Expedia UK’s main contact number is 0203 788 0445. By calling this phone number, you will be able to speak to a member of their customer service team to get help with any questions or concerns that you may have. Expedia UK also has other different phone numbers to call for various types of queries.
Department | Contact Number | Opening Hours |
Customer Service, Customer Complaints Number | 0203 788 0445 | Monday to Sunday, 12am to 11.59pm |
Customer Service Team (Calls from Outside the UK) | +44 2030 248 211 | Monday to Sunday, 12am to 11.59pm |
New Bookings and Existing Booking Enquiries | 0330 123 1235 | Monday to Sunday, 12am to 11.59pm |
Pre-Trip and Mid-trip Customer Complaints Number | 0203 684 2910 | Monday to Sunday, 12am to 11.59pm |
Press Office Team | 0203 657 9773 | Monday to Sunday, 12am to 11.59pm |
Expedia UK Customer Service 0203 788 0445
Call the Expedia UK customer service telephone number 0203 788 0445 for any general enquiries that you may have with regard to the products or services that they offer. If you are calling from outside the United Kingdom, the contact phone number to dial is +44 2030 248 211. Alternatively, you can make an enquiry by filling in the email contact form that can be found on the company’s website. All you need to do is to provide your name, email address, itinerary number (optional), and message. You also have the option to attach any file to your email, as long as it is relevant to your question or concern.
Expedia UK New Bookings and Existing Booking Enquiries Number 0330 123 1235
For new booking queries, call the Expedia UK customer service telephone number 0330 123 1235. You can also make an enquiry relating to an existing booking through this contact phone number. Whether you are calling to request a copy of your trip details, make any changes to your existing booking, request cancellation or enquire about a refund, a member of the customer service team will be more than happy to assist you with any queries that you may have at any time of the day, 7 days a week.
Expedia UK Pre-Trip and Mid-Trip Customer Complaints Number 0203 684 2910
Dial the Expedia UK customer service telephone numbe 0203 684 2910 if you are not satisfied with the service that you have received from the company and would like to make a pre-trip complaint. This is also the phone number to call if you have any complaint in the middle of your trip. If you are complaining after your trip, you can only submit your complaint to them by email with the subject line “Post-Trip Complaint”. Expedia UK treats complaints seriously and will respond to your message within 48 hours of receipt. In their response, they will provide you with a case ID number, which you should quote in all subsequent correspondence. Note that post-trip complaints can only be filed via email.
When you are sending an email to Expedia UK customer service team with regard to your post-trip complaint, make sure to include the following information in your email:
- Itinerary number
- Travel date
- Contact information
- Details of your complaint
Expedia UK Hotel Review
If you are looking to submit a review for a particular hotel, visit Write a hotel review. You can write a review for any hotel that you booked on Expedia UK once you have already completed your stay. When you complete your stay, they will send you an email with a link to an online survey. Hotel reviews can also be accessed through your itinerary on Expedia UK. Follow these steps to submit a hotel review:
- Sign in to your Expedia UK account to view your bookings.
- Under History, select the hotel that you would like to review.
- Choose ‘write a review’.
- Type your review in the text box then select Submit.
Note that your hotel review should not contain pricing information such as hotel rates or rates ranges, comments or questions regarding other reviews or the content of the Expedia UK website, direct questions or comments to hotel staff, false statements, unlawful remarks, profanity and other objectionable content. It also should not include any contact numbers, email addresses, physical addresses, or any other information, which can be linked to a specific individual.
Expedia UK will get in touch with you after you submit your review only if you asked a question or raised an issue. The hotel that you reviewed will not contact you directly. Also, Expedia UK does not violate your privacy by giving out information about you and your transactions to their hotel partners. Feel free to call the Expedia UK customer service telephone number anytime for further questions.
Expedia UK Press Office Telephone Number
0203 657 9773
In order to get in touch with a member of the Press Office Team, call the Expedia UK customer service telephone number 0203 657 9773. This is the dedicated phone number to call for any media enquiries that you may have. Aside from giving them a call, you can also reach the Expedia UK Press Office Team by sending them an email at [email protected]. You can also visit their newsroom to get the latest news, images and videos.
How to Find the Expedia UK Contact Us Page
Travelers and customers who are looking for the Expedia UK customer service telephone number can find it on their official website at https://www.expedia.co.uk/#search. On the top right corner of the web page, click on the Support link, and then select Customer Support. It will then take you to the web page where you will need to simply click on the Contact Us button on the right side to get the Expedia UK contact number helpline for your enquiries.
Expedia UK Jobs
Expedia UK is always in need of hard-working, fun-loving and motivated people to join and become part of their multi-cultural, multi-lingual and multi-dimensional team. If you are looking to work for them, you can visit the Expedia UK careers page to find out more about the company’s current job vacancies.
Contact Expedia UK Through Social Media
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/ExpediaUK
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Expedia.co.uk/
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Expediauk
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/expediauk/
- Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/+expediauk
- Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/expediauk/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/expedia