, dial the Ofgem contact phone number 0300 003 0744. Once you have started the application process and afterwards, this is the contact number that you can call should you have any enquiries. Alternatively, your queries can be submitted to Ofgem RHI team through email at [email protected]. You may also refer to their Domestic RHI contacts, guidance and resources section for further support.

Ofgem Non-Domestic RHI Enquiries Customer Number 0845 200 2122 *Up to 9p/minute and access charge*

monthly rhi

Call the Ofgem contact number helpline 0845 200 2122 *Up to 9p/minute and access charge* to get in touch with the Non-Domestic RHI team. They are the ones who can assist you if you would like to apply for the scheme, if you need support with the application process, or if you would like to enquire regarding the progress of your application, the eligibility requirements or their published guidance. You also have the option to submit your enquiries to them through email at [email protected].

Ofgem Renewable Electricity Officer
0207 901 7310

renewable electricity ofgem

To make an enquiry about renewable electricity schemes, dial the Ofgem customer service telephone number 0207 901 7310. Call this phone number and press option 2 to enquire regarding Ofgem Renewables Obligation (RO) or Fuelling and Sustainability. Alternatively, enquire via email at [email protected] for RO, and at [email protected] for Fuelling and Sustainability. To get more information on Ofgem Feed In Tariff scheme, call this contact number and press option 1, or send an email to Ofgem fit team at [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected].

For any enquiries related to Climate Change Levy (CCL) or Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGO), call the Ofgem customer service telephone number and press option 3. You can also enquire by sending them an email at [email protected].

Ofgem Energy Efficiency and Social Programme 0300 060 4000

Call the Ofgem customer service telephone number 0300 060 4000 or send an email to [email protected] if you have questions about Energy Company Obligation (ECO). This is also the phone number to dial for queries related to Warm Home Discount (WHD. Alternatively, enquire by email at [email protected]. For any questions on the scheme as a whole, the email address to send your enquiries is at [email protected].

Ofgem London Head Office 0207 901 7000

In order to speak to someone from the company’s head ofice in London, call the Ofgem customer service phone number 0207 901 7000. You can also send your queries to them through a letter by fax on 0207 901 7066 or by post at the following address:

9 Millbank London SW1P 3GE

For Ofgem Glasgow Office queries, the phone number to call is
0141 331 2678 and the Ofgem address is:

3rd Floor Cornerstone 107 West Regent Street Glasgow G2 2BA

Ofgem Retail, Wholesale Markets and Network 0207 901 7179

Call the Ofgem contact phone number 0207 901 7179 if you are a member of the media and have an enquiry about the CMA market investigation, their wholesale markets work, including on security of supply as well as their regulation of networks. This is the contact phone number to call to speak to their Senior Communications Manager Tim Webb, who deals with these types of queries. You can also send him an email at [email protected]. Ofgem has a wide range of responsibilities, which is why each of their members specializes in different aspects of their work. Should you have an urgent media enquiry outside their opening hours, get in touch with the duty officer on 0776 651 1470.

Ofgem Consumers, Switching, Investigations and Smart Meter 0207 901 7460

If you have enquiries related to consumers, switching, investigations and smart meters, the Ofgem contact number helpline to dial is
0207 901 7460. Alternatively, you can send an email to their Communications Manager Ruth Somerville at [email protected].

Ofgem Wholesale Markets and Transmission Network 0207 901 7225

For any questions or concerns that you have related to wholesale markets and transmission networks, call the Ofgem contact phone number 0207 901 7225 to speak to their Communications Manager Chris Lock. You can send him an email as well at [email protected]. For these types of enquiries, you can also call the Communications Officer Joe Moss on 0207 901 7178, or get in contact with him via email at [email protected].

Ofgem E-Serve Related Queries Customer Service Telephone Number

For any enquiries that you have relating to Ofgem E-Serve’s administration of the government’s environmental programmes, call the Ofgem contact phone number 0207 901 3111. You can speak to their E-Serve Media Manager, Stuart Forsyth through this phone number. You can also send him an email at [email protected].

Contact Ofgem Through Social Media

How to Find the Ofgem Contact Phone Numbers

In order to find the Ofgem customer service telephone numbers and other ways to get in touch with them, go to their websiteat  https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/. Click on the Contact Us link, which you can see on the right side as you scroll down to the bottom of the web page. It will direct you to another web page where you need to choose the appropriate category to get the Ofgem contact number helpline that you are looking for. You will also be able to find their different addresses on that page.


Complain about your gas or energy supplier

It is easy to complain about your energy supplier. Visit this Citizens Advice page and complain. Here is Ofgem page with all the information regarding the complain proces.

TFL Phone Numbers

To reach one of the customer service representatives from Transport for London, the phone number to call 0343 222 1234 –  a 03 number local rate. The lines are open 7 days a week, including public holidays. Tfl has other dedicated contact numbers that you can use for your specific enquiries.

TFL service phone numbers and opening hours

Department Contact Number Opening Hours
TfL Customer Service Number and Complaints 03 number 0343 222 1234 Monday to Sunday, 8am to 8pm
TfL Customer Service Number – Fax 0343 222 7000 Monday to Sunday, 8am to 8pm
TfL Customer Service Number – Textphone 0800 112 3456 Monday to Sunday, 8am to 8pm
Congestion Charge Queries 0343 222 2222 Monday to Friday, 8am to 10pm, Saturday, 9am to 3pm
Fleet Auto Pay 0207 649 9860 Monday to Friday, 8am to 10pm, Saturday, 9am to 3pm
Low Emission Zone 0343 222 1111 Monday to Friday, 8am to 10pm, Saturday, 9am to 3pm
Low Emission Zone (Textphone) 0207 310 8999 Monday to Friday, 8am to 10pm, Saturday, 9am to 3pm
Santander Cycle Queries, Lost or Stolen Key 0343 222 6666 Monday to Friday, 8am to 10pm, Saturday, 9am to 3pm
Taxis & Minicabs 0343 222 4000 Monday to Friday, 8am to 10pm, Saturday, 9am to 3pm
Dial-a-Ride Customer Service, Book by Phone 0343 222 7777 Monday to Friday, 8am to 10pm, Saturday, 9am to 3pm
Trams Lost Property Helpline 0208 681 8300 Monday to Friday, 8am to 10pm, Saturday, 9am to 3pm
Press Office Contact 0845 604 4141 *Up to 9p/minute and access charge* Monday to Friday, 7.45am to 7pm

Transport for London Customer Service:
0343 222 1234

Call the Transport for London customer service 0343 222 1234 if you would like to get in touch with a member of their customer service team. This is the phone number that you can call for any questions or concerns that you may have with regard to the Transport for London oyster card, fares and payments, refunds, travel services, and roads. If you are not satisfied with the product or service that you have been provided with and would like to make a complaint, you can do it through this phone number as well.

For customers who have hearing disabilities and are using a textphone, the phone number to call is 0800 112 3456 free number.

Other Ways to Contact Transport for London

Aside from calling the Transport for London customer service telephone number, there are other ways that you can do to send your enquiries. You can submit your questions or concerns to them by fax on 0343 222 7000. Alternatively, you can follow them on Twitter so that you can also get news and information about London’s transport system. If you would prefer to make an enquiry by post, then write a letter to them at the Transport for London address below:

TfL Customer Services

4th Floor 14 Pier Walk London SE10 0ES

Transport for London Congestion Charge Queries Number 0343 222 2222

Contact Congestion Charge

For any enquiries that you may have relating to the Congestion Charge, call the Transport for London customer service telephone number 0343 222 2222. Alternatively, you can enquire online by completing their email contact form or write them a letter at the following address:

PO Box 344 Darlington DL1 9QE

If you are calling about Fleet Auto Pay, dial the Transport for London contact number helpline 0207 649 9860.

Transport for London Low Emission Zone Help Number 0343 222 1111

Dial the Transport for London customer service telephone number 0343 222 1111 for any questions or concerns that you may have with regard to Low Emission Zone (LEZ). If you are calling using a textphone, call 0207 310 8999. Apart from giving them a call, you can make an LEZ enquiry online by filling in their email contact form or by sending them an email at [email protected]. If you would like to send your queries by post, write to the Transport for London address below:

PO Box 343 Darlington DL1 9QD

Transport for London Santander Cycle Queries Telephone Number 0343 222 6666

In order to speak to a member of the customer service department call: 0343 222 6666. This is the dedicated phone number to contact if you would like to find out more about Santander Cycles. If your key has been lost or stolen, report it by calling this phone number immediately to prevent any extra ride charges. Alternatively, your Santander Cycle queries can be submitted online by completing the email contact form on their website. To enquire by post, send a letter to the Transport for London address below:

PO Box 1214 Enfield EN1 9ST

Transport for London Taxis & Minicabs Helpline 0343 222 4000

Call the Transport for London customer service telephone number 0343 222 4000 for any questions or concerns that you may have regarding taxis and minicabs. Alternatively, you can make an enquiry online using their email contact form. You can also send your queries to the following Transport for London address:

Surface Transport Customer Services

4th Floor Palestra 197 Blackfriars Road London SE1 8NJ

Transport for London Dial-a-Ride Customer Service Number 0343 222 7777

dial a ride tfl

In order to get in touch with a member of the Dial-a-Ride customer service team, call the Transport for London contact number helpline
0343 222 7777. You can call this phone number whether you have any questions or concerns with regard to Dial-a-Ride, or would like to make your booking over the phone. You can also manage your existing booking through this phone number, such as cancelling or amending a booking. Make sure to make your booking at least one day in advance. If you would prefer to make a booking online, visit the Transport for London booking page.

In case you are not happy with the service that you have been provided by a Dial-a-Ride staff member, call this Transport for London customer service telephone number and press option 3, or send them email at [email protected].  Your enquiries, questions or complaint can also be submitted by post. If you would prefer to write to them, send it to the following address:

PO Box 68799 London SE1P 4RD

Transport for London Trams Lost Property
0208 681 8300

tfl lost property contact detils

Call the Transport for London  0208 681 8300 in order to enquire about lost property on Trams services.. For boats, get in touch with the boat operator. For piers, send them your enquiries through email at [email protected]. The company also has their email contact form that you can use to ask about lost property on London Buses, London Underground, Docklands Light Railway, London Overground, Victoria Coach Station, Black Cabs, Emirates Air Line and TfL Rail. Note that it may take up to 10 days for the items that they find to be delivered from stations and garages and entered on their system.

Transport for London Press Office Contact Number 0845 604 4141 *Up to 9p/minute and access charge*

Dial the Transport for London contact number: 0845 604 4141 *Up to 9p/minute and access charge*to get in touch with their  team. This is the contact number to call for your media enquiries. Alternatively, you can make an enquiry by sending them an email at [email protected]. Note that these contact details are for journalist enquiries only and the Transport for London Press Office is unable to help with general queries or complaints.

Transport for London Investor Relations Queries

For investor relations queries, talk to one of the Transport for London experts via email at [email protected]. Alternatively, your questions or concerns can be submitted by letter at the address below:

Group Treasury Transport for London Windsor House 42-50 Victoria Street London SW1H 0TL

Transport for London Careers

Transport for London offers a wide range of opportunities and a great place to develop your skills. If you are looking to work and become a part of their growing team, you can visit the Transport for London jobs page in order to find out more about their current career vacancies. Alternatively, you can follow them on Twitter for career information and on LinkedIn for jobs, apprenticeships and graduate opportunities.

Contact Transport for London Through Social Media

How to Find the Transport for London Contact Us Page

Customers who have general enquiries can find the Transport for London customer service telephone numbers by visiting their official website at https://tfl.gov.uk/. Scroll down to the bottom of the web page, then click on the About TfL link under the Help & contacts column on the left corner.

contact us tfl

Once you are in the About TfL page, scroll down until you are able to see the Transport for London contact number helpline that you are looking for. The web page will also provide you with the other ways that you can do to get in touch with the company’s customer service team.

Student Finance UK and England Contact Phone Numbers

Student finance contact number: 0300 100 0607

Department Contact Number Opening Hours
Customer Service 0300 100 0607 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm, Saturday to Sunday, 9am to 4pm
Customer Service  (Textphone Users) 0300 100 0622 Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm
Student Finance Non UK Service 0141 243 3570 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5.30pm
Student Finance Services Non UK (International Calls) +44 1412 433 570 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5.30pm
Postgraduate Loan Enquiries 0300 100 0031 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Advanced Learner Loan Enquiries 0300 100 0619 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm, Saturday to Sunday, 9am to 4pm
Student Loans Company, Student Finance Complaints Number 0300 100 0601 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm, Saturday to Sunday, 9am to 4pm

contact student finance

How to Find the Student Finance Contact Phone Numbers

The Student Finance customer service telephone numbers for loan enquiries can be found by going to their website at https://www.gov.uk/student-finance/overview. At the right side of the web page, click on the Contact Student Finance England link. It will then take you to the web page where you can get the Student Finance contact number helpline that you are looking for. Aside from contact phone numbers, the web page will also provide you with the other Student Finance contact information, such as their addresses and email.


Student Finance Customer Service Contact Phone Number 0300 100 0607

Call the Student Finance customer service telephone number 0300 100 0607 if you would like to get in touch with a member of their customer service. This is the contact phone number that you can call for any questions or concerns that you may have with regard to the services that they offer. If you are contacting the Student Finance using a textphone, the Student Finance contact number helpline to call is 0300 100 0622.

student finance contact

Aside from calling the Student Finance customer service telephone number, you can also make an enquiry through their social media accounts such as on Twitter and on Facebook. If you would prefer to submit your queries by post, then you can write a letter to the Student Finance address below:

Student Finance England PO Box 210 Darlington DL1 9HJ

Student Finance is responsible for students that are looking to borrow funds to pay for their university or college tuition fees in the United Kingdom. You may be eligible to get additional funds on top of it depending on your circumstances, for instance, if you are a person with a disability, if you are on a low income, or if you do have children. You will start repaying for your Student Finance loan once you earn more than a particular amount. The amount of your monthly repayments will be based on how much you earn, and not on what you owe. Interest will start accruing from the day that you take out the loan. If you have any questions about Student Finance loan and repayments, the Student Finance customer service telephone number is available 7 days a week.

If you are looking to get a Student Finance loan, there are different ways that you can do to apply for Student Finance depending on your situation. If you are a new student from England, whether you are a full-time or part-time student, you can apply for the loan by simply setting up an online account with the company and by completing the Student Finance application form. You are a continuing student if you already got finance last year. Continuing students can log into their student finance account if they would like to apply online.


New EU students can apply by downloading the necessary application pack, while continuing EU students will be sent the application forms. There is a different process if you started before September 1, 2012, as well as if you are a student from Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. Call the Student Finance contact number helpline during their opening hours if you have any questions related to these processes. Parents and partners who would like to enquire about a specific loan will need to have the student’s authorization in order to get information from Student Finance England. The student can provide permission either during their application or at a later date.
new students euWhen you sign in or register for Student Finance online, you will be able to view your statements and letters from Student Finance England, and track any existing application that you may have. By logging in to your account, you will also be able to check when your payment is due, update some of your personal or application details, and reset your password or find your customer reference number. You can also apply for finance as a new or continuing student through your Student Finance login.

sign up for a new Student Finance online

Student finance login

You can sign up for a new Student Finance online account through their website. You will be provided with a customer reference number (CRN) and you will be asked to create a password and secret answer to security questions when you set up your account, which you will need every time you log in. These information are sent by post if you do not apply online.

If you would like to find out more about the extra help that you may be able to get, check on the student finance calculator. This calculator is for students from England or the European Union (EU) starting a new course. You can use the student finance calculator to estimate student loans, and extra student funding, if you are a person with disability or you have children to support. Note that your result will be more accurate if you know your annual household income (the income of your parents or partner plus your own).

If you have a disability, long-term health condition, mental health condition or a specific learning difficulty like dyslexia, then you can apply for Disabled Student Allowances, or get extra help if you are experiencing financial hardship. You may also qualify for disability related benefits. Medical, social work and teacher training students can apply for help with costs of travel to the UK clinical placements. You can apply for this if you are studying a medical, healthcare or dentistry course, if you are a social work student, and if you are a teacher training student. If you would like to get more information about Disabled Student Allowances, call the Student Finance customer service telephone number.

Student Finance Non UK Service Contact Number 0141 243 3570

In order to get in touch with a member of the Non UK service, call the Student Finance customer service telephone number 0141 243 3570. This is the contact phone number to call for EU students who would like to enquire with regard to Student Finance loan. If you are calling from outside the UK, dial +44 1412 433 570. Alternatively, you can make an enquiry by post. Send a letter explaining your concern to the Student Finance address below:

Student Finance Services Non UK Student Finance England PO Box 89 Darlington DL1 9AZ

Student Finance Postgraduate Loan Enquiries Customer Service Telephone Number 0300 100 0031

Call the Student Finance customer service telephone number 0300 100 0031 for any enquiries that you may have with regard to the Student Finance postgraduate loan. Otherwise, you can make an enquiry by post at the following Student Finance address:

Student Finance England PO Box 210 Darlington DL1 9HJ

Student Finance Advanced Learner Loan Enquiries Contact Phone Number 0300 100 0619

For any questions or concerns that you may have with regard to advanced learner loans, call the Student Finance customer service telephone number 0300 100 0619. Apart from giving them a call, you also have the option to submit your enquiries to them by post. You can write a letter to them at the Student Finance address below:

Advanced Learner Loan PO Box 302 Darlington DL1 9NQ

Student Finance Student Loans Company Customer Service Number 0300 100 0601

Call the Student Finance customer service telephone number 0300 100 0601 in order to get in touch with a member of the Student Loans Company. This is the contact phone number that you can call if you are not satisfied with the processing of your loan or any service that you have received and would like to make a complaint. Alternatively, you can submit your complaint by sending them an email at [email protected].

If you would like to make an appeal to Student Finance England requesting for them to review a decision about your eligibility to get financial support, then you will need to download and complete the application form, which can be found on their web page. Once you have completed the form, submit it to Student Finance England either by email at [email protected], or by post to the Student Finance customer service address below:

Formal Appeals Student Finance England Memphis Building Lingfield Point PO Box 226 Darlington DL1 9GA

Contact Student Finance Through Social Media

FCA Financial Services Phone Numbers

Direct FCA Contact Number List

Department Contact Number Opening Hours
Consumer General Enquiries 0800 111 6768
0300 500 8082
Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm, Saturday, 9am to 1pm
Consumer General Enquiries (Calls From Outside the UK) +44 2070 661 000 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm, Saturday, 9am to 1pm
Firm General Enquiries, Consumer Credit Firms 0300 500 0597 Monday to Wednesday, 9am to 5pm, Thursday, 9.45am to 5pm, Friday, 9am to 5pm
Complaints Resolution Team 0207 066 9870 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm, Saturday, 9am to 1pm
Press Office Team 0207 066 3232 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm, Saturday, 9am to 1pm
Whistleblowing Report Team 0207 066 9200 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm, Saturday, 9am to 1pm

How to Find the FCA Contact Phone Numbers

For any questions or concerns that you have with FCA, go to their website at https://www.fca.org.uk/ to find the FCA customer service telephone numbers. Scroll down to the bottom of the web page until you find the Contact Us link. Click on it and it will take you to the web page where you can get the FCA contact number helpline that you are looking for.

fca contact us page

FCA Consumer General Enquiries Contact Phone Number 0800 111 6768 Free Number or 0300 500 8082

Call the FCA customer service telephone number 0800 111 6768 free number or 0300 500 8082 for any questions or concerns that you have with regard to the services that they provide. If you are calling from outside the United Kingdom, dial +44 2070 661 000.

Aside from calling the FCA contact number helpline, there are other ways that you can do in order to submit your enquiries to them. You can make an enquiry by sending them an email at [email protected] or by filling in their email contact form which can be found on their website. You can also get in touch with one of the representatives from the FCA customer service team using the consumer live chat option that is visible on their website as well.

If you suspect that you have been contacted by an unauthorised firm or an individual carrying out an FCA regulated activity – that often cold call people – report it to the FCA using their fraud report form. Most of the firms offering financial services in the United Kingdom must be authorised by them. You should only do business with authorised firms. You can always check on the Financial Services Register to make sure that the firm that you are dealing with is authorised. When making a fraud report, make sure to provide them with as much information as you can about the particular firm or individual who contacted you.

Fill in separate report forms if you have been contacted by multiple firms or individuals. Tell them about the firm that you are reporting to them and the reason why you are reporting them. If you have lost money to fraud, then it should be reported to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or online at http://www.actionfraud.police.uk/.

FCA Firm General Enquiries Customer Help Number 0300 500 0597

For firms including consumer credit firms and people representing a firm that have any enquiries to make, contact the FCA customer service telephone number 0300 500 0597. This is also the phone number to call for systems or application related queries. If you are calling from outside the UK, the contact number to dial is +44 2070 661 000.

Apart from giving them a call on the FCA contact phone number, your enquiries can also be submitted to them by completing their firm email contact form. Alternatively, you can send them an email at [email protected].

FCA Complaints Resolution Team Contact Number Helpline 0207 066 9870

Dial the FCA customer service telephone number 0207 066 9870 for any complaint that you have about a regulator. Alternatively, you can make a complaint by completing an online complaint form or by sending them an email at [email protected]. If you would prefer to send your complaint by post, then write to the following address:

Financial Conduct Authority 25 The North Colonnade London E14 5HS

You also have the option to download a printable form and send it to the address above. Once you have submitted your complaint to the FCA, they will acknowledge it within 5 working days, and they will inform you within 4 weeks if your complaint is inside or outside the scope of the Scheme. Following that, they will contact you on a regular basis to keep you up to date with their investigation. They may decide to deal with your complaint locally. This enables the area of the FCA most closely connected with the issue you are complaining about to respond efficiently.

In case you are not satisfied with the way that your complaint is handled locally, you have the right to contact the Complaints Team for a Stage 1 investigation. Call the FCA contact number helpline and they will investigate your complaint independently and impartially, in line with the Scheme. They will investigate your valid complaint thoroughly, passing lessons learned to senior management and the rest of the business to make sure that the FCA constantly improves its performance. If they consider your complaint to be justified, they will let you know what they are going to do in order to resolve it. The resolutions that they might offer include an apology, taking steps to resolve an error, and a compensatory payment on an ex gratia basis, where appropriate. Should the FCA conclude that your complaint is not justified, they will provide you with their reasons.

If you are still not satisfied with the progress of your complaint or the way that the FCA has dealt with it, you have the option to refer the complaint to the Office of the Complaints Commissioner. This should typically be made within 3 months of their final decision at Stage 1 investigation. If you refer your complaint after the 3 month time limit, the Complaints Commissioner may still be able to consider it if there are valid reasons for the delay.

You can refer the issue to the Complaints Commissioner directly if the FCA excludes or cannot investigate your complaint under the Scheme. They have discretion to decide whether or not the complaint falls within the scope of the Scheme. If so, they can either propose to carry out an investigation or require the FCA to carry out its own investigation first. You can use the similar methods aforementioned for any complaint that you would like to make about the Prudential Regulation Authority or the Bank of England.

FCA Press Office Team Contact Number Helpline 0207 066 3232

For any media enquiries, call the FCA contact phone number 0207 066 3232 to get in touch with their Press Office Team. For journalists who need to access their out of hours service, dial 0779 535 1956. Alternatively, you can send them an email at [email protected]. To communicate with their Head of News, Chris Hamilton, send an email to [email protected]. To get a hold of one of their Press Officers, email Ruth Wharram at [email protected], Diana Yeboah at [email protected], Nick Offord at [email protected], and Mark Dixon at [email protected].

FCA Whistleblowing Report Team Contact Phone Number 0207 066 9200

Call the FCA contact number helpline 0207 066 9200 to confidentially report a firm or individual that is involved in illegal doing within an area that they regulate. Aside from giving them a phone call, you can make a report by sending them an email at [email protected]. Alternatively, you can submit your report by post. Write to the following address:

Intelligence Department (Ref PIDA)

Financial Conduct Authority 25 The North Colonnade London E14 5HS

The more information you can provide to the FCA customer service team, the easier and faster it will be for them to consider what their response should be. The following details would be all helpful:

  • The full names of any individuals involved in the wrongdoing
  • Any key dates that you know about
  • The ‘what’, ‘where’ and ‘how’ of any supporting documents or evidence
  • The type of misconduct as well as who else is aware of it

You are not required to provide them with your identity or contact information, while it would make it easier in case the FCA needs to clarify things or ask for additional information. If you have given your contact information, then they may well proactively get in touch with you if they need any other information, unless you specifically ask them not to.

The FCA would like to know more about their whistleblowers. If you feel comfortable about telling them, they would like to know your age, your position and length of time at the firm, and whether you made the disclosure internally and if it caused you any harm as a result of this. They would only use this information to improve their knowledge and they would not share it with other organisations.

Contact FCA Through Social Media

DWP (Department for Work & Pensions) Phone Numbers

Direct DWP Contact Number:
0800 055 6688

Department Contact Number Opening Hours
Job Centre Plus (New Benefit Claims) 0800 055 6688 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Textphone for Job Centre Plus 0800 023 4888 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Welsh Language for Job Centre Plus 0800 012 1888 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Jobseeker?s Allowance, Income Support, Incapacity Benefit, Employment and Support Allowance 0345 608 8545 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Textphone for Jobseeker?s Allowance, Income Support, Incapacity Benefit, Employment and Support Allowance, Bereavement, and National Jobcentre Enquiry 0345 608 8551 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Welsh Language for Jobseeker?s Allowance, Income Support, Incapacity Benefit, Employment and Support Allowance, and Universal Credit 0345 600 3018 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Maternity Allowance 0345 608 8610 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Textphone for Maternity Allowance and Social Fund 0345 608 8553 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Welsh Language for Maternity Allowance 0345 608 8674 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Bereavement 0345 608 8601 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Welsh Language for Bereavement 0345 608 8772 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Social Fund 0345 603 6967 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Welsh Language for Social Fund 0345 608 8756 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Universal Credit 0345 600 0723 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Textphone for Universal Credit 0345 600 0743 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
National Jobcentre Enquiry Line 0345 604 3719 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Welsh Language for National Jobcentre Enquiry 0345 604 4248 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
State Pension Claims 0800 731 7898 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Textphone for State Pension Claims 0800 731 7339 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Online Service Technical Help 0345 604 3349 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Textphone for Online Service Technical Help 0345 604 3412 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Change in Circumstances 0345 606 0265 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Textphone for Change in Circumstances 0345 606 0285 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
London Press Office 0203 267 5144 Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm
England and Wales Local Media Enquiries 0292 058 6097 or 0292 058 6098 or 0292 058 6099 Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm
Scotland Local Media Enquiries 0131 310 1122 Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm
Journalists Calling Out of Hours 0765 910 8883 Monday to Sunday, 24 hours

DWP Customer Helpline for Job Centre Plus (New Benefit Claims) 0800 055 6688 Free Number

Call the DWP customer service number 0800 055 6688 free number to make a new benefit claim. If you have hearing difficulties and are using a textphone, dial 0800 023 4888 free number. For Welsh speakers, the DWP contact number to call is 0800 012 1888 free number.

To claim your Jobseeker’s Allowance online, go to https://www.dwpe-services.direct.gov.uk/portal/page/portal/jsaol/lp.

For existing claims, there are different phone numbers to call depending on the type of benefit you are enquiring about. You will have to provide your date of birth and your National Insurance number when calling for an existing claim. If you do not have a National Insurance number yet, apply for it by phone. The National Insurance number application helpline is 0345 600 0643. For textphone users, dial 0345 600 0644. They are available from Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm. For Welsh speakers, dial 0345 602 1491, open from Monday to Friday, 8.30 am to 5pm.

For Jobseeker’s Allowance, Income Support, Incapacity Benefit, and Employment and Support Allowance enquiries, contact the DWP customer service number 0345 608 8545. If you are using a textphone, dial 0345 608 8551. For Welsh speaking callers, the contact number is 0345 600 3018.

This is also the number to make a complaint about the benefits mentioned above. If you want to make a complaint about the Department for Work and Pensions itself, submit it by writing to Department for Work and Pensions, PO Box 50101, London, SW1P 2WU.

If you are calling from abroad, these are the phone numbers to call depending on the type of benefit:

  • Jobseeker’s Allowance: +44 1912 187 652
  • Incapacity Benefit and Maternity Allowance: +44 1912 187 644
  • Employment and Support Allowance: +44 1912 182 050

Lines are open from Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm.

DWP Customer Service Number for Maternity Allowance 0345 608 8610

If you are calling about Maternity Allowance, dial the DWP customer service number 0345 608 8610. For textphone, call 0345 608 8553 and for Welsh language support, contact 0345 608 8674. These contact numbers can also be used for complaints with regards to Maternity Allowance.

DWP Telephone Number for Bereavement 0345 608 8601

For Bereavement benefits, call the DWP customer help number 0345 608 8601. Textphone users, call  0345 608 8551. For those who prefer using the Welsh Language, dial 0345 608 8772. Contact these numbers for any Bereavement complaints.

If you are calling from abroad and have queries about Bereavement benefits, dial +44 1912 187 608. It is available from Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm.

DWP Customer Helpline for Social Fund 0345 603 6967

If you would like to enquire regarding Social Fund benefits, contact the DWP customer service number 0345 603 6967. To enquire through textphone, call 0345 608 8553. Welsh speakers may dial 0345 608 8756. These phone numbers are also used for any complaints about Social Fund.

DWP Phone Number for Universal Credit 0345 600 0723

Dial the DWP contact number 0345 600 0723 to reach the Universal Credit customer service. If you are calling through textphone, the phone number is 0345 600 0743. For Welsh language callers, dial 0345 600 3018. Call these phone numbers if you have any complaints regarding Universal Credit.

DWP Contact Number for National Jobcentre Enquiry Line 0345 604 3719

Contact the DWP telephone number 0345 604 3719 for National Jobcentre enquiries. This is also the phone number to call if you are not satisfied with the service you have received and would like to make a complaint on Jobcentre Plus. If you are using a textphone, call  0345 608 8551. For Welsh support, dial 0345 604 4248.

DWP Customer Help Number for State Pension Claims 0800 731 7898 Free Number

Call the DWP customer service number 0800 731 7898 free number if you need assistance in making a State Pension claim. If you are using a textphone, call 0800 731 7339.

If you are currently outside the UK and have general enquiries about state pension, get in touch with the International Pension Centre through their online enquiry form at https://www2.dwp.gov.uk/tps-directgov/en/contact-tps/ipc.asp. If you are reporting any changes to your personal information, do not submit it using the online form. You need to report it by phone or letter. Call +44 1912 187 777. For textphone, dial +44 1912 187 280. Lines are open from Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm. If you are reporting by post, send it to The Pension Service 11, Mail Handling Site A, Wolverhampton, WV98 1LW, United Kingdom.

DWP Customer Helpline for Online Service Technical Help 0345 604 3349

Dial the DWP contact number 0345 604 3349 to speak with the technical support team if you need help with the online websites of DWP. Through textphone, call 0345 604 3412.

DWP Phone Number for Change in Circumstances 0345 606 0265

Call the DWP customer service number 0345 606 0265, which is the number for reporting a change of personal details and circumstances, such as your address, spouse or partner, or bank account information. Dial 0345 606 0285 for textphone.

This is also the contact number to dial if you are unhappy with the service you received and would like to submit a complaint on the Pension Service. If you are making a complaint through textphone, call 0345 722 4433. For Welsh support, dial 0345 606 0275.

DWP Customer Service Number for London Press Office 0203 267 5144

Contact the DWP customer help number 0203 267 5144 for national media and London area enquiries, or write to DWP Press Office, Caxton House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NA. If you wish to send an email to the ministers of DWP, address it to [email protected].

DWP Telephone Number for England and Wales Local Media Enquiries 0292 058 6097 or 098 or 099

If you are calling for media enquiries in England and Wales, dial the DWP telephone number 0292 058 6 then 097 or 098 or 099.

DWP Customer Helpline for Scotland Local Media Enquiries 0131 310 1122

For Scotland local press enquiries, dial the DWP contact number 0131 310 1122.

DWP Phone Number for Journalists Calling Out of Hours 0765 910 8883

For journalists who are calling outside of the aforementioned opening hours for media enquiries, call the DWP telephone number 0765 910 8883.

How to Find DWP Contact Numbers You Ask?

To find the DWP phone numbers to call, go to their web page https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-work-pensions. Scroll down until you see the “Contact DWP” section of the page to get the DWP customer help number that you are looking for.


Contact DWP Through Social Media

** We had some questions regarding DVLA contact number and information, i added here a link to the most relevant page with up-to-date DVLA contact info for all DWP and DVLA related issues