Scottish Widows Phone Numbers

  • Company Name: Scottish Widows
  • Contact Number: 0131 655 6000
  • HQ Address: 69 Morrison Street Edinburgh EH3 8YF
  • Opening Hours: Mondays to Friday 9am - 5.30pm
  • Website:
Scottish Widows Department Contact Number
Customer Service 0131 655 6000
Head Office 0345 767 8910
Scottish Widows Protect 0345 030 6577
Case Management Team 0345 030 6240
Life Cover Claims 0800 056 5590
Critical & Terminal Illness Cover Claims 0800 056 5589
Protection for Life 0800 032 0947
Legacy Protection Plans 0345 909 0909
Retirement Account 0800 096 4364
New Business & Sale Enquiries 0345 030 6575
Enhanced Annuity 0345 835 7539
Enhanced Annuity New Business Enquiries 0345 845 0099
Individual Retirement 0345 769 7567
Transfer in Applications 0345 716 6768, 0345 716 6775, 0345 716 6776
Commission Support Team 0345 758 1638
Existing Business & Increments 0800 029 4315
Clerical Medical 0345 606 2266
Corporate Pensions Team 1 0345 757 3955
Corporate Pensions Team 3 0345 716 6792
Corporate Pensions Team 4 0345 758 1933
Corporate Pensions Team 5 0345 716 6769
Corporate Pensions Team 6 0345 716 6764
CSTDSF 0345 757 3440
CSTEBC 0345 762 6159
Investment Bond 0345 716 6756
Onshore Bonds – Existing Business and Increments 0345 716 6777
Unit Trust Managers 0345 300 2244
Scottish Widows Bank 0345 845 0110
Scottish Widows Bank Commissions and Password Reset 0131 655 8599
Scottish Widows Bank Customer Service and Savings Enquiries 0345 845 0829
Media Enquiries 0750 091 0904
Web Support 0345 769 7888
Senior Manager Intermediary Sales -Chris Molyneux 0780 179 5030
Key Account Manager – Jason Holloway 0791 755 8014
Scottish Widows Business Development Managers
Carol Myles 0783 461 0699
Carolyn Wright 0788 009 6092
Clive Eadon 0784 195 2635
Debbie James 0770 267 5484
Gary Burgess 0131 655 0881
Gavin Holmes 0131 655 0533
Jackie Patton 0784 195 2506
Jonathan Campbell 0131 655 0393
Maria Swanney 0131 655 0370, 0787 203 1964
Paula Watts 0787 960 4609
Phil Quinn 0778 595 0662
Rob James 0781 019 5774
Steven Tait 0131 655 3937, 0780 958 5033
Wendy MacGregor 0780 147 2059

Scottish Widows Customer Service 0131 655 6000

Scottish Widows customer service number is 0131 655 6000. Dial this number for general enquiries and other assistance. Your call on this number transfers to the concerned department. However, you need to contact Scottish Widows between 9 am to 5.30pm from Monday to Friday.


Address to contact Dalkeith Road customer services division is

PO Box 902
15 Dalkeith Road
Edinburgh EH16 5BU

Scottish Widows Head Office 0345 767 8910

Scottish Widows head office number is 0345 767 8910. Take the entrance from Morrison Street to reach the reception. Head office address is

PO Box 17036
69 Morrison Street
Edinburgh EH3 8YF

Visit the head office address page for detailed directions on how to reach the head office by rail, air, and car. This page also has a map for your reference.

Scottish Widows Protect 0345 030 6577

Scottish Widows Protect number is 0345 030 6577. Dial this number for sales related enquiries. It is available from 9 am to 5.30pm on weekdays. Visit the protection page for detailed information about

  • How to work with Scottish Widows
  • Information about agency set up
  • Registration for eServices
  • Quotes
  • Apply online

Send your enquiries by email at [email protected].

Scottish Widows Case Management Team 0345 030 6240

Scottish Widows case management team number is 0345 030 6240. Existing and new businesses need to contact on this number for enquiries and assistance. The number is available on weekdays between 9 am to 5.30pm.

Additionally, send an email to [email protected] to get in touch with a member of the cash management team at Scottish Widows.


Scottish Widows Life Cover Claims Free Number 0800 056 5590

Scottish Widows life cover claims contact free number is 0800 056 5590. This number is available from 9.00am to 5.30pm from Monday to Friday. However, it is not available on UK bank holidays.

Additionally, send an email at [email protected] to report a claim for loss.

Scottish Widows Critical and Terminal Illness Cover Claims Free Number 0800 056 5589

Scottish Widows critical and terminal illness cover claims contact free number is 0800 056 5589. Customers and policyholders need to report a claim for loss for their critical and terminal illness insurance policies.

You can file a claim by sending an email with supporting documents at [email protected].

Scottish Widows Protection for Life Free Number 0800 032 0947

Scottish Widows protection for life free number is 0800 032 0947. Dial this number for assistance or enquiries about protection for life insurance coverage. You can contact Scottish Widows on this number on Monday to Friday between 8.00am to 6.00pm and on Saturdays between 9.00am to 12.30pm.

You can send your postal communication to the Dalkeith Road customer services division. Visit the protection for life page for more information.

Scottish Widows Legacy Protection Plans 0345 909 0909

Scottish Widows legacy protection plans support number is 0345 909 0909. Dial this number for your queries about the legacy protection plans taken out prior to the year 2015. This Scottish Widows department operates on Mondays to Saturdays.

Visit legacy protection plans page for opening hours and Edinburgh customer services division address to reach in person.

Scottish Widows Retirement Account Free Number 0800 096 4364

Scottish Widows retirement account assistance free number is 0800 096 4364. Additionally, you can send an email or postal communication for assistance from retirement account department. Send your email at [email protected]. Similarly, send your postal communication to

Retirement Account
Scottish Widows
PO Box 28090
15 Dalkeith Road
Edinburgh EH16 5UG

Visit the retirement account eServices page for detailed information.


Scottish Widows New Business and Sale Enquiries 0345 030 6575

Scottish Widows new business and sale enquiries number is 0345 030 6575. Send an email at [email protected] to get in touch for assistance about new business and sale enquiries. Visit retirement accounts page for contact information.

Scottish Widows Enhanced Annuity 0345 835 7539

Scottish Widows enhanced annuity contact number is 0345 835 7539. Customers can contact between 9 am to 5 pm on weekdays. However, the call centre is closed on UK bank holidays. Information on how to reach this Scottish Widows department is available on enhanced annuity page.

Additionally, you can reach enhanced annuity department for assistance by sending an email at [email protected].


Scottish Widows Enhanced Annuity New Business Enquiries 0345 845 0099

The Scottish Widows enhanced annuity new business enquiries number is 0345 845 0099. You can reach a rep between 8 am to 6 pm on weekdays.

Similarly, email address to send a request for assistance is [email protected].

Scottish Widows Individual Retirement 0345 769 7567

Scottish Widows individual retirement number is 0345 769 7567. Dial this number for individual applications and requests for top-up illustration. More information is available on individual retirement eServices page. Additionally, you can write to New Business Processing department on Dalkeith Road customer services division. However, mention PO Box 13955 on your postal mail.

Send an email at [email protected] to forward your queries.


Scottish Widows Transfer in applications 0345 716 6768, 0345 716 6775, 0345 716 6776

The Scottish Widows transfer in applications numbers is 0345 716 6768, 0345 716 6775, and 0345 716 6776. Similarly, send your postal mail to Dalkeith Road customer services division and mark your mail to Central Processing Transfer Unit (CPTU) department.

You can send an email to Central Processing Transfer Unit (CPTU) at [email protected].

Scottish Widows Commission Support Team 0345 758 1638

Scottish Widows commission support team is contactable on 0345 758 1638. Commission support department is also reachable by email at [email protected].

Scottish Widows Existing Business and Increments Free Number 0800 029 4315

Scottish Widows existing business and increments free number is 0800 029 4315. Visit existing business page for more details about customer & portfolio management. Send your postal communication to PO Box 902 on the Dalkeith Road customer services division.

Similarly, you can reach the existing business and increments department by sending an email at [email protected].

Scottish Widows Clerical Medical 0345 606 2266

Scottish Widows clerical medical support number is 0345 606 2266. Contact on this number to enquire about Scottish Widows policies transferred to Clerical Medical.


Scottish Widows Corporate Pensions Team 1 0345 757 3955

Scottish Widows corporate pensions team 1 number is 0345 757 3955. Reach the team at [email protected] for general enquiries about pensions schemes. More information is available on corporate pensions eServices page on the Scottish Widows website. Similarly, you can write corporate pensions team at

Corporate Pensions
Scottish Widows
15 Dalkeith Road
Edinburgh EH16 5BU

Scottish Widows Corporate Pensions Team 3 0345 716 6792

Scottish Widows corporate pensions team 3 is reachable on contact number 0345 716 6792. Send an email at [email protected] to forward your queries about existing schemes to team 3.

Scottish Widows Corporate Pensions Team 4 0345 758 1933

The Scottish Widows corporate pensions team 4 number is 0345 758 1933. The team assists you during existing scheme queries and post processing of the same. However, you need to contact customer service for new enquiries or arrangement of a presentation. Additionally, send your email queries at [email protected].

Scottish Widows Corporate Pensions Team 5 0345 716 6769

Speak with Scottish Widows corporate pensions team 5 on 0345 716 6769. Similarly, you can send an email at [email protected].

Scottish Widows Corporate Pensions Team 6 0345 716 6764

Scottish Widows corporate pensions team 6 is reachable on 0345 716 6764. Call this team or get in touch with your dedicated support team. Additionally, you can contact team 6 at [email protected].

Scottish Widows CSTDSF 0345 757 3440

The Scottish Widows CSTDSF number is 0345 757 3440. You can send an email at [email protected]. CSTDSF assists on specific queries about existing corporate pension schemes.

Scottish Widows CSTEBC 0345 762 6159

The Scottish Widows CSTEBC number is 0345 762 6159. Similarly, you can write an email at [email protected] for assistance about existing corporate pensions schemes queries.

Scottish Widows Investment Bond 0345 716 6756

The Scottish Widows investment bond information number is 0345 716 6756. Dial this number only for policy information. Send an email to [email protected] for new business quotes. Similarly, you can apply online by visiting online illustration/quote page.

Scottish Widows Onshore Bonds – Existing Business and Increments 0345 716 6777

The Scottish Widows onshore bonds number is 0345 716 6777. Get in touch with Scottish Widows for your enquiries about existing business and increments of onshore bonds. Moreover, you can write postal mail to the Edinburgh office. However, mark your communication to PO Box 902.

Scottish Widows Unit Trust Managers 0345 300 2244

Scottish Widows unit trust managers number is 0345 300 2244. Unit Trust Managers available on this number assist for enquiries about existing business and collective investment accounts and ISAs as well. Visit the CIA and ASAs page for contact information.

Scottish Widows Bank 0345 845 0110

Scottish Widows bank contact number is 0345 845 0110. It offers various financial solutions for individuals and organisations. Dial this number for enquiries about new mortgage or product transfer and further borrowing as well. Additionally, you can visit in person or write to the bank at

Scottish Widows Bank plc
PO Box 12757
67 Morrison Street
Edinburgh EH3 8YJ


Scottish Widows Bank Commissions and Password Reset 0131 655 8599

The Scottish Widows bank commissions and password reset number is 0131 655 8599. Additionally, you can contact your dedicated business development manager at the Scottish Widows bank for assistance.

Scottish Widows Bank Customer Services and Savings Enquiries 0345 845 0829

Scottish Widows Bank customer services and savings enquiries number are 0345 845 0829. Similarly, forward your enquiries about the new business at [email protected]. However, you need to direct your enquiries about processing and underwriting at [email protected]. Visit mortgage online services page for more information.

Scottish Widows Media Enquiries 0750 091 0904

Scottish Widows media enquiries number is 0750 091 0904. Kevin Brown is Senior Media Relations Manager at Scottish Widows. You can write to Kevin at [email protected]. Similarly, visit media enquiries page for more information.

Scottish Widows Web Support 0345 769 7888

Scottish Widows web support number is 0345 769 7888. Send an email at [email protected] to forward your queries. Similarly, help and support page has answers to many commonly asked questions. You can dial this web support number for assistance about

  • Registrations
  • Log in
  • Technical problems
  • General queries about the website
  • Literature orders
  • eServices and 3rd party queries

Visit the web support page for more information on the services offered.

Scottish Widows Senior Manager Intermediary Sales – Chris Molyneux 0780 179 5030

Chris Molyneux is a senior manager for intermediary sales at Scottish Widows and you can get in touch with Chris on 0780 179 5030. Visit BDM Contact Map for detailed contact information and area of operations of Scottish Widows business development managers. Similarly, information about services offered is available on mortgage online services page.

Scottish Widows Key Account Manager – Jason Holloway 0791 755 8014

The contact number for Jason Holloway, key account manager at Scottish Widows is 0791 755 8014. He heads the team of business development managers.


Scottish Widows Carol Myles 0783 461 0699

Carol Myles is business development manager at Scottish Widows and Carol’s contact number is 0783 461 0699. Carol looks after BL, CH, CW, L, M, OL, SK, WA, and WN.

Scottish Widows Carolyn Wright 0788 009 6092

Carolyn Wright handles enquiries and business development from BB, BD, DN, ContactFY, HD, HG, HU, HX, LS, PR, S, WF, and YO areas and she is reachable on 0788 009 6092.

Scottish Widows Clive Eadon 0784 195 2635

Clive Eadon is business development manager for E, EN, IG, N, NW, SE, and WC. Get in touch with Clive on 0784 195 2635 for assistance.

Scottish Widows Debbie James 0770 267 5484

Contact Debbie James on 0770 267 5484 for your enquiries from EC, IP, NR, and W. Debbie is business development manager for these areas of the United Kingdom.

Scottish Widows Gary Burgess 0131 655 0881

Get in touch with Gary Burgess on 0131 655 0881. Gary is regional BDM for BN, GU, PO, RG, and RH.

Scottish Widows Gavin Holmes 0131 655 0533

Gavin Holmes is regional BDM for AL, BT, HA, HP, LU, OX, and WD. Get in touch with Gavin on 0131 655 0533.

Scottish Widows Jackie Patton 0784 19The contact

number for Jackie Patton is 0784 195 2506. Jackie handles business enquiries from B, CV, DE, DY, ST, WS, and WV.

Scottish Widows Jonathan Campbell 0131 655 0393

Get in touch with Jonathan Campbell on 0131 655 0393. Jonathan is regional BDM for CM, CO, CT, DA, ME, RM, SS, and TN regions.

Scottish Widows Maria Swanney 0131 655 0370, 0787 203 1964

Maria Swanney is reachable on phone number 0131 655 0370 and mobile number 0787 203 1964. She handles BH, DH, DT, EX, NE, PL, SR, TA, TD, TQ, TR, TS, and ZE.

Scottish Widows Paula Watts 0787 960 4609

The contact number for Paula Watts is 0787 960 4609. She is regional business development manager for regions like CB, LE, LN, MK, NG, NN, PE, and SG.

Scottish Widows Phil Quinn 0778 595 0662

Contact Phil Quinn on 0778 595 0662 for business enquiries. Phil operates in Greater London handling areas like BR, CR, KT, SL, SM, SW, TW, and UB.

Scottish Widows Rob James 0781 019 5774

Rob James handles areas like BA, BS, GL, HR, SN, and WR. He is regional BDM and you can get in touch with Rob on 0781 019 5774 for business enquiries from these areas.

Scottish Widows Steven Tait 0131 655 3937, 0780 958 5033

Steven Tait is reachable on phone number 0131 655 3937 and mobile number 0780 958 5033. Steven is responsible for business development in CA, CF, DG, DL, HS, IV, KA, KW, LA, LD, LL, NP, SA, SO, SP, SY, and TF areas.

Scottish Widows Wendy MacGregor 0780 147 2059

Get in touch with Wendy MacGregor on 0780 147 2059 for business enquiries from areas like AB, DD, EH, FK, G, KY, ML, PA, and PH. Wendy is regional BDM for these locations.

Contact Scottish Widows on Social Media

How to Contact Scottish Widows

Visit the Scottish Widows website. The Contact us link is located on the top right. Click on the link to reach a page with information about

  • How to get in touch
  • Website feedback form
  • Assistance about online services
  • File a complaint
  • Report a claim for loss
  • General enquiries


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