British Gas Phone Numbers

  • Company Name: British Gas
  • Contact Number: 0800 111 999
  • HQ Address: Millstream Maidenhead Road Windsor Berkshire SL4 5GD
  • Opening Hours: 24 hours
  • Website:

British Gas Free Contact Number is:
0800 111 999

Direct and Important British Gas Phone Numbers:

Department Contact Number Opening Hours
Gas Emergency Service Free 0800 111 999 Open 24 hours
Electrical Appliance Emergency Free 0800 048 1000 Open 24 hours
Finding PayPoint Outlet 045 760 0633 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm Saturday, 8am to 6pm
Account Enquiries Textphone 18001 0800 072 8626 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm Saturday, 8am to 6pm
Account Enquiries for Calls from Abroad +44 113 298 0900 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm Saturday, 8am to 6pm
Account Enquiries Probate 0800 294 3125 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm Saturday, 8am to 6pm
Pay As You Go Enquiries 0800 048 0303 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm Saturday, 8am to 6pm
Pay As You Go Home Energy Top Up 0800 107 0188 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm Saturday, 8am to 6pm
British Gas Sales 0800 980 6005 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm Saturday, 8am to 6pm
Website Technical Support 0800 048 0505 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm Saturday, 8am to 6pm
Breakdown Appointment Online Enquiries 0800 072 7511 Open 24 hours
HomeCare Annual Service Visits 0800 294 9678 Open 24 hours
HomeCare One-off Repairs 0800 000 999 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm Saturday, 8am to 6pm
HomeCare New/Replacement Boilers 0800 009 4450 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm Saturday, 8am to 6pm
Gas Supply Installations 0800 072 5280 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm Saturday, 8am to 6pm
Gas or Electricity Theft 0800 587 2737 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm Saturday, 8am to 6pm
Energy Saving Advice 0800 072 8629 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm Saturday, 8am to 6pm
Number for Welsch Language 0800 072 8630 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm Saturday, 8am to 6pm
Information on HomeCare Cover 0800 197 4228 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm Saturday, 8am to 6pm
Smart Meter Eligibility 0800 691 1707 Monday to Thursday, 8am to 6pmFriday, 8am to 5pm
Warm Home Discount for Pay As You Go Customers 0800 294 8604 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm Saturday, 8am to 5pm
New Boiler Installation 0800 009 4450 Monday to Friday, 7:30am to 8pm Saturdays, 8am to 6pm,Sundays, 8:30am to 5pm
New Boiler Landlord Team 0800 084 6726 Monday to Friday, 7:30am to 8pm Saturdays, 8am to 6pm,Sundays, 8:30am to 5pm
Heating Upgrade 0800 787 0386 Monday to Sunday, 8am to 6pm
One-Off Boiler Repair 0800 787 0756 Open 24 hours
Boiler Repair and Ongoing Cover 0800 690 6542 Open 24 hours
One-Off Kitchen Appliance Repair 0800 691 1516 Open 24 hours
Kitchen Appliance Repair and Ongoing Cover 0800 280 8125 Open 24 hours
One-Off Plumbing and Drains Repair 0800 084 1501 Open 24 hours
Landlords Cover and Repair 0808 159 3485 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm Saturday, 8am to 6pm
In-Depth Energy Saving Advice 0800 294 0237 (no schedule specified)
Customers with Special Needs 0800 072 8625 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm Saturday, 8am to 6pm
Textphone for Customers with Special Needs 18001 0800 072 8625 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm Saturday, 8am to 6pm
Gas and Electricity Complaints 0800 072 8632 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm Saturday, 8am to 6pm
Pay As You Go Complaints 0800 072 8633 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm Saturday, 8am to 6pm
Boiler Installation Complaints 0800 294 4460 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm Saturday, 8am to 6pm
Green Deal Complaints 0800 316 8219 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm Saturday, 8am to 6pm

Guide in Finding British Gas Numbers

britishgas contact us page

To know all the important British Gas numbers, visit their website at On the upper right side of the home page, you will see the “Contact Us” menu. When you click it, you will be directed to their British Gas phone numbers page where most frequency used numbers are listed. Look at the left side for the category menu, and choose the one you are looking for. Numbers are also included on the services page, so it would be easy for you to see what you need.

British Gas Emergency Service 0800 111 999

Contact British Gas number 0800 111 999 (free number) if you detect gas leak. Call immediately if you are worried that fumes with carbon monoxide are coming out of your gas appliance. While waiting for their response, the company recommends necessary actions for your safety. These include opening all doors and windows for proper ventilation, extinguishing all flames and manually opening electrical security entry locks. Be sure also not to turn electrical switches on or off.

British Gas Number for Electrical Appliance Emergency 0800 048 1000

Call this British Gas helpline for electrical appliance emergency 0800 048 1000 if you smell smoke from your lights, sockets or fuse board. This is also the number to call for central heating and plumbing breakdowns if you are a HomeCare customer. If appliance breakdowns are covered by your HomeCare insurance, you can book online.

You can also book a professional online if you have an online British Gas account. Simply follow this link. If you have not yet registered an online account, you can do so here. In case you do not have HomeCare, British Gas can resolve your problem for a fixed price, no hidden charges.

British Gas Number for Finding PayPoint Outlet 045 760 0633

Use British Gas number 045 760 0633 for finding PayPoint outlet. In case your prepayment meter run out and you need to recharge your card, you will know the nearest PayPoint outlet by calling this number.

British Gas Contact Number for Account Enquiries 0800 048 0202

The British Gas contact number 0800 048 0202 is for general enquiries about your account. You can dial this number in case you didn’t find answer to your query on the Help and Advice page. To make any inquiry faster, it helps if you will call with your customer reference number handy. You may also reach British Gas customer text phone 18001 0800 072 8626. If you are calling from abroad, use +44 113 298 0900, and for probate enquiries, dial 0800 294 3125. To get help on using the website, simply dial the British Gas helpline 0800 048 0505 for website technical support.

British Gas Contact Number for Pay As You Go 0800 048 0303

All general enquiries about Pay As You Go prepayment meter service are handled by British Gas helpline 0800 048 0303 (free number). If you would like to know how this works, simply contact this number. If you are already a Pay As You Go customer and you are moving home, dial British Gas phone number 0800 048 0303. If you are a Home Energy Top Up customer, dial 0800 107 0188 for enquiries and technical problems.  To join British Gas, contact 0800 980 6005 and 0800 294 8604 to apply for Warm Home Discount.

British Gas Helpline for Maintenance and Repair 0800 072 7511

Call British Gas number 0800 072 7511 to book an appointment online when your central heating breaks down. If you are a HomeCare customer, call British Gas telephone number for annual visits 0800 294 9678. For one-off repair of central heating, plumbing and drains, use 0800 000 999 and if you need new or replacement boiler, 0800 009 4450 is the British Gas phone to call.

British Gas Contact Number for Gas Supply Installations 0800 072 5280

Use this British Gas contact number 0800 072 5280 if you would like to have a gas supply installed into your home. It will take about two and a half weeks to switch to the company from another provider. The first step is to get a quote and choose your tariff before applying online. British Gas will be the one to talk to your current supplier and notify you when the switch has happened. Lastly, send your first meter readings. Use this link to get a quote.

British Gas Helpline for Gas or Electricity Theft 0800 587 2737

Get in touch with the company using British Gas helpline 0800 587 2737 for gas or electricity theft. The company knows this is a recurring problem in the UK. It is not just dangerous. It also has an impact on business, so if you have concerns regarding this issue, feel free to call the said number.

British Gas Customer Service for Energy Saving 0800 072 8629

For energy efficiency audit, contact British Gas customer service number 0800 072 8629. You can also use this number to get more information on how you can save energy. This way, you can help save the environment and cut down your energy costs. The company also offers smart meters, which can help you save money by showing how much energy you are using. For more information, call 0800 691 1707. You can ask the operator if you are eligible to get it now. You may also call British Gas phone number 0800 294 0237 to get in-depth advice on ways you can save energy and money.

British Gas Customer Service Number for HomeCare 0800 197 4228

Call British Gas customer service number 0800 197 4228 for more information regarding HomeCare products. HomeCare is the insurance service of the company, and it is available in different packages to suit customers’ needs. You can have your boiler and heating and appliances covered.

British Gas Telephone Number for New Boiler 0800 009 4450

If you need a new boiler, call British Gas telephone number 0800 009 4450. The company installs new boilers that come with 5 years warranty. You can call 0800 138 7617 if you are a landlord.  This is the landlord team to call so you can get a discount on your new boiler. Now if you simply want to upgrade your heating, you can also count on British Gas. Just dial 0800 787 0386.

British Gas Helpline for Boiler Repair 0800 787 0756

Use British Gas helpline 0800 787 0756 for one-off boiler repairs. This means you do not have to be a British Gas customer just to get this service. One of their expert engineers will be the one to inspect, quote and fix your boiler. If you are a HomeCare customer, use British Gas helpline 0800 690 6542 to book your boiler repair.

For one-off kitchen appliance repairs, call 0800 691 1516 but if you need repair and ongoing cover, call 0800 280 8125 to book.  If you need one-off plumbing and drains repair, dial 0800 084 1501. Landlords can use British Gas phone number 0808 159 3485 for HomeCare cover and repair.

British Gas Telephone Number for Customers with Special Needs 0800 072 8625

Customers with special needs can call British Gas telephone number 0800 072 8625. The company offers various ways to support those with extra needs like bills and letters in Braille and audio formats. Welsh speakers can use 0800 072 8630. If you are using a text phone, contact 18001 0800 072 8625.

British Gas Helpline for Complaints 0800 072 8633

To make a complaint on gas and electricity, dial British Gas helpline 0800 072 8633. You can also email Matt Idle, the company’s Managing Director Energy Customer Service at [email protected]. Pay As You Go customers can call 0800 072 8633 for their complaints. If you have complaints about boiler, dial 0800 294 4460 and for Green Deal, use 0800 316 8219.

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