Oldham Council Phone Numbers

  • Company Name: Oldham Council
  • Contact Number: 0161 770 3000
  • HQ Address: Civic Centre, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1UT
  • Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.40am to 5pm
  • Website: www.oldham.gov.uk

Direct and important Oldham Council contact numbers

Department Contact Number Opening Hours
General Enquiries, Switchboard Phone 0161 770 3000 Monday to Friday, 8.40am to 5pm
Adoption Support Services 0161 770 6605 Monday to Friday, 8.40am to 5pm
Adult and Children?s Social Services 0161 770 7777 Monday to Friday, 8.40am to 5pm
Emergency Duty Team (Social Care) 0161 770 6936 Monday to Sunday, 12am to 11.59pm
Animal Warden Service 0161 770 4508 Monday to Friday, 8.40am to 5pm
Benefits Service 0161 770 6633 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Benefit Problems 0161 770 6655 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
Benefit Fraud Hotline 0161 770 4969 Monday to Friday, 8.40am to 5pm
Highway Maintenance Queries 0161 770 4325 Monday to Friday, 8.40am to 5pm
Housing and Advice Service 0161 393 7117 Monday to Friday, 8.40am to 5pm
Emergency Housing Repairs 0161 624 8286 Monday to Sunday, 12am to 11.59pm
Feedback and Complaints Team 0161 770 8122 Monday to Friday, 8.40am to 5pm

Oldham Council General Enquiries Number
0161 770 3000

Call the number 0161 770 3000 if you have general questions or concerns with regard to the services that they provide and their work to become a co-operative borough. This is also the phone number to dial to access their switchboard. Alternatively, send your enquiries to Oldham Council via email at [email protected]. They will aim to acknowledge that they have received your email within 24 hours, provide you with a full response about your enquiry within 5 working days, and give you the contact information of the person responding to your email.

Aside from calling the Oldham Council contact number helpline and sending them an email, you have the option to write them a letter or visit them personally and enquire at the following address:

Civic Centre West Street Oldham OL1 1UG

From this location, you can access a wide range of services, such as Housing and Council Tax Reduction, Oldham Council Tax, and free school meals. There are several different facilities within Access Oldham, including free phone and Internet to access Council services, interview rooms with wheelchair access, and loop system. The Access Oldham is open from 8.40am to 5pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, and from 9.30am to 5pm on Wednesdays.

Alternatively, if you are making an enquiry by post, Oldham Council customer service team will acknowledge their receipt of your letter within 5 working days, provide a complete response to your query within 10 working days, and give you the contact information of the person responding to your enquiry.

If you would like to know more about Oldham Council jobs, visit their careers page.

Oldham Council Adoption Support 0161 770 6605

To enquire about adoption support services, call the Oldham Council number 0161 770 6605. Alternatively, you can make an enquiry by sending them an email at [email protected] or a letter at the following address:

Unit 7-13 Whitney Court Southlink Business Park Oldham OL4 1DB

Oldham Council provides a range of services to help people affected by adoption. They offer support for adopted children, adoptive parents and families, birth parents and relatives, and adopted adults. They also provide adoption support funds. The adoption support services of Oldham Council include information and advice, support groups, help with accessing birth records, counselling, supporting post adoption contact, and duty officer available to respond to queries 5 days a week. Call the Oldham Council customer service team for further questions.

Oldham Council Adult and Children’s Social Services 0161 770 7777

Dial the Oldham Council number0161 770 7777 or contact them by fax on 0161 770 1576 for any questions or concerns that you have relating to their adult and children’s social services. Alternatively, you can enquire about adult social services via email at [email protected] and children’s social services at [email protected]. If you would prefer to send your enquiries by post, write to the following address:

Level 9 Civic Centre Oldham OL1 1UT

In case you are reaching out to Oldham Council customer service team out of their office hours, the phone number to call is 0161 770 6936 and an experienced social worker from the Emergency Duty Team will be available to respond to you at anytime. To use the Minicom service, dial 0161 770 8302. If you are enquiring by fax, send to 0161 770 8502. By email, send to [email protected].

Oldham Council Animal Warden Service
0161 770 4508

To enquire regarding Animal Warden Service, call the Oldham Council number 0161 770 4508. Alternatively, you can send them an email at [email protected] or a letter to the address below:

Sir Robert Peacock House Vulcan St Derker OL1 4LA

The Oldham Council’s Animal Warden Service deals with stray animals. For more information, visit their Stray Animals page.

Oldham Council Benefits and Council Tax Number
0161 770 6633

Call the Oldham Council number 0161 770 6633 to speak to a representative about Benefits Service. Through this service, you can ask for advice about Council Tax, benefits, your application and payments. Apart from giving them a call, you can also make an enquiry by email at [email protected] or by fax on 0161 770 4945. If you are having any problem with your benefit, the Oldham Council customer service telephone number to dial is 0161 770 6655. Alternatively, report an issue by filing in their email contact form.

If you suspect that someone is claiming benefits to which they may not be entitled, call 0161 770 4969 to report it to the Counter Fraud Team. You can also send them an email at [email protected] or complete their report fraud form. Alternatively, send a letter to the following address:

Level 9 Oldham Council Civic Centre Oldham OL1 1UG

Oldham Council advises you to provide them with as much detail as possible. The more information you provide, the higher the chance of a successful investigation. If you are reporting benefit fraud outside the Oldham area, the phone number to call is 0800 328 6340 free number. Alternatively, write to the following address:

PO Box 647 Preston PR1 1WA

Keep in mind that the Oldham Council cannot give any comments on cases under investigation. Therefore, if you report someone, they will not be able to give you an update on how the investigation is proceeding.

Oldham Council Highway Maintenance
0161 770 4325

Contact the Oldham 0161 770 4325 to enquire about the latest road works happening across the borough. You also have the option to send your queries by email at [email protected] or by post at the following address:

Henshaw House Cheapside Oldham OL1 1NY

Oldham Council Housing and Advice Service
0161 393 7117

Call the Oldham Council number 0161 393 7117 if you would like to get housing advice. The Oldham Council Housing and Advice Service provides you with comprehensive advice on a wide range of housing options and the services available in Oldham, regardless of your personal circumstances. They can give you advice and support on homelessness, social rented housing, housing options to people living with disabilities, help to move into or manage your home, affordable housing schemes, problems with paying your house rent or mortgage, downsizing your home, and more.

Aside from calling the Oldham Council customer service telephone number, you can ask advice from Oldham Council via email at [email protected]. You can also send them a letter at the following address:

First Place 22 Union Street Oldham OL1 1BE

In order to report required repairs to FCHO properties, call the Oldham Council customer service telephone number 0161 624 8286. This is also the phone number to dial for any other housing issues that you have.

Oldham Council Feedback and Complaints Team 0161 770 8122

Call the Oldham Council number 0161 770 8122 to get in touch with their feedback and complaints team. This is the Oldham Council number to dial if you are not satisfied with the service that you have received from them. Alternatively, submit your complaint by email at [email protected] or by post to the address below:

PO Box 33 Civic Centre West St OL1 1UG

You can also make a complaint online by filling in their feedback and complaint form.

Contact Oldham Council Through Social Media

How to Find the Oldham Council Contact Us

There is a lot of Oldham Council customer service telephone numbers and the one you should use depends on your concern and the department that you need to get in touch with. In order to find these phone numbers, go to their website at http://www.oldham.gov.uk/. Scroll down to the bottom of the web page, and then click on the Contact Us link. It will take you to a different web page where you have to choose the proper category to get the Oldham Council contact number helpline that you are looking for.


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