AG Woodcare Products Phone Numbers

  • Company Name: AG Woodcare Products Ltd
  • Contact Number: 0178 977 8628
  • HQ Address: AG Woodcare Products Ltd. Unit 3a Wellington Road Waterloo Industrial Estate Bidford on Avon B50 4JH
  • Opening Hours: 8.30AM-5PM Monday-Friday, 8.30AM-12.30PM Saturday
  • Website:
AG Woodcare Products Department Contact Number
Customer Service 0178 977 8628
*Local rate*

AG Woodcare Products Customer Service 0178 977 8628


The AG Woodcare Products customer service contact number is 0178 977 8628. If you are calling internationally AG Woodcare customer care recommends to call +44 178 977 8628, available from Monday to Friday between 8:30 am to 5:00 pm and on Saturdays between 8:30 to 12:30 pm. AG Woodcare Products is closed on Sundays. Contact AG Woodcare Products online, [email protected].

AG Woodcare Ltd serves a broad array of innovative products to the wood working industry in the United Kingdom. AG Woodcare UK offers wood stains for finishes, flooring, industrial spraying and coating solutions, timber treatments, repair services, stone flooring, raw material, framing, guiding, solvents, spirits, and metal treatments. AG Woodcare Products Ltd website has various products and construction solutions available to you. You can track your order online by using the track your order tool available on the homepage of the website.

The address of the AG Woodcare Products registered office is

AG Woodcare Products Ltd.
Unit 3a Wellington Road
Waterloo Industrial Estate
Bidford on Avon B50 4JH

Visit the registered office of the AG Woodcare Products for wood finishes and finishing products you need during construction of a new project or remodelling of an existing one. Remember that you do not need an appointment to visit the AG Woodcare Products Bidford on Avon office. Make sure to reach within normal business hours from Monday to Friday and Saturday.

AG Woodcare Products Online

Contacting customer service at AG Woodcare Products is possible online when you use the online message form. This form is available on the contact us page on the AG Woodcare Products website. Enter following information in the form.

Existing customers need to login to AG Woodcare Products website to use the web property. Customers can use the following services once they successfully complete the login.

  • Online shopping
  • Payments
  • Online account management
  • Cancellations
  • Returns
  • Refunds
  • Assistance from customer service

You can access the AG Woodcare login menu from my account link on the home page. This link is located at the top right of the navigation bar. Click on the link to visit the login page. Enter your email address and password to login to AG Woodcare Products website.


New users can register online using the registration menu available on the login page. Click on the register for a new account button to proceed. You need to provide following information on the registration page.

  • Company or your name
  • Email address
  • Password
  • Confirmation of the password
  • Anti-bot validation

Click on the register button to complete registration. You will receive an email to verify your account after a successful registration. Click on the link to verify your account and start using the services available to you at AG Woodcare Products. Remember to contact AG Woodcare customer service in case you need assistance during or after the registration, login, or shopping. Visit store policies page to learn about AG Woodcare returns policy.


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