HelloFresh Phone Numbers

  • Company Name: HelloFresh
  • Contact Number: 0207 138 9055
  • HQ Address: HelloFresh UK The Fresh Farm 60 Worship St London EC2A 2EZ
  • Opening Hours: 9am to 5pm every day
  • Website: www.hellofresh.co.uk
HelloFresh Department Phone Number
HelloFresh Customer Service 0207 138 9055
*Local rate number*

HelloFresh Customer Service 0207 138 9055

customer care number

The HelloFresh customer service phone number is 0207 138 9055 – this is a local rate 02 number.

This number should be utilised for the following reasons:

  • Submit suggestions or ideas that you might have to improve their services
  • Lodge a complaint
  • Trouble with HelloFresh UK login

The best time to get in touch with them is between 9 a.m. and 10 p.m. Sunday to Friday, and 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Saturday.

Nevertheless, before you make any move to contact them, you might want to visit their FAQ page first. Perhaps you will not even have to reach out to them to get the answers you need.

HelloFresh Head Office Address

HelloFresh UK
The Fresh Farm
60 Worship St
London EC2A 2EZ

Now, if you are interested, you can always contact the HelloFresh head office for more information regarding the investment opportunities with the company. You should be able to reach Milana Shapira, who is in charge of investor relations within the company. To contact her, please send her an email: [email protected].

How to Cancel HelloFresh

If you wish to cancel your HelloFresh, you can contact HelloFresh on: 0207 138 9055.

Cancel HelloFresh online:

The first thing you need to do is log into your online HelloFresh account. After you have logged in, you have to follow the steps below:

  • Click on the ‘Settings’ tab on your account page
  • Click on the subscription that you would like to cancel
  • Select the option for ‘Deactivate my subscription’ – you should be able to find it at the bottom right corner of the webpage
  • Then you just have to follow the steps to cancel
  • After cancellation, you will be able to see a confirmation email to notify you of your recent cancellation
  • For reference purposes, you ought to retain the email should anything happen in the future

Contact HelloFresh via Social Media

Calling, emailing, and sending letters are not the only ways to reach out to HelloFresh. Sure, they may be efficient, but the Hello Fresh social network outlets can be efficient too. Hence, you can also choose to contact them through their social network outlets. When you follow them on social media, you are privileged to regular updates about the company, such as the latest deals and promotions they are organising.

How to Find the HelloFresh Contact?

HelloFresh contact number

One of the easiest ways to look for the HelloFresh customer care department number is by exploring the HelloFresh Contact Us page, which is visible once you scroll down to the bottom of the HelloFresh home page.

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