NatWest Phone Numbers

  • Company Name: NatWest
  • Contact Number: 0345 788 8444
  • HQ Address: 135 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M, 3UR
  • Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday, 12am to 11.59pm
  • Website:

Direct NetWest Contact Number:
0345 788 8444

Here are more NatWest bank numbers, departments and customer service hours

Department Contact Number Opening Hours
Personal Current Accounts (England & Wales) Customer Service 0345 788 8444 Monday to Sunday, 12am to 11.59pm
Personal Current Accounts (Scotland) 0345 900 0200 Monday to Sunday, 12am to 11.59pm
Classic Credit Card Accounts 0370 333 9091 Monday to Sunday, 12am to 11.59pm
Gold Credit Card Accounts 0370 333 1993 Monday to Sunday, 12am to 11.59pm
Private Banking and Platinum Credit Card Accounts 0370 909 3715 Monday to Sunday, 12am to 11.59pm
Private Accounts (with Banking Manager) 0333 202 3330 Monday to Sunday, 12am to 11.59pm
Private Accounts (without Banking Manager) 0345 788 8444 Monday to Sunday, 12am to 11.59pm
Business Telephone Banking 0345 711 4477 Monday to Sunday, 12am to 11.59pm
General Mortgage Queries 0345 302 0190 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm, Saturday, 9am to 4pm
Existing Mortgage Queries 0800 092 9585 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm, Saturday, 9am to 4pm
Personal Loan Enquiries 0800 200 400 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm, Saturday, 9am to 3pm
Existing Loan Queries 0345 366 5502 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm, Saturday, 9am to 4pm
Silver Account Benefits 0345 601 5219 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm, Saturday, 9am to 5pm
Platinum Account Benefits 0345 609 0453 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm, Saturday, 9am to 5pm
Black Account Benefits 0345 601 7188 Monday to Sunday, 8am to 10pm
Bereavement Service Queries 0800 161 5903 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm, Saturday, 9am to 1pm
Debt Management Team 0800 001 5407 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, Saturday, 9am to 2pm
Automated Message Enquiries 0800 011 3312 Monday to Sunday, 12am to 11.59pm
Lost or Stolen Card or Chequebooks 0370 600 0459 Monday to Sunday, 12am to 11.59pm
Personal Current Account Fraud Report 0800 161 5149 Monday to Friday, 8am to 10pm, Saturday, 8am to 6pm, Sunday, 9am to 5pm
Business Current Account Fraud Report 0345 300 3986 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm, Saturday, 8am to 6pm, Sunday, 9am to 5pm
Personal Credit Card Account Fraud Report 0800 161 5153 Monday to Sunday, 12am to 11.59pm
Business Credit Card Account Fraud Report 0345 300 4350 Monday to Sunday, 12am to 11.59pm

How to Find NatWest Customer Service Phone Numbers – Guide –

In order to find the NatWest customer service numbers, go to their website at Scroll down to the bottom of the web page, then click on the Support Centre link, and it will take you to the page where you have to click on the Contact Us option to get the NatWest customer help number that you are looking for.

taken from:

NatWest Personal Current Accounts (England & Wales) Contact Number Helpline 0345 788 8444

Call NatWest customer service number 0345 788 8444 if you have general queries about NatWest products or services. This is also the phone number to dial for customers with personal  current accounts in England and Wales. If you are calling from outside the UK, the NatWest customer helpline is +44 3457 888 444. For textphone users, dial the Minicom service on 0800 404 6161 free number.

NatWest Personal Current Accounts (Scotland) Contact Phone Number 0345 900 0200

Contact NatWest customer help number 0345 900 0200 for general enquiries about the company’s products and services. This is also the phone number to call for clients with personal  current accounts in Scotland. If you are calling from abroad, dial +44 1183 732 069. If you are using a textphone and would like to access the Minicom service, the NatWest telephone number to contact is 0800 092 9098 free number.

NatWest Credit Card Accounts Customer Service Number 0370 333 9091

If you have any questions or concerns about your Classic Credit Card account, call NatWest contact phone number 0370 333 9091. For any enquiries with regard to your Gold credit card account, dial 0370 333 1993. For questions pertaining to your Private Banking and Platinum Credit Card account, dial 0370 909 3715.

If enquiring about your Classic, Gold, or Private Banking and Platinum Credit Card account outside the UK, dial NatWest customer service number +44 1268 508 018. To access the Minicom service, the number to contact is 0370 154 1192.

NatWest Private Accounts Contact Number Helpline 0333 202 3330

If you are a private client with a banking manager and you would like to speak to someone, call NatWest contact phone number 0333 202 3330. If you are calling from overseas, dial +44 1619 337 239. If you wish to access the Minicom service, contact 0800 027 1395 free number. If you are a private customer without a banking manager, dial NatWest customer help number 0345 788 8444. Outside the UK, call +44 3457 888 444. For Minicom service, the number to contact is 0800 404 6161 free number.

NatWest Business Telephone Banking Contact Number Helpline 0345 711 4477

If you have a business account and would like to speak to a Business Banking adviser, call NatWest contact number helpline 0345 711 4477. If calling from abroad, dial +44 8705 114 477. If you are using a textphone, the number to dial is 0845 705 6016 *Up to 9p/minute and access charge*. NatWest offers business accounts with no set up fees or early repayment fees.

NatWest General Mortgage Queries Contact Phone Number 0345 302 0190

Call NatWest contact phone number 0345 302 0190 if you have general enquiries about mortgage. To access the Minicom service, contact 0800 917 0526 free number. If you have any enquiry regarding your existing mortgage, contact 0800 092 9585 free number. If you are calling from outside the UK, call +44 1216 290 739. If you would like to use the Minicom service, dial 0800 917 0789 free number.

NatWest Personal Loan Enquiries Customer Service Number 0800 200 400 Free Number

For general enquiries about NatWest personal loans, dial NatWest telephone number 0800 200 400 free number. To use the Minicom service, the number to call is 0800 917 0526 free number. If you would like to make an enquiry about your existing loan, call 0345 366 5502. If you are using the Minicom service, dial 0800 404 6161 free number.

NatWest Silver Account Benefits Contact Phone Number 0345 601 5219

Call NatWest contact number helpline 0345 601 5219 if you wish to manage your Silver Account benefits over the phone. If you are calling from abroad, dial +44 2392 664 912. If you would like to manage your Platinum Account benefits, ask assistance from customer service team by calling them on NatWest telephone number 0345 609 0453. From outside the UK, dial +44 2392 668 650.

Dial 0345 601 7188 in order to manage your Black Account benefits over the phone. If you are calling from overseas, the number to call is +44 2392 660 340.  If you want to manage your Silver, Platinum, or Black Account benefits using the Minicom service, call 0345 600 0512.

NatWest Bereavement Service Queries Contact Phone Number 0800 161 5903 Free Number

Call NatWest customer service number 0800 161 5903 free number if you need help in coping with bereavement.  If you need to use the Minicom service, dial 0345 366 6104. One of the representatives will speak with you about the process, answer any questions that you may have, and will arrange an appointment at a branch that is most convenient for you.

NatWest Debt Management Team Customer Service Number 0800 001 5407 Free Number

Contact NatWest customer help number 0800 001 5407 free number to ask for assistance if you are experiencing financial hardship. When you call them, they will take time to listen and understand your situation. They will discuss to you your income including any benefits you receive, as well as your expenditure including all your bills and outgoings. After that, they will talk to you regarding the options they have available to assist you. To have the most effective experience, make sure to have the following information to hand when you give them a call:

  • Your monthly income comprising any benefit, overtime, bonuses
  • Your household spending each month
  • The amount that you owe
  • The number of organizations that you owe money to

NatWest Automated Message Enquiries Customer Service Number 0800 011 3312 Free Number

Call NatWest telephone number 0800 011 3312 free number if you have received an automated message from NatWest. You may get a call or voicemail from them regarding your bank account or debit card, in order to protect you against fraud. If you are outside the UK, dial +44 1313 397 609.

NatWest Lost or Stolen Card or Chequebooks Customer Help Number 0370 600 0459

If your card or chequebook has been lost or stolen, report it by calling NatWest contact phone number 0370 600 0459. From outside the UK, dial +44 1268 500 813. To use the Minicom service, call 0800 917 0526 free number.

NatWest Personal Current Account Fraud Report Contact Phone Number 0800 161 5149 Free Number

Dial NatWest customer help number 0800 161 5149 free number to report if you have noticed any suspicious activities or transactions on your Personal Current account. Outside the UK, call +44 1252 308 047. If calling outside their opening hours, the number to dial is 0370 600 0459. For Business Current accounts, call 0345 300 3986. If you need to report fraud on your Personal credit card, dial 0800 161 5153. For Business credit cards, call 0345 300 4350. If you are calling from abroad, call +44 1268 508 020.

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